
肖青, 傅谦, 张大龙, 等. 一种提高光学干涉系统稳定性的装置[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1089-1093. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.008
引用本文: 肖青, 傅谦, 张大龙, 等. 一种提高光学干涉系统稳定性的装置[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1089-1093. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.008
Qing Xiao, Qian Fu, Dalong Zhang, et al. A method to improve the stability of the optical interference system[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1089-1093. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.008
Citation: Qing Xiao, Qian Fu, Dalong Zhang, et al. A method to improve the stability of the optical interference system[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1089-1093. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.008



A method to improve the stability of the optical interference system

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  • 基于光学干涉的测量方法,通常都有高精度、高灵敏度的特点,信号易受环境干扰而不稳定,使用时须远离振源。若要将光学干涉系统用于在线检测,必须提高其抗干扰性。本文在以前的工作基础上,从干涉光路的实现方式着手,制作了一套一体化的迈克尔逊干涉装置,可用于多层光学平片的厚度检测。该装置通过巧妙的设计和高精密加工,使整个光路结构为一整体,避免了测量过程中外界干扰的影响。通过与光纤式迈克尔逊干涉系统做实验对比,验证了该装置在测试过程中有良好的稳定性和抗干扰性。最后采用宽带光源干涉的方法对多层光学平片的厚度进行测量,验证了该装置用于精密在线测量的可行性。

  • Abstract: The measurement system based on optical interference has obvious advantages of high precision and high sensitivity. However, the signal is easy to be disturbed by vibration from environment, so the system needs to stay away from the vibration source. To use the optical interference method for real-time measurement, it has to improve the system's stability. We proposed an integrated Michelson interference device to measure the thicknesses of multiple layers of optical plate, which could improve the stability of the optical interference system in a new way. Optical cement is used to splice the glass modules, which could eliminate the influence of the glue. The material with low thermal expansion coefficient was used in a symmetrical structure, so that the device can make compensation to the environmental temperature variation. And the input and output ports were welded into the packaging box. Through these smart design and high precision processing technique, the light path of the structure was integrated into a whole, so the device won't be disturbed by the environment compared to the other interferometers during measurement. To test the stability of the device, a low coherent interferometry system was introduced, and an interferogram with ~3 kHz speed was acquired. Compared with a fiber based interferometer, it was found that our system had obviously more stable signal. We also used the low coherent interferometry system to demonstrate the method of multiple layers measurement, and the principle was given. The broadband light source is used as the input, the signals reflected from sample and the reference beams were combined and the output interference signal was exported to a synchronous acquisition system. And then the fast Fourier transform algorithm was used to analyze the interference signal. The precision of our low coherent interferometry system was 8.57 μm, and the measurement range was 5 mm in air. Finally, the thicknesses of a glass slide and a stack of two cover glasses were measured to confirm its feasibility to do the real-time measurement. The measured thickness of the glass slide was 2230.8 μm, the two cover glasses were 181.6 μm and 175.1 μm, respectively. The measurement was comparable with the commercial thickness measurement equipment. The results by high precision imaging measuring instrument VMS-1510 were 2225 μm, 178 μm and 173 μm, respectively. And the results from micrometer were 2221 μm, 172 μm and 170 μm, respectively. Furthermore, we could also give the thickness of the air gap between the two cover glasses, which was 19.6 μm. In summary, we believe this device and method will be helpful for the real-time interference measurement of multiple layers of optical plates.

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  • 图 1  干涉装置结构示意图. 1:双光纤准直器. 2:金属外封. 3:分光棱镜. 4:通光玻璃. 5:通光窗口. 6:样品. 7:样品臂反射镜. 8:连接块. 9:通光玻璃. 10:连接块. 11:参考臂反射镜. 12:入射光束. 13:棱镜透射光束. 14:透射面7反射光束. 15:出射光束. 16:棱镜反射光束. 17:反射镜. 11:反射光束. 18:光波长测试系统.

    Figure 1.  The configuration of the interferometer device. 1: Double-fiber collimator. 2: Metal box. 3: Beam splitter. 4: Link glass with clear aperture. 5: Optical window. 6: Sample. 7: Reflector in sample arm; 8: Link block. 9: Link glass with clear aperture. 10: Link block. 11: Reflector in reference arm. 12: Incident light. 13: Transmission light through beam splitter. 14: The transmission plane. 15: Exit light. 16: Reflection light through beam splitter. 17: Reflection light from reflector in reference arm. 18: Wavelength measurement system.

    图 2  干涉装置外封尺寸图(标注单位:mm).

    Figure 2.  Dimension figure of the metal box (unit: mm).

    图 3  光纤式迈克尔逊干涉仪光路示意图.

    Figure 3.  The schematic diagram of the fiber based Michelson interferometer.

    图 4  环境干扰对干涉条纹的影响.

    Figure 4.  The influence of the environmental disturbance on the interference signal.

    图 5  干涉测试系统图.

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of the interference testing system.

    图 6  环境干扰对干涉条纹的影响.

    Figure 6.  The influence of the environmental disturbance on the interference signal.

    图 7  OCT系统对玻璃片的厚度测量结果.

    Figure 7.  The thickness testing result of a think glass by OCT system.

    图 8  OCT系统对两层盖玻片的厚度测量结果.

    Figure 8.  The thickness testing result of two cover slices by OCT system.

    表 1  玻璃片厚度测量结果对比.

    Table 1.  The comparison of the thickness measurements results of the glass plate.

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    表 2  两层盖玻片厚度测量结果对比.

    Table 2.  The comparison of the thickness measurement result of the two layer glass plates.

    迈克尔逊干涉系统 VMS-1510高精度影像测量仪 千分尺
    测量精度/μm 8.6 5.3 10
    第一层测量结果/μm 181.6 178 172
    第二层测量结果/μm 175.1 173 170
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