
李玉龙,陈晔曜,崔跃利,等. LF-UMTI:基于多尺度空角交互的无监督多曝光光场图像融合[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(6): 240093. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240093
引用本文: 李玉龙,陈晔曜,崔跃利,等. LF-UMTI:基于多尺度空角交互的无监督多曝光光场图像融合[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(6): 240093. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240093
Li Y L, Chen Y Y, Cui Y L, et al. LF-UMTI: unsupervised multi-exposure light field image fusion based on multi-scale spatial-angular interaction[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(6): 240093. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240093
Citation: Li Y L, Chen Y Y, Cui Y L, et al. LF-UMTI: unsupervised multi-exposure light field image fusion based on multi-scale spatial-angular interaction[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(6): 240093. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240093


    *通讯作者: 郁梅,yumei@nbu.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP394.1

LF-UMTI: unsupervised multi-exposure light field image fusion based on multi-scale spatial-angular interaction

More Information
  • 光场成像可同时捕获真实场景中光线的强度和方向信息。但受限于成像传感器的势阱容量,现光场相机单曝光捕获的光场图像难以完整记录真实场景中所有的细节信息。为了解决上述问题,本文提出了一种基于多尺度空角交互的无监督多曝光光场成像方法。该方法采用多尺度空角交互策略,以有效提取光场空角特征,同时利用通道维上建模策略以降低计算量来适应光场高维结构。其次,构建了由可逆神经网络导向的光场重建模块,以避免融合伪影并恢复更多细节信息。最后,设计了一种角度一致性损失,其考虑了边界子孔径图像和中心子孔径图像之间的视差变化,以保证融合结果的视差结构。为评估所提方法的性能,建立了一个面向真实场景的多曝光光场基准数据集。实验结果表明,所提方法可在保证角度一致性的前提下重建出具备高对比度和丰富细节的光场图像。与现有方法相比,所提方法在客观质量和主观视觉两方面均取得更好的结果。

  • Overview: Light field imaging has unique advantages in many applications such as refocusing and depth estimation, since it can simultaneously capture spatial and angular information of light rays. However, due to the limited dynamic range of the camera, the light field images may suffer from over-exposure and under-exposure issues, bringing challenges to capturing all the details of the real scene and posing difficulties for subsequent light field applications. In recent years, deep learning has shown powerful nonlinear fitting capabilities and has achieved good results in multi-exposure fusion for conventional images. However, the high-dimensional characteristics of light field images make it necessary to consider not only the issues of traditional images suffered from, but also the angular consistency of the fused light field images during multi-exposure fusion. In this paper, an unsupervised multi-exposure light field imaging method (LF-UMTI) based on multi-scale spatial-angular interaction is proposed. Firstly, a multi-scale spatial-angular interaction strategy is employed to extract spatial-angular features and explore complementary information of source light field images at different scales. A channel-dimensional modeling strategy is also employed to reduce computational complexity and adapt to the high-dimensional structure of light fields. Secondly, a light field reconstruction module guided by reversible neural networks is constructed to avoid fusion artifacts and recover more detailed information. Lastly, an angular consistency loss is designed, which takes into account the disparity variations between boundary sub-aperture images and central sub-aperture images to ensure the disparity structure of the fusion result. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, a benchmark dataset of multi-exposure light field images of the real scenes is established. Through subjective and objective quality evaluations of the fused light field images as well as ablation experiments conducted on the proposed dataset, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated in reconstructing high-contrast and detail-rich light field images while preserving angular consistency. Considering future research tasks and analyzing the limitations of the network, simplifying the model and improving the operational speed will be key directions for future research tasks.

