Zhao Zeyu, Sun Hongbo. In-band metamaterial cloak based on the interplay of absorption and transmission[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(1): 92-96. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.01.010
Citation: Zhao Zeyu, Sun Hongbo. In-band metamaterial cloak based on the interplay of absorption and transmission[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(1): 92-96. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.01.010

In-band metamaterial cloak based on the interplay of absorption and transmission

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  • Abstract: Hiding a detector is not a nascent topic yet, which has many fascinating and important applications in both civil and military areas. In antenna fields, microwave engineers often use an absorbing or frequency-selective layer to construct a radome in order to reduce the radar-echo of inner antenna. However, the absorbed or redirected incident wave is out of the operating band of the antenna, thus having no consequential help on the reduction of antenna's in-band echo. As a result, it is a challenge to reduce the antenna's in-band echo, which has attracted much attention during the last 50 years. In this paper, we designed and demonstrated a low-echo metamaterial (MM) shelter with in-band electromagnetic narrow window. The unit-cell of the MM shelter is composed of two basic elements: a metallic square-loop with two small gaps in each side, and an electric-resonant-ring (ERR) embedded into a sub-wavelength aperture. Eight chip-resistors are respectively inserted into the gaps of square-loop to provide necessary lossy source. When the electromagnetic wave impinges the square-loop side, most of the energy would be absorbed by these chip-resistors, provided that the oscillating frequency does not coincide with the resonant frequencies of the ERR. At the resonant frequency of the ERR, the interplay of the transmission and absorption may greatly increase the transmitted energy through the aperture decorated with ERR. By introducing a selective re-emission mechanism of the energy captured by an absorbing layer, we observe that at least half of energy can pass through the narrow window located into the absorption band, and the broad low-echo feature is not influenced. The performance of the MM shelter and its ability for shading electromagnetic receiver is demonstrated by carrying out a numerical experiment, including three main portions: a dipole array acting as a signal receiver, a remote point source with tunable amplitude utilized to model the far-field excitation of a signal source, and an inserted MM shelter. This device is believed to be suitable for the in-band scattering reduction of antenna which is especially designed to work in the receiving mode. We expect that, the concept and design reported here will influence the future design of electromagnetic absorber and radome, generating a new research hot topic in electromagnetic invisibility field. Our design may be applied in wireless local area network to cancel additional multi-paths, or signal degradation because it can effectively absorb useless signals without significantly attenuating mobile phone signals.

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  • Figure 1.  (a) Detector array is out-of-function when covered by electromagnetic cloak or conventional absorber. (b) Schematic drawings of a meta-material shelter with an in-band electromagnetic transparent window. The black sticks represent chip-resistors. The propagation and polarization directions are indicated in (b) with axes and respective dimension notations are listed correspondingly.

    Figure 2.  (a) Photographs of the MM shelter (Left), ERR layer (Right and up), and square-loop layer (Right and down) with chip-resistor. (b) Simulated and measured T(ω) (simulation: solid line, Measurement: circle, red) and R(ω) (simulation: dash line, measurement: square, blue). The inset picture shows the method of the sample measurement. All equipments are located into an environment decorated with radar absorbing materials. The normal R(ω) is approximated by the oblique one with a small angle (θ=5 degree). The coupling between transmitting and receiving horns is obstructed by placing high absorption materials between them.

    Figure 3.  (a) Electric energy density at the peak frequency, the eight sticks (white) denote the inserted chip-resistors, the propagation direction is also presented. (b) and (c) Spectra with changing parameters lres and D, respectively. (d) and (e) Distributions of y-component and z-component of electric field, respectively. (f) Spectra with increasing thickness t of the dielectric layer. (e) The arrows marked in the internal region indicate the direction of electric flux-lines. Red and blue colors indicate reverse phase distributions in (d) and (e).

    Figure 4.  Demonstration of the ability of the proposed MM shelter for hiding an array of electromagnetic receiver. (a) and (b) Distribution of the wavefront in the simulated space without and with the proposed MM shelter at 15.4 GHz, respectively. (c) Distribution of the wavefront with the proposed invisibility 13 GHz. The incident wave transmits from right to left.

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收稿日期:  2016-10-03
修回日期:  2016-12-16
刊出日期:  2017-01-20


