
赵林, 王纪强, 李振. 光纤与电子传感器负压波信号对比实验[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(6): 610-615. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.06.006
引用本文: 赵林, 王纪强, 李振. 光纤与电子传感器负压波信号对比实验[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(6): 610-615. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.06.006
Zhao Lin, Wang Jiqiang, Li Zhen. Experimental research on negative pressure wave signal of optical fiber and electronic sensor[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(6): 610-615. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.06.006
Citation: Zhao Lin, Wang Jiqiang, Li Zhen. Experimental research on negative pressure wave signal of optical fiber and electronic sensor[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(6): 610-615. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.06.006


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Experimental research on negative pressure wave signal of optical fiber and electronic sensor

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  • 负压波技术是管道泄漏监测的有效手段。为获取更精确的负压波拐点信息,提高信噪比,采用102.8 m管道实验平台,根据不同环境下传感器监测负压波信号,对光纤传感器与传统电子压力传感器在响应时间、静态稳定性、抗电磁干扰等方面进行了对比实验分析。实验结果表明,在同等的管道工况下,光纤传感器从泄漏负压波信号的获取到压力信号的重新恢复稳定约需30 ms,远优于电子传感器500 ms的响应时间。在静态稳定性实验中,光纤传感器压力信号输出稳定,压力波动范围±0.001 MPa,远小于电子传感器压力输出变化±0.006 MPa。综合评价分析表明,光纤传感器具有良好的稳定性及抗电磁干扰性能,在管道泄漏监测及能源、化工等领域有着广阔的应用前景。

  • Negative pressure wave technique is an effective method for pipeline leak detection. However, the low sensitivity and poor locating accuracy seriously limit the applications of negative pressure wave in pipeline leakage detection. In order to obtain more accurate inflection point information of negative pressure wave and improve signal tonoise ratio, the response time, static stability and anti-electromagnetic interference of the optical fiber sensor and thetraditional electronic pressure sensor are analyzed.

    In the 102.8 meters pipeline experimental platform, the optical fiber sensor and the electronic sensor are set in pairs,with distance of about 10 cm, to open the leakage valve and compare the response time of both sensors according tothe negative pressure wave signal captured by the sensors. In the constant pressure state, collected pressure data afterthe signal is stable, recording the real-time pressure change and testing the long-term stability of the two sensors. Inorder to further verify the reliability of the data, the current output circuit of the electronic sensor is cascaded with 500Ω resistors, and the voltage of the two ends of the resistor is real-time monitored using the oscilloscope to test the stability of the sensor output current. At the same time, water cycle in the whole pipeline is powered by a water pump, sothere is 50 Hz frequency electromagnetic interference in the experimental environment, adjusting the internal pressure of the pipeline. After the pressure is stable, the pressure data of the two sensors are recorded, and comparativeanalyses to test the anti-electromagnetic interference performance are carried out.

    Experimental results show that optical fiber sensor takes about 30 ms, and negative pressure wave signal of theleakage is acquired to the pressure signal resumes stable, which is far better than the electronic sensor with the time of500 ms. In the static stability experiment, the pressure signal output of optical fiber sensor is stable, and the pressurefluctuation range is ± 0.001 MPa, which is far less than the electronic sensor’s ± 0.006 MPa. In the electromagneticinterference experiment, with the influence of the water flow and the vibration of the pipeline, the pressure value ofoptical fiber sensor has a small fluctuation, and the fluctuation range is about ± 0.01 MPa. As to the electronic sensor,due to the sensitivity to electrical interference, the monitored pressure fluctuation range is ± 0.005 MPa, which is accompanied by pressure mutation point. Comprehensive evaluation analysis shows that the optical fiber sensor hasexcellent stability and electromagnetic interference resistant performance, and has wide application prospect in thefields of pipeline leakage monitoring, energy and chemical industry.

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  • 图 1  光纤传感器结构模型.

    Figure 1.  Structure model of optical fiber sensor.

    图 2  电子传感器测压模型.

    Figure 2.  Electronic sensor pressure measurement model.

    图 3  管道实验结构图.

    Figure 3.  Pipeline experimental structure diagram.

    图 4  管道实验平台.

    Figure 4.  Pipeline experimental platform.

    图 5  传感器捕获负压波信号.

    Figure 5.  Sensor capture negative pressure wave signal.

    图 6  局部放大后负压波信号.

    Figure 6.  Local amplified negative pressure wave signal.

    图 7  光纤传感器抗电磁干扰测试图.

    Figure 7.  Anti-electromagnetic interference test of optical fiber sensor.

    图 8  电子传感器抗电磁干扰测试图.

    Figure 8.  Anti-electromagnetic interference test of electronic sensor.

    图 9  光纤传感器稳定性测试.

    Figure 9.  Optical fiber sensor stability test.

    图 10  电子传感器稳定性测试.

    Figure 10.  Electronic sensor stability test.

    图 11  稳定性实验系统结构图.

    Figure 11.  Stability experiment system structure.

    图 12  示波器输出电压信号.

    Figure 12.  Oscilloscope output voltage signal.

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收稿日期:  2017-03-04
修回日期:  2017-03-24
刊出日期:  2017-06-15


