
苏文静, 胡巧, 赵苗, 等. 光存储技术发展现状及展望[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(3): 180560. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180560
引用本文: 苏文静, 胡巧, 赵苗, 等. 光存储技术发展现状及展望[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(3): 180560. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180560
Su Wenjing, Hu Qiao, Zhao Miao, et al. Development status and prospect of optical storage technology[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(3): 180560. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180560
Citation: Su Wenjing, Hu Qiao, Zhao Miao, et al. Development status and prospect of optical storage technology[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(3): 180560. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180560


  • 基金项目:
    上海市科学技术委员会科研计划项目(16DZ1100302, 16511101600, 17DZ2201600)
    *通讯作者: 郭新军(1974-),男,博士,高级工程师,主要从事大数据光存储的研究。E-mail:42328327@qq.com
  • 中图分类号: TP333;TN29

Development status and prospect of optical storage technology

  • Fund Project: Supported by Scientific Research Program of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Fund (16DZ1100302, 16511101600, 17DZ2201600)
More Information
  • 随着互联网、物联网、云计算以及人工智能的快速发展,人类社会已经进入大数据时代。面对如此多的数据,如何安全可靠、绿色节能、长寿命、低成本地进行存储已经成为一个重要问题,传统的光存储技术已经无法满足现实要求,需要对其加以改造升级,甚至研发新一代存储技术。到目前为止,已有多种基于光存储原理的样机研制成功并获得工程应用,光存储技术不断完善,正逐步实用化和商用化。本文首先简单介绍了光存储技术领域发展历程,然后详细列举了其中8种具有产业化前景的光存储技术,对它们的原理及发展现状进行了总结,并对其技术特点和作为大数据存储介质的前景进行了讨论;最后对光存储技术未来发展趋势进行了展望,以期为大数据时代光存储技术的发展提供技术参考。

  • Overview: With the rapid development of internet, internet of things, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, human society has entered the era of Big Data. In the face of so much data, how to store it safely, reliably, green and energy-saving, long life and low cost has become an important issue. Traditional optical storage technology has been unable to meet the practical requirements, and it needs to be transformed and upgraded, or even to develop a new generation of storage technology. At present, the storage density of optical storage technology is mainly limited by the size of recording points in the two-dimensional plane. How to break through the shortcomings of the existing storage technology and meet the demand of mass data storage in today's data era has become the current problem. For this reason, the new optical storage technology has become a research hot spot. So far, a variety of prototypes based on optical storage principle have been researched and developed in engineering. Optical storage technology has been continuously improved and is gradually being applied and commercialized. This paper firstly introduces the development history of optical storage technology, and then lists 8 kinds of optical storage technology with industrialization prospect in detail. They are blue light optical storage technology, multi-wavelength and multi-level optical storage technology, dual-beam super-resolution optical storage technology, near-field optical storage technology, holographic storage technology, glass storage technology, fluorescent nanocrystal storage technology and DNA storage technology. Then their principles and development status are introduced and summarized, and their technical characteristics and prospects as Big Data storage media are discussed. Through the introduction and comparison, we hope to find out their development prospects and suitable development direction in the future optical storage industry. Finally, the future development trend of optical storage technology is prospected and a conclusion is drawn. In the future, the research on optical storage technology will mainly focus on two major directions: the engineering of new storage methods and the development of storage medium materials with better performance. At present, the most promising engineering is double beam super-resolution technology and glass storage technology. All kinds of storage technologies aim to improve storage capacity, density, reliability and data transmission rate. Therefore, in the next five to ten years, the development trend of optical storage technology still aims at cloud storage products with super-large capacity, ultra-high efficiency, low cost and wide compatibility. This paper is expected to provide technical reference for the development of optical storage technology in the era of Big Data.

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  • 图 1  多阶多波长存储原理图

    Figure 1.  Multi-level and multi-wavelength storage schematic diagram

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