
王小勇,白绍竣,张倩,等. 空间引力波探测望远镜研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(11): 230219. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230219
引用本文: 王小勇,白绍竣,张倩,等. 空间引力波探测望远镜研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(11): 230219. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230219
Wang X Y, Bai S J, Zhang Q, et al. Research progress of telescopes for space-based gravitational wave missions[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(11): 230219. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230219
Citation: Wang X Y, Bai S J, Zhang Q, et al. Research progress of telescopes for space-based gravitational wave missions[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(11): 230219. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230219


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 白绍竣,baisj2008@126.com
  • 中图分类号: TH743

Research progress of telescopes for space-based gravitational wave missions

  • Fund Project: Project supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFC2202000)
More Information
  • 望远镜是空间引力波探测系统的核心组件之一,主要功能是本地激光的准直发射和远端激光的接收与压缩。望远镜作为干涉光路的一部分,直接影响测量噪声。相对于成像系统,空间引力波探测望远镜除了波前质量要求高之外,对杂散光和光程稳定性也具有极高的要求,而且后两项的挑战性更大。本文围绕望远镜核心指标的实现,对光学系统、光机结构、空间热环境与热控、杂散光仿真与抑制、稳定性测量等方面的研究进展进行了综述,可以为我国的空间引力波探测望远镜研制提供参考。

  • Overview: The optical telescopes for space-based gravitational wave missions play an important role in the measurement, which both expand the beam going to the far spacecraft and efficiently collect the beam sent from the far spacecraft. The telescope, as part of the interferometric path, directly affects the measurement noise. Compared with the imaging system, the telescope for space gravitational wave observatory not only has high requirements on wavefront quality, but also has extremely high requirements on stray light performance and optical path stability. In addition, the coupling of the wavefront aberration resulting from the telescope and pointing error can produce tilt-to-length (TTL) noise. One of the design goals is to minimize the TTL coupling in the transceivers. In terms of the optical system, the design baseline is an off-axis four-mirror optical system, which can meet the wavefront quality and stray light specification requirements. The optimization of the optical system is to further reduce the TTL noise and improve compatibility with the optical bench. The opto-mechanical structure of the telescope is the physical carrier to realize the optical, mechanical, and thermal design functions. The current design baseline tends to use Zerodur or ULE materials for all optical components and structures, which can ensure the optical path stability of the telescope. However, there are currently few studies on the vibration tolerance of telescopes during the launch stage. In terms of stray light, through optimization of the optical system and strict control of the surface quality of optical components, backscattered stray light can be reduced to 10−10 of the transmission power. Stray light caused by contamination of the optical surface is more serious than stray light caused by the roughness of the optical surface. Stringent anti-pollution measures need to be taken during development and storage. In terms of the thermal design, the main external heat flow disturbance in the 0.1 mHz - 1 Hz frequency band comes from the fluctuation of the solar constant. The thermal control of the telescope is closely related to the configuration of the spacecraft and the distribution of heat sources. Thermal design and optimization of telescopes need to be carried out integrated with the spacecraft. The research progress of the telescope's optical system, optomechanical structure, space environment and thermal design, stray light simulation and suppression, and stability measurement are reviewed, which can provide a reference for the development of space gravitational telescopes in our country.

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  • 图 1  望远镜整体转向方案与视场内指向方案对比[19]

    Figure 1.  Telescope pointing compensation solutions[19]

    图 2  离轴四反光学系统布局[11]

    Figure 2.  Layout for the off-axis reference design[11]

    图 3  NASA与佛罗里达大学联合研制的望远镜原理样机[24]

    Figure 3.  Physical prototype of the telescope developed by NASA and University of Florida[24]

    图 4  以卡塞格林系统为基础的离轴四反光学系统布局[25]

    Figure 4.  Cassegrain design form optical system layout[25]

    图 5  以柯尔施系统为基础的离轴六反光学系统布局[25]

    Figure 5.  Korsch design form optical system layout[25]

    图 6  反射和透射混合的光学系统[28]

    Figure 6.  Mixed reflective and refractive optical systems[28]

    图 7  视场内指向光学系统[19]

    Figure 7.  Optical systems for the in-field pointing telescope[19]

    图 8  视场内指向光学系统[32]

    Figure 8.  Optical design of the specialized wide-field, off-axis telescope for in-field pointing[32]

    图 9  离轴四反光学系统布局[38]

    Figure 9.  Telescope assembly structure at Airbus[38]

    图 10  碳纤维复合材料结构样件[39]

    Figure 10.  CFRP structure prototype[39]

    图 11  SiC结构稳定性样件[40]

    Figure 11.  SiC telescope spacer[40]

    图 12  同轴望远镜构型[37]

    Figure 12.  Configuration of the coaxial telescope[37]

    图 13  离轴望远镜构型[28]

    Figure 13.  Configuration of the off-axis telescope[28]

    图 14  离轴视场内指向望远镜构型[43]

    Figure 14.  Configuration of telescopes with in-field pointing[43]

    图 15  离轴视场内指向望远镜望构型(望远镜交叉布置)[43]

    Figure 15.  Configuration of telescopes with in-field pointing(crossing the two lines of sight of the two telescopes)[43]

    图 16  LISA航天器的热控设计思路[45]

    Figure 16.  Thermal design concept of the LISA science module[45]

    图 17  望远镜光程稳定性测试系统原理图[53]

    Figure 17.  Schematic of the optical setup[53]

    图 18  望远镜测试结构[53]

    Figure 18.  Telescope test structure[53]

    图 19  在望远镜结构上的布局示意图[54]

    Figure 19.  Layout of truss cavities on the telescope[54]

    图 20  稳定性监测示意图[28]

    Figure 20.  Concept of the active optical truss[28]

    表 1  LISA望远镜的指标参数[7, 11-12]

    Table 1.  Key requirements for a space-based gravitational wave telescope[7, 11-12]

    1.波长1064 nm激光器
    2.远场波前RMS 1/30λ指向精度
    3.捕获视场±200 μrad捕获时间
    4.科学视场±8 μrad杂散光
    6.口径Φ300 mm收发链路功率
    7.光程稳定性$1 \; {\rm{pm}}/\sqrt {{\rm{Hz}}} \times \sqrt {\left( {1 + { {\left( {\dfrac{ {0.003} }{f} } \right)}^4} } \right)}$ 频段:1 mHz~0.1 Hz系统光程噪声分配/指向
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收稿日期:  2023-09-01
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