
魏彤, 袁磊. 基于边界跟踪的高实时性盲道识别算法[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(7): 676-684. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.07.003
引用本文: 魏彤, 袁磊. 基于边界跟踪的高实时性盲道识别算法[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(7): 676-684. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.07.003
Tong Wei, Lei Yuan. Highly real-time blind sidewalk recognition algorithm based on boundary tracking[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(7): 676-684. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.07.003
Citation: Tong Wei, Lei Yuan. Highly real-time blind sidewalk recognition algorithm based on boundary tracking[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(7): 676-684. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.07.003


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Highly real-time blind sidewalk recognition algorithm based on boundary tracking

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  • 针对现有盲道识别算法实时性较差的问题,提出一种基于边界跟踪的高实时性盲道识别算法,主要包括精确识别和跟踪识别两个步骤。精确识别步骤主要计算初始帧的灰度共生矩阵,并通过聚类和Hough变换提取图像中盲道的边界直线。之后的跟踪识别步骤利用前一帧盲道边界位置估计当前帧边界所处的小范围ROI(感兴趣区域),在该区域中利用图像灰度梯度特征提取盲道边界位置,并通过判断前后帧盲道边界两侧颜色分布一致性检验跟踪的有效性:一致则有效,继续进行跟踪识别;反之转向精确识别步骤。对该算法进行多次实验,正常光照下每帧图像中盲道的精确识别和跟踪识别时间分别约为0.8 s和0.1 s,综合平均每帧识别时间显著降低,且盲道识别率达到90%以上,同时在阴影环境下的适应性良好。实验结果表明本文算法在保证识别率的前提下可显著提高盲道识别的实时性。

  • Abstract: Computer visual travel aids (VTA) are effective means to assist the blind, while blind sidewalk recognition is an important function of VTA. The so-called blind sidewalk recognition is a method that segments blind sidewalk and detects boundary lines via image processing technology. After blind sidewalk recognition, VTA locate the boundary based on stereo vision and then guide the blind to sidewalk by control signal. In order to solve the problem that existing blind sidewalk recognition algorithms have bad real-time performance, a highly real-time blind sidewalk recognition algorithm based on boundary tracking is proposed, mainly including accurate recognition and tracking recognition. First, the preprocessing of shadow removal is performed for each frame image before recognition, which calculates a residual model based on the Retinex theory to detect shadow and uses regional color compensation to remove shadow. Next, accurate recognition step mainly calculates gray level co-occurrence matrix of the initial frame, and uses clustering and Hough transform to find the boundary lines of blind sidewalk in image. Then tracking recognition step takes over next frame. The location of blind sidewalk’s boundary in previous frame is used to predict the small-scale region of interest (ROI) of the boundary in current frame, and boundary lines in that region are extracted based on gray gradient feature. After that, the algorithm checks up the validity of tracking by estimating the consistency of color distribution on both sides of the boundary in previous and current frames: tracking is considered to be valid if the consistency is high, and tracking recognition step continues, otherwise accurate recognition step restarts. We apply our algorithm on binocular VTA and the blind wear the VTA to walk along blind sidewalk for the algorithm performance test. In many experiments, the time of accurate recognition and tracking recognition in each image frame under normal illumination are about 0.8 s and 0.1 s, respectively, and the average time of recognition per frame decreases significantly while the recognition rate of blind sidewalk is more than 90%. Meanwhile, the adaptability is good in shadow environment and is acceptable in other environment, including strong and weak light, damage of blink sidewalk, and blurring. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm can significantly enhance the real-time performance of blind sidewalk recognition in the premise of ensuring the recognition rate. Therefore, our algorithm is more suitable for real-time visual navigation than traditional ones.

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  • 图 1  算法流程图

    Figure 1.  Flow chart of the algorithm.

    图 2  阴影去除预处理结果. (a)原RGB图像. (b)阴影检测结果. (c)邻近非阴影区域的获取. (d)阴影去除后的图像.

    Figure 2.  Preprocessing results of shadow removal. (a) Original RGB image. (b) Shadow detection result. (c) Neighborhood non-shadow area. (d) Shadow removal image.

    图 3  盲道精确识别的分步处理结果. (a) RGB图像. (b)直方图均衡化. (c)盲道特征的提取. (d)盲道特征的聚类分割. (e)盲道区域轮廓的提取. (f)盲道边界直线的检测.

    Figure 3.  Step processing results of accurate recognition of blind sidewalk. (a) RGB image. (b) Histogram equalization. (c) Feature extraction of blind sidewalk. (d) Feature clustering and segmentation of blind sidewalk. (e) Contour extraction of blind sidewalk region. (f) Boundary lines detection of blind sidewalk.

    图 4  水平Sobel核.

    Figure 4.  Horizontal Sobel kernel.

    图 5  小范围ROI内边界跟踪的分步处理结果. (a)小范围ROI的设置. (b)灰度图像. (c)梯度图像. (d)二值图像. (e)边界直线位置NewLocation.

    Figure 5.  Step processing results of boundary tracking in small-scale ROI. (a) Installation of small-scale ROI. (b) Grayscale image. (c) Gradient image. (d) Binary image. (e) Boundary line location.

    图 6  跟踪有效性检验的分步处理结果. (a)基于前一帧颜色分布的阈值化. (b)跟踪有效的边界直线位置NewLocation.

    Figure 6.  Step processing results of tracking validity test. (a) Threshold based on color distribution in previous frame. (b) Boundary line location of valid tracking.

    图 7  双目视觉导盲仪及实验现场. (a)双目视觉导盲仪的组成. (b)导盲仪穿戴示意图. (c)实验现场.

    Figure 7.  Binocular VTA and experiment site. (a) The composition of binocular VTA. (b) Wearing diagram of VTA. (c) Experiment site.

    图 8  实验中连续几帧的盲道识别结果.

    Figure 8.  Blind sidewalk recognition results in the experiment for several consecutive frames.

    图 9  阴影去除前后的精确识别结果.

    Figure 9.  Accurate recognition results before and after shadow removal.

    图 10  适应性测试场景及其识别结果. (a)强光. (b)弱光. (c)缺损. (d)模糊.

    Figure 10.  Adaptability test scenarios and recognition results. (a) Intense light. (b) Weak light. (c) Defect. (d) Blur.

    表 1  实验中算法的参数列表.

    Table 1.  List of parameters in experiments.

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    表 2  不同算法的对比结果.

    Table 2.  Comparison results of different algorithms.

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    表 3  不同算法的对比结果.

    Table 3.  Comparison results of different algorithms.

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    表 4  算法适应性测试结果.

    Table 4.  Adaptability test results of the algorithms.

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