针对飞行过程中,在高空气压较低,飞机货舱若发生火灾,烟雾颗粒半空悬浮,传统烟雾探测器难以检测,且在其它环境亦存在误漏报率较高,难以可视化等问题,设计了一款图像型火灾探测器,采用改进YOLOv5s算法实现烟火目标检测。首先将骨干网络替换为GhostNet轻量级骨干网络,便于硬件部署;在骨干网络与融合网络的连接处嵌入了协同注意力模块,强化对有效特征的提取。接着,针对火灾目标的发展变化特性,对特征融合网络中的C3结构进行改进,搭建了VoV-GSCSP模块,同时在融合网络和检测头之间嵌入Slim-ASFF模块,共同加强不同尺度特征融合的同时,实现了整体网络的进一步轻量化。最后,将回归损失替换为Focal EIOU,解决了惩罚项失效问题,并且提高了对正样本的预测能力。图像型航空火灾探测器以国产AI芯片RK3588为核心,连接CMOS图像传感器进行数据采集,通过网络实现与机载显示系统的信息交互。测试结果表明:在模拟飞机货舱顶部四角布置设备,可实现10 s内火焰报警,20 s内烟雾报警,为确保航空器安全提供了一种可行的解决方案。
Abstract:Due to the low high air pressure during the flight, if a fire occurs in the cargo hold of the aircraft, the smoke particles are suspended in mid-air. The traditional smoke detector is difficult to detect, and there is also a high false alarm rate and difficult visualization in other environments, an image-based fire detector was designed, and the improved YOLOv5s algorithm was used to realize the pyrotechnic target detection. First, the backbone network is replaced with a lightweight GhostNet backbone network to facilitate hardware deployment. A collaborative attention module is embedded in the connection between the backbone and the converged network to strengthen the extraction of effective features. Then, according to the development and change characteristics of fire targets, the C3 structure in the feature fusion network was improved, the VoV-GSCSP module was built, and the Slim-ASFF module was embedded between the fusion network and the detection head, so as to jointly strengthen the feature fusion of different scales and realize the further lightweight of the overall network. Finally, the regression loss is replaced by focal EIOU, which solves the problem of penalty term failure and improves the prediction ability of positive samples. The image-based aviation fire detector takes the domestic AI chip RK3588 as the core, connects to the CMOS image sensor for data collection, and realizes information interaction with the airborne display system through the network. The test results show that the equipment can be arranged at the top four corners of the cargo compartment of the simulated aircraft, which can realize the flame alarm within 10 seconds and the smoke alarm within 20 seconds, which provides a feasible solution for ensuring the safety of the aircraft.
Key words:
- RK3588 /
- fire-and-smoke detection /
- improvement of YOLOv5s /
- lightweight
Overview: To address the challenges of traditional smoke detectors in identifying replaced smoke in the cargo hold of high-altitude, low-pressure aircraft, an innovative image-based fire-and-smoke detection system was developed using the domestic RK3588 embedded AI chip. This system employs an enhanced YOLOv5s detection algorithm tailored specifically for fire-and-smoke detection, incorporating several critical improvements to achieve high precision and operational efficiency. The backbone network of YOLOv5s is replaced with the lightweight GhostNet architecture, which significantly reduces computational requirements and the model’s parameter size, making it highly suitable for deployment on embedded devices with limited resources. To enhance feature extraction, a collaborative attention module is integrated between the backbone and the feature aggregation network, ensuring that critical features are captured effectively for better detection outcomes. In addition, the C3 structure in the feature fusion network is substituted with the VoV-GSCSP module. This modification not only enhances the integration of multi-scale features but also reduces computational complexity, enabling the system to handle high-resolution images more efficiently. To further optimize the system’s performance, the Slim-ASFF module is inserted between the feature fusion network and the detection head. This addition improves the combination of feature maps across varying scales, ensuring accurate detection of both small and large fire-and-smoke instances. The regression loss function is also updated by replacing the standard loss function with Focal EIOU. This improvement addresses challenges related to aspect ratio variations in the original loss function, enhancing the system’s ability to identify positive samples while reducing false alarms effectively. Experimental results on a self-constructed fire-and-smoke dataset demonstrate the system achieves a 2.0% increase in mean Average Precision at a 0.5 threshold (mAP50) and a 2.2% improvement at 0.5:0.95 thresholds (mAP50:95). These results demonstrate the algorithm’s effectiveness under challenging conditions, such as low light and high turbulence environments, making it highly reliable for real-world applications. The hardware of this system is centered around the RK3588 embedded processing board, which interfaces with a CMOS image sensor for real-time data acquisition. The processing board includes an RTSP streaming server, enabling the host computer to access the visual interface via the onboard LAN and an assigned IP address. Testing in a simulated cabin of 15 m × 8 m × 4 m demonstrated reliable performance, with flame alarms triggered within 10 seconds and smoke alarms within 20 seconds. All functional indicators met rigorous design specifications, confirming the system as a scalable, efficient, and reliable solution for fire-and-smoke detection in aircraft cargo holds. By combining advanced deep learning techniques, lightweight architectures, and optimized hardware, this system ensures compliance with the stringent demands of real-time monitoring in airborne environments.
表 1 火灾检测网络消融实现结果
Table 1. Implementation results of the fire detection network ablation
Model GhostNet Coordinated
attentionLightweight feature
fusion networkSlim-ASFF Loss function AP50
/%Params/M FLOPs/G YOLOv5s 89.4 47.9 7.1 16.5 The model of
this article√ 86.8 45.0 5.0 10.6 √ √ 87.4 45.7 5.0 10.7 √ √ √ 88.5 46.9 4.2 8.5 √ √ √ √ 90.1 48.6 4.4 8.9 √ √ √ √ √ 91.4 50.1 4.4 8.9 表 2 轻量级目标检测网络对比实验结果
Table 2. Comparative experimental results of lightweight object detection networks
表 3 不同工况下系统对烟火的平均响应时间
Table 3. Average response time of system to fireworks under different working conditions
Test environment Project 2 m 3 m 4 m / Number of tests 30 30 30 / Alarm times 30 30 30 Bright environment Polyurethane foam board (fire)/s 5.2 6.8 7.8 Cotton rope (fire)/s 5.0 6.5 7.4 Smoke cake (smoke)/s 11.0 13.0 17.0 Dark environment Polyurethane foam board (fire)/s 6.3 7.4 8.3 Cotton rope (fire)/s 5.5 6.9 7.8 Smoke cake (smoke)/s 12.0 15.0 19.0 表 4 本文探测器与传统火灾探测器对比实验结果
Table 4. Experimental results of the detector in this paper compared with the traditional fire detector
Test materials Number
of trialsNumber of
detector alarms
in this paperNumber of alarms
from traditional fire
detectorsThe slowest response
time of the detector in
this paper/sThe slowest response
time of traditional fire
detectors/sThe average response
time of the detector in
this paper/sThe average response
time of traditional fire
detector/sPolyurethane foam
board (fire)10 10 5 9.0 108 6.5 97 Smoke cake (smoke) 10 10 7 16.5 57 12.0 45 表 5 不同环境光线影响下的探测器虚警率
Table 5. False alarm rate of detector under the influence of different environmental light
Project Interference source 1 Interference source 2 Interference source 3 Number of tests 30 30 30 False alarm rate 0 0 0 -
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