
姚杰, 张一凡, 曹强, 等. 一种基于信息物理集成的光盘自动标识系统[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(3): 180561. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180561
引用本文: 姚杰, 张一凡, 曹强, 等. 一种基于信息物理集成的光盘自动标识系统[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(3): 180561. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180561
Yao Jie, Zhang Yifan, Cao Qiang, et al. An integrated cyber-physical system for automatic identification of massive discs[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(3): 180561. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180561
Citation: Yao Jie, Zhang Yifan, Cao Qiang, et al. An integrated cyber-physical system for automatic identification of massive discs[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(3): 180561. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180561


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 曹强(1975-),男,博士,教授,主要从事大规模存储系统,存储系统设计与优化,计算机性能评价的研究。E-mai: caoqiang@hust.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TB872

An integrated cyber-physical system for automatic identification of massive discs

  • Fund Project: Supported by Creative Research Group Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (61821003), Key Project of NSFC (61432007), and Surface Project of NSFC (61872156)
More Information
  • 光盘能够进行可靠、低成本地离线长期数据存储,当对保存的海量数据进行查询时,需要能够快速逻辑定位到查询结果,并且能够确定所属光盘的物理位置,进行数据读取。这要求光盘在信息及物理世界中拥有唯一的标识,从而方便、可信地统一管理海量数据。本文设计一种批量光盘自动标识系统,它集成普通商用的刻录机、打印机和摄像头,实现批量光盘的自动化物理标签打印和逻辑标识刻录。考虑到每个部件都具有内部独立的时序控制、特定的存取接口。本研究设计并开发了定制化机械结构,以及全局软件调度机制,统一协调物理和逻辑控制。实验结果表明,单套系统能够一次连续地标识200张光盘,平均每张2 min。

  • Overview: The growing volumes and potential values of Big Data demand the long-term preservation of such data at extremely low cost. Optical discs are archival storage media with long lifetime and high environmental tolerance but very low $/GB cost. Furthermore, discs can store data safely and almost perpetually in an offline manner. Discs used in frequently can be simply placed offline on the common bookshelves without deploying expensive servers and power utility, and environment controlling equipments, costly provisions, which are mandatory for hard disks and tapes. Therefore, discs are very suitable for massive cold-data preservation in long-term.

    Only when accessed, discs need to be loaded into optical drives to be accessed online. However, the premise of enabling an effective physical switch of discs between the online optical drives and offline locations (e.g., bookshelves) heavily depends on an automatic disc identification mechanism to accurately and efficiently locate a requested disc. As a consequence, each disc should be given a uniform and unique identifier (ID) in both cyber and physical worlds. The physical ID can be recognized by machines or human beings. The logical (cyber) ID is a traceable metadata set containing identifying information, such as a complete certifications chain. The logical ID is accessed by optical drives, hereafter referred to as burners. The automatic disc identification system needs to print physical identification on discs by printer and further to burn the logical certification and identifies certification in discs by burner. In tradition, both the burner and printer are two completely independent devices. It is needed to fetch optical discs between the printer and burner mechanically and precisely. Therefore, we are also strongly motivated to design and implement a mechanical-electrical synthesis iCPS built upon off-the-shelf printer, burner, and camera.

    This paper designed a batch-disc automatic identification system, which integrates common optical disc burners, printers, and cameras, automatically to print physical label and to burn logical identification on each disc. Consider that each commodity component has its own internal independent timing control and a specific external interface. Future domain-specific iCPS can also benefit from our proposed infrastructure and relevant approach to quickly realize the targeted function at low cost and high reliability. This study designed and developed a customized mechanical structure, as well as a global software scheduling mechanism to coordinate physical behavior and logical control.

    We experimentally evaluate the performance and effectiveness of ADIS in a quasi-production environment. ADIS continuously and automatically identifying a stack of 200 discs at an average time of 2 minutes per disc. The overall utilization of mechanics is almost 63%. The total cost of ADIS, including the host, printer, and burner, is less than 400$. ADIS can easily scale out for high concurrent scenarios or large-scale applications.

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  • 图 1  ADIS的整体结构和关键部件

    Figure 1.  Overview of automatic disc identifying system (ADIS), which is a complex incorporating mechanical and electrical components under a special software workflow

    图 2  取盘阶段的操作分解

    Figure 2.  Steps and operations within the fetching stage

    图 3  ADIS系统实物图

    Figure 3.  A view of the fully-implemented ADIS system

    图 4  200张光盘标识执行时间

    Figure 4.  Execution time of identifying and labeling 200 discs

    表 1  机械命令和相关子操作(计数(O.C),平均,最大和最小延迟)

    Table 1.  Mechanical command and the relevant suboperations (count(O.C), Avg., Max., and Min. latency)

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收稿日期:  2018-10-31
修回日期:  2018-12-25
刊出日期:  2019-03-01


