
唐雨竹, 马文英, 魏耀华, 等. 一种旋转可调的太赫兹超材料及其传感特性[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(4): 453-457. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.04.010
引用本文: 唐雨竹, 马文英, 魏耀华, 等. 一种旋转可调的太赫兹超材料及其传感特性[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(4): 453-457. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.04.010
Yuzhu Tang, Wenying Ma, Yaohua Wei, et al. A tunable terahertz metamaterial and its sensing performance[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(4): 453-457. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.04.010
Citation: Yuzhu Tang, Wenying Ma, Yaohua Wei, et al. A tunable terahertz metamaterial and its sensing performance[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(4): 453-457. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.04.010


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A tunable terahertz metamaterial and its sensing performance

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  • 本文设计了一种具有电磁诱导透明(EIT)效应的太赫兹超材料,其单元结构由水平放置的单金属线以及垂直放置的双金属线组成。仿真结果表明,通过单金属线绕其自身中心旋转,可以激发出电磁诱导透明效应。金属线的旋转角度逐渐变大,透明峰的幅度也随之增大,当旋转角度为60°时达到最大值;旋转角度进一步增大,透明峰的幅度逐渐降低;旋转角度为90°时,透明峰消失。仿真说明该结构可以通过单金属线的旋转调控透明峰的出现。最后,对旋转角度为60°时结构的传感特性进行了分析。该结构设计简单,具有可调性、较高的Q值以及良好的传感特性。

  • Abstract: A novel electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)-like metamaterial in terahertz domain is proposed. The metamaterial is composed by a single metal wire and a couple metal wires above it. A plane wave propagates along the perpendicular direction to the structure with its electronic field direction paralleled to the double metal wires. The structure’s transmission spectra are simulated by CST Microwave Studio. In the simulation, the solver is chosen to be frequency domain solver while the boundary conditions are set as unit cell in x-y plane, and open (add space) in z-direction. The metal strips are set to be copper with its conductivity of 5.88×109 S/m and its thickness Δh=0.3 μm. The substrate material is quartz with its permittivity of 3.75 and thickness h=50 μm.

    Numerical simulations demonstrate that by rotating the single metal wire around its center, EIT phenomenon is created. The single metal wire is regarded as quasi-bright mode element while the couple metal wires are considered as one bright mode element. The EIT phenomenon is produced by the interference between these two elements. The amplitude of the transparent peak grows as the rotation angle increases. When the rotation angle is 60°, the EIT window appears at 0.844 THz while the amplitude of the transparent peak exceeds 0.5 and reaches its maximum. It is remarkable that the width of the transparent window is only 1.57 GHz and the Q-factor is as high as 538, which makes the structure suitable for ultranarrow terahertz frequency selection. As the rotation angle keeps increasing, the amplitude of the transparent peak gets smaller and finally vanishes as the rotation angle equals 90°. Hence, we can tune the transparent window by rotating the single metal wire. The influence of the substrate’s dielectric loss is also simulated. The result indicates that the transparent peak is sensitive to the dielectric loss, and the amplitude of the transparent peak becomes quite small when the dielectric loss is 0.01. At last, we have analyzed the sensing performance of the metamaterial with the rotation angle of 60°. The structure’s refractive sensitivity is 228.9 GHz/RIU while its FOM value is 145.8. Therefore, the metamaterial can be used for refractive sensing. In conclusion, the proposed structure is simple and adjustable, with high Q-factor value and good sensing performance.

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  • 图 1  谐振单元结构示意图.

    Figure 1.  Schematic of the unit cell.

    图 2  不同旋转角度下结构透射率.

    Figure 2.  Simulated transmittance spectra with different values of rotation angle θ.

    图 3  基底损耗对谐振特性的影响.

    Figure 3.  Influence of dielectric loss of the substrate.

    图 4  结构1的电流分布及其透射谱.

    Figure 4.  Surface current distribution and the transmittance spectrum of structure 1.

    图 5  结构2的透射谱.

    Figure 5.  Transmittance spectrum of the structure 2.

    图 6  结构2在(a) 0.831 THz, (b) 0.8444 THz, (c) 0.8464 THz的表面电流分布.

    Figure 6.  Current distributions on the structure 2 at (a) 0.831 THz, (b) 0.8444 THz and (c) 0.8464 THz.

    图 7  折射率对结构1和结构2的透射谱的影响.

    Figure 7.  Influence of refractive index on transmittance spectra of structures 1 and 2.

    图 8  透射峰频率变化与周围物质折射率关系.

    Figure 8.  Transmission frequency shift under different refractive indices of the surrounding material.

    图 9  折射率对结构3的透射谱的影响.

    Figure 9.  Influence of refractive index on transmittance spectra of structure 3.

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收稿日期:  2016-11-04
修回日期:  2016-12-24
刊出日期:  2017-04-15


