A multi-target semantic segmentation method for millimetre wave SAR images based on a dual-branch multi-scale fusion network
- 毫米波合成孔径雷达 /
- 违禁品检测 /
- 深度学习 /
- 语义分割 /
- 双分支多尺度融合网络
Abstract:There are several major challenges in the detection and identification of contraband in millimetre-wave synthetic aperture radar (SAR) security imaging: the complexities of small target sizes, partially occluded targets and overlap between multiple targets, which are not conducive to the accurate identification of contraband. To address these problems, a contraband detection method based on dual branch multiscale fusion network (DBMFnet) is proposed. The overall architecture of the DBMFnet follows the encoder-decoder framework. In the encoder stage, a dual-branch parallel feature extraction network (DBPFEN) is proposed to enhance the feature extraction. In the decoder stage, a multi-scale fusion module (MSFM) is proposed to enhance the detection ability of the targets. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing semantic segmentation methods in the mean intersection over union (mIoU) and reduces the incidence of missed and error detection of targets.
Overview: With the advancements of millimeter wave technology, millimeter wave security inspection systems have reached a higher level of maturity. Compared with traditional security inspection technologies such as X-ray, infrared, and metal detectors, millimeter wave security imaging not only enables the detection of the metallic objects hidden under fabrics, but also identifies dangerous items such as plastic firearms, knives, explosives, etc. Significantly, it is crucial to note that millimeter waves are non-ionizing and do not cause harm to the human body. The utilization of millimeter wave security inspection enables the acquisition of precise image information and significantly reduces the occurrence of false alarms, making millimeter wave imaging equipment extensively employed in the security inspection of the human body.
There are several major challenges in the detection and identification of contraband in millimetre-wave synthetic aperture radar (SAR) security imaging: the complexities of small target sizes, partially occluded targets and overlap between multiple targets, which are not conducive to the accurate identification of contraband. To address these problems, a contraband detection method based on Dual Branch Multiscale Fusion Network (DBMFnet) is proposed. The overall architecture of the DBMFnet follows the encoder-decoder framework. In the encoder stage, a dual-branch parallel feature extraction network (DBPFEN) is proposed to enhance the feature extraction. In the feature extraction process of DBMFnet, one branch preserves the high resolution while the other branch extracts the rich semantic information through multiple downsampling operations. Bilateral connections are established between high-resolution and low-resolution branches to facilitate repeated feature exchange, ensuring that the high-resolution branch feature maps integrate into the low-rate branch feature maps across different scales, which facilitates the combination of rich semantic information and fine-grained details to improve the detection of small and interfering targets in images. In the decoder stage, a multi-scale fusion module (MSFM) is proposed to enhance the detection ability of the targets. The module consists of the Feature Alignment Module (FAM), which allows multiple low-resolution feature maps to merge into high-resolution maps. The FAM is inspired by the optical flow for the motion alignment between adjacent video frames, where the feature maps Fh, Flof different resolutions are used as the input and changed to the same number of channels by a 1×1 convolutional layer, respectively. Subsequently, the high-resolution feature map Fh is concatenated with the low-resolution feature map Fl by a bilinear interpolation up-sampling layer.
The experimental results show that when tested using the HM-SAR dataset, our proposed model improves mIoU by 2.54% compared to the existing best performing semantic segmentation models. The ablation experiment shows that the proposed MSFM can effectively improve the mIoU value.
图 6 各模型测试结果,每一行代表相同图片测试的结果,每一列代表同一模型的测试结果。黑色像素表示背景,红色像素 表示锤头,绿色像素表示扳手,黄色像素表示手枪,蓝色像素表示小刀
Figure 6. Test results of each model. Each row represents the test results of the same picture, and each column represents the test results of the same model. Black denotes the background, green denotes the wrench, yellow denotes the pistol, red denotes the hammer, and blue denotes the knife
表 1 双分支特征提取网络结构
Table 1. Architectures of DBFEN
Stage Output DBFEN Stage Output DBFEN Conv1 256×256 3×3, 64, stride 2 Conv6 64×64 $ \left( \begin{array}{l}3 \times 3,\;128\\3 \times 3,\;128\end{array} \right) \times 2$ Conv2 128×128 3×3, 64, stride 2 Conv7 16×16 $ \left( \begin{array}{l}3 \times 3,\;256\\3 \times 3,\;512\end{array} \right) \times 2$ Conv3 64×64 $ \left( \begin{array}{l}3 \times 3,\;64\\3 \times 3,\;128\end{array} \right) \times 2$ Conv8 64×64 $ \left( \begin{array}{l}3 \times 3,\;128\\3 \times 3,\;256\end{array} \right) \times 2$ Conv4 64×64 $ \left( \begin{array}{l}3 \times 3,\;128\\3 \times 3,\;128\end{array} \right) \times 2$ Conv9 8×8 $ \left( \begin{array}{l}3 \times 3,\;512\\3 \times 3,\;1024\end{array} \right) \times 2$ Conv5 32×32 $ \left( \begin{array}{l}3 \times 3,\;128\\3 \times 3,\;256\end{array} \right) \times 2$ 表 2 各模型在HM-SAR数据集中的分割性能比较
Table 2. Comparisons of the segmentation performance of each model in the HM-SAR dataset
Network model MPA/% mIoU/% F1/% Network model MPA/% mIoU/% F1/% U-net 80.29 70.35 81.87 Deeplabv3+ 81.05 70.58 82.00 Pspnet 82.98 72.32 83.28 HRnet-v2 82.33 72.90 83.69 FCN-8s 81.29 72.11 83.11 DBMFnet (ours) 85.01 75.44 85.21 表 3 各模型在HM-SAR数据集中的目标分割性能比较
Table 3. Comparisons of the objects segmentation performance of each model in the HM-SAR dataset
Class U-net Pspnet Deeplabv3+ HRnet-v2 FCN-8s DBMFnet (ours) Pre IoU Pre IoU Pre IoU Pre IoU Pre IoU Pre IoU Hammer 80.74 61.98 76.49 63.7 80.15 63.99 79.93 67.35 79.16 65.17 81.91 69.33 Wrench 82.66 66.78 82.88 71.84 80.61 66.57 78.80 66.15 84.04 69.56 84.22 75.24 Pistol 75.63 63.77 77.3 64.21 75.45 62.65 85.71 69.47 81.07 65.81 87.89 70.56 Knife 78.59 59.4 81.36 62.01 78.82 59.84 81.67 61.68 80.06 60.16 82.55 66.15 表 4 各个模型的计算复杂度和推理速度
Table 4. Calculation complexity and inference speed of each model
Network model Params/M GFLOPs Speed/(f/s) U-net 24.89 452.31 32 Pspnet 46.7 118.43 33.5 FCN-8s 32.95 277.74 16 Deeplabv3+ 54.71 166.87 21 HRnet 29.55 80.18 11.5 DBMFnet(our) 19.54 47.36 26 表 5 使用不同解码器模块的模型性能对比
Table 5. Comparisons of models using different decoder modules
Network model mIoU Params/M GFLOPs Baseline 72.61 23.15 38.78 Deeplabv3+(FCM) 70.58 54.71 166.87 FCN-8s(FDM) 72.11 32.95 277.74 Baseline+FCM 74.1 22.44 100.8 Baseline+FDM 73.16 21.65 45.27 Baseline+MSFM 75.44 23.06 47.86 -
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