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  • 图 1  本文方法整体网络框图

    Figure 1.  Overall network diagram of the proposed method

    图 2  光场空间角度特征提取模块

    Figure 2.  Light field spatial angular feature extraction module

    图 3  光场信息交互模块

    Figure 3.  Light field information interaction module

    图 4  (a)特征融合模块;(b)瓶颈残差模块

    Figure 4.  (a) Feature fusion module; (b) Bottleneck residual module

    图 5  光场重建模块

    Figure 5.  Light field reconstruction module

    图 6  本文建立的基准数据集中的部分场景示例

    Figure 6.  Some scene examples in the benchmark dataset established in this work

    图 7  不同方法在所建立的基准数据集上的主观对比结果

    Figure 7.  Subjective comparison results of different methods on the established benchmark dataset

    图 8  从不同方法的多曝光光场融合结果中估计出深度图的主观对比结果

    Figure 8.  Subjective comparison of depth maps estimated from the fused light field images obtained with different fusion methods

    图 9  本文主要网络结构消融实验的主观对比结果

    Figure 9.  Subjective comparison results of the main network structure ablation experiments

    图 10  角度一致性损失消融实验的主观对比结果

    Figure 10.  Subjective comparison results of angle consistency loss ablation experiments

    表 1  50个测试场景上不同方法的客观指标对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of objective indicators among different methods on 50 testing scenarios

    Method SD↑ MEFSSIM↑ Qcv SF↑ Qabf Qnice NMI↑ AG↑ Rank↓
    DISFT_EF[8] 58.2897(5) 0.9610(3) 679.7548(8) 23.5287(2) 0.7489(3) 0.8118(10) 0.6411(8) 5.4570(7) 46
    GFF[7] 60.2416(3) 0.9624(2) 592.7575(10) 25.8524(1) 0.7648(1) 0.8154(7) 0.6074(9) 5.7301(3) 36
    MEFAW[9] 54.2736(6) 0.9639(1) 625.0993(9) 22.2241(3) 0.7507(2) 0.8163(6) 0.5215(10) 5.5581(4) 41
    PAS_MEF[10] 48.7852(10) 0.8887(9) 517.8809(7) 16.2884(7) 0.5452(6) 0.8146(8) 0.6610(7) 5.5482(5) 59
    DeepFuse[20] 53.3335(7) 0.9040(6) 321.1736(4) 16.3365(6) 0.5408(7) 0.8202(3) 0.8482(3) 5.4888(6) 42
    PMGI[27] 51.0411(9) 0.8933(8) 361.4652(6) 16.2283(8) 0.5209(8) 0.8194(4) 0.8285(4) 5.4126(8) 55
    U2Fusion[26] 52.7949(8) 0.8973(7) 316.6257(3) 15.5335(10) 0.5061(9) 0.8183(5) 0.7999(5) 5.3375(10) 57
    TransMEF[21] 60.6602(2) 0.9328(5) 281.9047(2) 18.1766(5) 0.6264(5) 0.8210(1) 0.8758(1) 6.0909(2) 23
    FFMEF[22] 58.9095(4) 0.8595(10) 334.6085(5) 16.0121(9) 0.4360(10) 0.8135(9) 0.7276(6) 5.4097(9) 62
    Proposed 67.5961(1) 0.9491(4) 238.4925(1) 20.5533(4) 0.6870(4) 0.8205(2) 0.8510(2) 6.7186(1) 19
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    表 2  本文主要网络结构消融实验的客观指标对比结果

    Table 2.  Comparative results of objective indicators of the main network structure ablation experiments in this article

    Method SD↑ MEFSSIM↑ Qcv SF↑ Qabf Qnice NMI↑ AG↑
    w/o C-ASA 74.6707 0.8747 313.7698 16.8144 0.4682 0.8143 0.6906 5.7951
    w/o T-INN 40.1623 0.7105 948.2726 16.4418 0.3252 0.8095 0.4769 6.1205
    w/o MK 66.819 0.8999 252.7716 19.3284 0.5027 0.8142 0.6666 6.3629
    Proposed 67.5961 0.9491 238.4925 20.5533 0.687 0.8205 0.851 6.7186
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    表 3  不同方法的运行时间及参数量比较结果

    Table 3.  Comparison results of running time and parameter quantities of different methods

    Method GFF[7] MEFAW[9] DISFT_EF[8] DeepFuse[20] PMGI[27] TransMEF[21] Proposed
    Runtime/s 13.6808 30.5074 23.0349 14.8176 6.9727 11.2749 16.8701
    Params/M - - - 0.283 0.0401 18.1696 0.9734
    Platform MATLAB MATLAB MATLAB Pytorch Pytorch Pytorch Pytorch
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收稿日期:  2024-04-23
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