
张强, 赵江海, 袁雅薇, 等. 激光视觉融合下的运动检测与失配矫正[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1107-1115. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.011
引用本文: 张强, 赵江海, 袁雅薇, 等. 激光视觉融合下的运动检测与失配矫正[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1107-1115. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.011
Qiang Zhang, Jianghai Zhao, Yawei Yuan, et al. Motion detection and mismatching correction by fusing laser and vision[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1107-1115. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.011
Citation: Qiang Zhang, Jianghai Zhao, Yawei Yuan, et al. Motion detection and mismatching correction by fusing laser and vision[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1107-1115. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.011


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Motion detection and mismatching correction by fusing laser and vision

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  • 针对单一传感器在动态场景感知问题上的局限性,设计了一种融合激光与视觉的实现系统,并对运动检测中的背景显露区误判问题和融合中不同传感器间点云的失配问题分别提出了改进算法。在运动检测上,首先基于视觉的背景差分算法对激光进行前景点分拣,再以激光前景点为启发信息进行视觉前景聚类。在融合失配问题上,首先基于栅格失配度分别对激光和视觉点云进行聚类分割,再以激光为基准,逐一将对应的视觉点云与之配准,滤除噪声后所得到的矫正点云可用于场景重建进行进一步验证。实验结果表明,改进算法所获得的融合前景对"影子"有更好的鲁棒性;较之整体配准的矫正,改进算法在平均失配度上降低了约75%,在yz方向上的偏移比收敛了至少5%。

  • Abstract: As a core technique in the video surveillance and 3D map building fields, the moving object detection and scene reconstruction are the foundations of the real-time navigation, obstacle avoidance and path planning. In the meantime, as two important sub-problems of environment perception task, they are not only closely connected with the development of many fields, such as robot, unmanned aircraft, unmanned vehicles and body feeling game, but also are the part of the lives of human intelligence. The current research is mainly based on single laser sensor or single vision sensor. It is difficult to meet the requirements of real-time multi task scenario due to the limitation of the visual field, the amount of data, the richness of the data, the real-time and the anti-jamming. Based on the mutual supplement and constraint of the laser information and the visual information, an implementation system for fusing laser and vision was designed. In addition, two improved algorithms were proposed to solve the problems of the error foreground detection in the motion detection and the mismatching between the point clouds of different sensors.

    As for motion detection, aiming at the error detection for uncovered background area, a novel fusion motion detection algorithm based on foreground clustering was proposed. This algorithm of laser information motion detection was operated by relating fusing visual system. The 2D foreground and background of visual system were firstly detected based on visual background subtraction algorithm. Then the laser points mapped the visual 2D image by the joint calibration matrix. And then the visual foreground clustered regarding laser foreground points as the heuristic information. In order to solve the problem of the noise in the fusion and the mismatch of the point cloud directly, which was caused by the direct registration based on the external calibration relationship between the sensors, related optimization strategies were proposed before the scene reconstruction. ICP algorithm, a novel mismatching correction algorithm was proposed. The laser and vision point cloud were segmented into clusters based on the cell mismatching degree firstly. Then the corresponding stereo point cloud was registered referring to laser clusters. The corrected point cloud could be used for further verification by reconstructing the scene after filtering.

    The advantages of visual texture features and real-time combined the accuracy and robustness of laser, and a fusion system used for dynamic scene awareness was designed. In this multi-sensor fusion system, the laser and visual information could check and complement each other. The experimental results showed that the fusion foreground obtained finally had a better robustness to shadow. Compared with the whole registration correction, the average mismatching degree reduced by 75%, and the positive ratio in the direction of y and z converged at least 5%.

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  • 图 1  融合感知系统整体设计框架.

    Figure 1.  The overall design framework of fusion perception system.

    图 2  基于图像邻域的DFS聚类过程.

    Figure 2.  DFS clustering process based on the image neighborhood.

    图 3  失配矫正算法示意图.

    Figure 3.  The flow diagram of mismatching correction algorithm.

    图 4  实验平台. (a)实物图. (b)模型图.

    Figure 4.  Experimental platform. (a) Multisense-SL. (b) Multisense-SL model.

    图 5  移动的笔记本. (a)第k帧彩色图片. (b)第k+10帧彩色图片. (c)对比算法下的2D前景. (d)本文算法下的2D前景. (e)对比算法下的3D前景. (f)本文算法下的3D前景.

    Figure 5.  The moving notebook. (a) The k-th frame colour picture. (b) The k+10-th frame colour picture. (c) 2D foreground of alignment algorithm. (d) 2D foreground of text algorithm. (e) 3D foreground of alignment algorithm. (f) 3D foreground of text algorithm.

    图 6  放花盆的人. (a)第k帧彩色图片. (b)第k+10帧彩色图片. (c)对比算法下的2D前景. (d)本文算法下的2D前景. (e)对比算法下的3D前景. (f)本文算法下的3D前景.

    Figure 6.  A person who putting down a flower pot. (a) The k-th frame colour picture. (b) The k+10-th frame colour picture. (c) 2D foreground of alignment algorithm. (d) 2D foreground of text algorithm. (e) 3D foreground of alignment algorithm. (f) 3D foreground of text algorithm.

    图 7  融合运动目标检测算法时耗与 NumAcc 值间关系.

    Figure 7.  Relationship between the value of NumAcc and time cost of motion detection algorithm.

    图 8  融合重建的输入. (a) 视觉彩色图像. (b) 视觉点云. (c) 激光点云.

    Figure 8.  The input of fusion reconstruction. (a) Colour picture from vision. (b) Vision point cloud. (c) Laser vision point cloud.

    图 9  不同算法下点云的失配矫正结果对比. (a) 未矫正点云. (b) 整体矫正点云. (c) 聚类矫正点云. (d) 未矫正点云细节. (e) 整体矫正点云细节. (f) 聚类矫正点云细节.

    Figure 9.  The comparison of the results of point cloud mismatching correction under different algorithms. (a) Point cloud before correction. (b) Point cloud after whole correction. (c) Point cloud after clustering correction. (d) Point cloud details before correction. (e) Point cloud details after whole correction. (f) Point cloud details after clustering correction.

    图 10  各矫正算法的平均失配度对比.

    Figure 10.  Comparison of average mismatching degree for each correction algorithm.

    图 11  各矫正算法的偏移比对比.

    Figure 11.  Comparison of positive ratio for each correction algorithm.

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