
王海峰, 胡奇琪, 段佳著, 等. 小型机载偏振成像系统研制及应用研究[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1075-1082. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.006
引用本文: 王海峰, 胡奇琪, 段佳著, 等. 小型机载偏振成像系统研制及应用研究[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1075-1082. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.006
Haifeng Wang, Qiqi Hu, Jiazhu Duan, et al. Development and applications of small airborne polarization imaging system[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1075-1082. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.006
Citation: Haifeng Wang, Qiqi Hu, Jiazhu Duan, et al. Development and applications of small airborne polarization imaging system[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1075-1082. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.006



Development and applications of small airborne polarization imaging system

More Information
  • 机载偏振成像是未来遥感探测领域的重要研究方向之一。首先基于液晶双折射率效应完成了高精度液晶偏振控制器研制,并对其偏振调制精度进行标定;然后利用液晶偏振控制器搭建了高精度小型机载偏振成像系统,并基于小型固定翼无人机完成了系统的搭载飞行测试和目标识别探测试验。试验结果表明,液晶偏振控制器的Stokes偏振参数调制精度优于98%,利用液晶偏振控制器搭建的小型机载偏振成像系统可有效抑制背景干扰,提高低对比度目标的轮廓提取能力和目标识别能力。研究成果为偏振成像技术在目标侦察、环境监测、农作物普查等方面的应用提供了一种有效的技术途径。

  • Abstract: Polarization is the important feature of reflected light from object (including wavelength, amplitude, phase, and polarization). According to the Fresnel reflection law, polarized characteristic will occur within the reflecting effect or radiating effect, which is the foundation for polarization remote sensing. Especially, man-made objects typically produce relatively strong polarization reflection signatures compared to natural materials. Theses signatures can be exploited for target or image contrast enhancement. Airborne imaging polarimeter is one of the important research techniques in the remote sensing fields which could be used to further describe the surface roughness, texture direction and surface orientation of the interesting object, especially for the recognition of object contour and surface roughness.

    The high-precision polarization controller based on the birefringence effect of liquid crystal with the customizable working band between 420 nm~1000 nm and the measuring error less than 2% was developed and calibrated. Then a miniaturized airborne polarization imaging system (integrating liquid crystal polarization controller, optical detector, imaging memorizer, and electrical system) has been built and calibrated. Finally, the polarization imaging system was fixed on small unmanned aerial vehicles to check out its technical index and enhanced detectivity of low contrast target, man-made target and so on.

    Three results could be found from our experiment. 1) The polarized modulator based on liquid crystal variable retarder could be used to control polarized status and realize the full Stokes parameters inversion calculation of reflected light, which has many technical features such as small size, light weight, big transmission aperture and high detection accuracy. 2) The airborne polarization imaging system based on the liquid-crystal polarized modulator has been achieved with the boundary size less than 150 mm×100 mm×100 mm (not including the imaging lens) and the weight as 2.5 kg. The airborne polarization imaging system was proved to be suitable to environmental requirements of most small unmanned aerial vehicle, and could be used to obtain the polarized information with the two working methods such as storing online and real-time processing. 3) The small airborne polarization imaging system could be used to effectively suppress the background interference and improve the contour extraction ability and target recognition ability of the low contrast targets. Our finding provides an effective technical approach for expanding the polarized imaging applications in target surveillance, environmental monitoring and crop investigating.

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  • 图 1  液晶偏振调制器工作示意图.

    Figure 1.  The working scheme of liquid crystal polarized modulator.

    图 2  液晶偏振调制器实物图.

    Figure 2.  The practicality structure of liquid crystal polarized modulator.

    图 3  液晶相位调制器偏振参数调制精度检测光路图.

    Figure 3.  The optical path of modulated precision measurement of liquid crystal polarized modulator.

    图 4  小型机载偏振成像系统结构框图.

    Figure 4.  The physical design of small airborne imaging polarimeter.

    图 5  小型机载偏振成像系统实物图及技术指标.

    Figure 5.  The practicality structure and technical index of small airborne imaging polarimeter.

    图 6  532 nm机载偏振成像实验(300 m航高). (a) I(0, 0). (b) I(0, 90). (c) I(90, 90). (d) I(0, 180). (e) S0图像. (f) S1图像. (g) S2图像. (h) S3图像. (i) P图像. (j) C图像. (k) P+S0图像.

    Figure 6.  The airborne polarized imaging at 532 nm (300 m altitude). (a) I(0, 0). (b) I(0, 90). (c) I(90, 90). (d) I(0, 180). (e) S0. (f) S1. (g) S2. (h) S3. (i) P. (j) C. (k) P+S0.

    图 7  人造目标偏振遥感成像实验(300 m航高). (a) S0图像. (b) P图像.

    Figure 7.  The polarized detection of man-made objects (300 m altitude). (a) S0. (b) P.

    图 8  低对比度目标偏振遥感成像实验(2000 m航高). (a) S0图像. (b) P图像.

    Figure 8.  The polarized detection of low-contrast objects (2000 m altitude). (a) S0. (b) P.

    表 1  液晶偏振控制器偏振参数调制精度实测结果.

    Table 1.  The measurement results of modulated precision of liquid crystal polarized modulator.

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