Research on defect inspection method of pipeline robot based on adaptive image enhancement
针对管道检测过程中图像采集光照不均匀、缺陷边缘提取不准确的问题, 提出一种基于自适应图像增强的管道机器人缺陷检测方法。首先设计单尺度Retinex自适应图像增强算法, 利用引导滤波对图像进行照度分量估计, 经自适应Gamma矫正得到光照均衡图像, 实现自适应图像增强;再对传统Canny边缘检测方法进行改进, 采用双边滤波平滑图像, 通过迭代阈值法进行缺陷图像分割, 根据边缘像素相似性进行连接, 实现缺陷轮廓的有效提取。搭建基于自适应图像增强的管道机器人缺陷检测系统, 利用履带式小车搭载云台摄像机, 对管道内壁缺陷进行全方位视觉检测。实验结果表明, 本文的检测方法可自适应矫正图像亮度, 图像亮度不均匀明显改善, 相比次优算法, 图像信息熵提升2.4%, 图像平均梯度提升2.3%, 峰值信噪比提升4.4%, 可有效提取出管道缺陷边缘, 缺陷识别准确率达到97%。
Abstract:In view of the problem about uneven image acquisition and inaccurate edge extraction in pipeline detection process, a pipeline robot defect inspection method based on adaptive image enhancement is proposed. Firstly, a single-scale Retinex adaptive image enhancement algorithm is designed, which uses the guided filter to estimate the illumination component of the Value component of the image, and gets the illumination equilibrium image by adaptive Gamma correction, so as to realize the image enhancement. Then, the traditional Canny edge detection method is improved, using bilateral filtering to smooth the image. Besides, the defect images are segmented by the iterative threshold method, and the edge connection is carried out according to the edge pixel similarity. Therefore, the defect contour of the pipe-wall is extracted effectively. Thirdly, a pipeline robot defect detection system based on adaptive image enhancement is built, and a crawler car equipped with the pan-tilt-zoom camera conducts all-round visual inspection of the defects in the pipeline inner wall. The experimental results show that the detection method in this paper can adaptively correct the image brightness, and the uneven brightness of the image is significantly improved. Compared with the sub-optimal algorithm, the information entropy of the image is increased by 2.4%, the average gradient of the image is increased by 2.3%, and the peak signal to noise ratio is increased by 4.4%, and the pipeline defect edges are extracted effectively with the detection accuracy up to 97%.
Key words:
- pipeline robot /
- adaptive image enhancement /
- Gamma correction /
- defect inspection
Overview: Digital image processing technology is widely used in the regular detection and maintenance of damaged, aged, faulted pipeline, on account of the virtue of high efficiency, accurate identification, non-contact detection, etc. Aiming at the problem of uneven image acquisition and inaccurate edge extraction in closed pipeline detection process, a pipeline robot defect detection system based on adaptive image enhancement is designed with the pan-tilt-zoom camera as the image acquisition module, Raspberry PI as the image processing system and Arduino as the driving control module to carry on the omni-directional visual inspection to the pipeline inner wall.
A single-scale Retinex adaptive image enhancement algorithm based on guided filtering is proposed. According to the single-scale Retinex theory, the low frequency irradiation component and the high frequency reflection component can be effectively separated from the Value component of HSV space (converted form RGB images) by using the guided filter. The local filter is used to reduce the noise of the reflection component which is mostly distributed in the high frequency part, and the irradiation component is corrected by the adaptive Gamma algorithm. Finally, the integrated restoration of the corrected RGB image of pipeline defect is realized, and the adaptive image enhancement is achieved.
In order to solve the problem of edge blur and threshold setting in traditional Canny detection, bilateral filtering is used to smooth the image and maintain the image edge information effectively. The gradient amplitude is calculated in multiple directions for non-maximum suppression, the adaptive optimal threshold is obtained by iterative threshold method, and the threshold segmentation of the image is carried out. Finally, the edge connection is carried out according to the similarity of edge pixels to realize the accurate extraction of pipeline defect edges.
The experimental results show that the detection system can adapt to correct the image brightness, the uneven illumination of the acquired images is improved obviously. Compared with the suboptimal algorithm, the information entropy of the defect image increases by 2.4%, the average gradient increases by 2.3%, the peak signal to noise ratio increases by 4.4%, and the improved Canny detection algorithm can extract the edge of pipeline defects effectively with the detection accuracy up to 97%. In this paper, the defect detection system of pipeline robot based on adaptive image enhancement can be used to detect and identify pipeline defects in closed pipeline under uneven illumination environment with high detection accuracy, compact structure and strong applicability.
图 5 算法处理流程图。(a)原始图像;(b)亮度分量;(c)平滑图像;(d)照射分量;(e)反射分量;(f)照射分量局域滤波;(g)照射分量Gamma矫正;(h)矫正后的亮度图;(i)二次Gamma矫正后的亮度图;(j)图像增强结果
Figure 5. Processing flow chart of the proposed algorithm. (a) Original image; (b) Luminance component; (c) Smooth image; (d) Illumination component; (e) Reflection component; (f) Local filtering of Illumination component; (g) Gamma correction of Illumination component; (h) Corrected luminance component; (i) Luminance component after secondary Gamma correction; (j) Adaptive enhancement result
图 6 不同图像增强算法处理结果对比。(a)原始图像;(b) MSR处理结果图;(c)直方图均衡化处理结果;(d) SVLM处理结果图;(e)局部均方差处理结果;(f)同态滤波处理结果;(g)本文处理结果
Figure 6. Comparison of different image enhancement processing methods. (a) Original image; (b) Enhanced image of MSR; (c) Enhanced image of histogram equalization; (d) Enhanced image of SVLM; (e) Enhanced image of local variance; (f) Enhanced image of homomorphic filtering; (g) Enhanced image of the proposed algorithm
表 1 不同图像增强算法客观指标评价
Table 1. Evaluation of objective index of different image enhancement algorithms
图像 均值 信息熵 平均梯度 标准差 峰值信噪比 原始图像 111.719 7.097 1.78 56.014 —— MSR算法 158.840 7.192 1.849 43.095 23.191 SLVM算法 118.243 6.903 3.243 35.610 39.198 局部均方差算法 116.745 7.707 2.699 56.345 48.642 同态滤波算法 146.626 7.615 2.047 52.984 39.163 直方图均衡化算法 126.792 7.573 3.288 63.677 46.236 本文算法 72.530 7.895 3.365 16.649 50.78 增强幅度/% —— 2.4 2.3 73.9 4.4 表 2 边缘检测效果指标评估
Table 2. Evaluation of edge detection effect index
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