
刘永恒,顾鑫,邓大祥,等. 双面激光冲击强化技术研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(4): 220186. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220186
引用本文: 刘永恒,顾鑫,邓大祥,等. 双面激光冲击强化技术研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(4): 220186. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220186
Liu Y H, Gu X, Deng D X, et al. Research progress of double-sided laser shock peening technology[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(4): 220186. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220186
Citation: Liu Y H, Gu X, Deng D X, et al. Research progress of double-sided laser shock peening technology[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(4): 220186. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220186


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 邓大祥,dengdaxiang@hit.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN249

Research progress of double-sided laser shock peening technology

  • Fund Project: Basic Research Projects of Shenzhen Research & Development Fund (JCYJ20200109112808109)
More Information
  • 激光冲击强化利用激光的力效应进行表面强化,传统的激光冲击强化技术为单面冲击,强化复杂型面薄壁件时,难以同时实现形状控制(控形)和疲劳性能控制(控性)。新型的双面激光冲击强化技术是解决复杂型面薄壁件表面强化难题的理想选择。介绍了两种双面激光冲击强化技术的原理和技术特点,对双面激光冲击强化的应力波传播、应力场分布等过程进行了分析,介绍了双面激光冲击强化在控形和控性方面的应用,并对双面激光冲击强化未来的发展进行了展望。

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  • 图 1  传统激光冲击强化原理图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of traditional laser shock peening

    图 2  双面同步激光冲击强化原理图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of DSLS

    图 3  双面异步激光冲击强化原理

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of DNLSP

    图 4  工件上表面残余应力值随冲击模式的变化[26]

    Figure 4.  The variation of residual stress on workpiece surface with impact mode (one side: SLSP; zero phase: DSLSP)[26]

    图 5  工件和吸收层形貌[29]。(a) 工件表面形貌;(b) 工件3D形貌;(c) 吸收层表面形貌;(d) 吸收层3D形貌

    Figure 5.  The topography of the workpiece and the absorption film[29]. (a) The surface morphology of the workpiece; (b) 3D morphology of the workpiece; (c) Surface morphology of the absorption layer; (d) 3D morphology of the absorption layer

    图 6  双面激光冲击强化应力波在叶片中传播[30]。(a) DSLSP;(b) DNLSP

    Figure 6.  Double-sided laser shock peening stress wave propagating in the blade[30]. (a) DSLSP; (b) DNLSP

    图 7  双面同步激光冲击强化的残余应力[11]。(a) 表面残余应力;(b) 厚度方向残余应力

    Figure 7.  Residual stress induced by DSLSP[11]. (a) Surface residual stress; (b) Residual stress in the thickness direction

    图 8  双面激光冲击强化后的残余应力场。(a) 板材厚度对双面同步激光冲击强化残余应力场影响[27];(b) 双面异步激光冲击强化残余应力场[34]

    Figure 8.  Residual stress field of DLSP. (a) Effect of sheet thickness on the residual stress field of DSLSP[27]; (b) Residual stress field of DNLSP[34]

    图 9  双面激光冲击诱导边缘处应力分布[30]。(a) DNLSP;(b) DSLSP

    Figure 9.  Stress distribution at the edge induced by double-sided laser shock peening[30]. (a) DNLSP; (b) DSLSP

    图 10  双面异步激光冲击强化钛合金薄壁件[22]。(a) 厚度方向横向塑性应变分布;(b) 不同能量下单面冲击和双面冲击的等效弯矩;(c) 冲击强化后的零件;(d) 轮廓曲线图

    Figure 10.  Titanium alloy sheet subject to DNLSP[22]. (a) Transverse plastic strain distribution in the thickness direction; (b) Equivalent bending moment of SLSP and DLSP under different energy; (c) Parts after laser shock peening; (d) Contour graph

    图 11  裂纹扩展路径[38]。(a) 晶粒细化前;(b) 晶粒细化后

    Figure 11.  Crack propagation path[38]. (a) Before grain refinement; (b) After grain refinement

    图 12  双面同步激光冲击强化产生不合理的应力分布[41]

    Figure 12.  Unfavorable stress distribution induced by DSLSP[41]

    图 13  两种不同的扫描路径[43]。(a) Z型扫描路径;(b) 优化后的扫描路径

    Figure 13.  Two different scan paths[43]. (a) Z-scan path; (b) Optimized scanning path

    图 14  不同的加载路径[46]。(a) 路径1;(b) 路径2;(c) 路径3

    Figure 14.  Different laser shock processing strategies[46]. (a) Path 1; (b) Path 2; (c) Path 3

    图 15  不同的激光冲击路径[35]。(a) 路径1;(b) 路径2;(c) 路径3

    Figure 15.  Different laser shock processing strategy[35]. (a) Strategy 1; (b) Strategy 2; (c) Strategy 3

    图 16  双面同步激光冲击区域设计对强化效果的影响[47]。(a) 冲击区域设计;(b) 延寿效果;(c) 边缘坍塌

    Figure 16.  Influence of region design of DSLSP on the strengthening effect[47]. (a) Impact zone design; (b) Life extension effect; (c) Edge collapse

    图 17  两种冲击区域不同的DSLSP加载方式[48]。(a) 工件的几何尺寸;(b) 冲击区域1;(c) 冲击区域2

    Figure 17.  Different DSLSP loading modes in two impact regions[48]. (a) Geometric dimensions of the workpiece; (b) Impact area 1; (c) Impact area 2

    图 18  激光冲击强化产生的软硬交替吸能结构和晶粒分布细化。(a) 软硬交替吸能结构;(b) 晶粒分布细化[48]

    Figure 18.  Soft and hard alternate energy absorption structures and grain distribution refined by laser shock peening. (a) Soft and hard alternating energy absorbing structures; (b) Grain distribution refinement[48]

    图 19  Mg-Al-Mn合金在DSLSP下的冲击波相互作用[49]。(a) 单面激光冲击强化影响;(b) 薄板双面同步激光冲击强化;(c)薄板双面异步激光冲击强化。

    Figure 19.  Schematic illustrations of laser shock wave interaction on Mg-Al-Mn alloy sheet subjected to DSLSP[49]. (a) One-sided LSP impacts; (b) Two-sided and simultaneous LSP impacts for the thin sheet; (c) Two-sided and simultaneous LSP impacts for the thin sheet

    图 20  厚度方向的残余应力随板材厚度的变化[52]

    Figure 20.  Variation of residual stress along the thickness direction[52]

    表 1  双面激光冲击强化技术对比总结

    Table 1.  Comparison and summary of DSLSP

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    表 2  冲击方式和厚度对应力波传播和应力场分布的影响

    Table 2.  Effects of impact mode and thickness on stress wave propagation and stress field distribution

    CRS: compressive residual stress; TRS: tensile residual stresses; 0: no residual stress
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    表 3  不同扫描路径下单面、双面同步和双面异步冲击下强化件的最大变形

    Table 3.  Maximum deformation of the model in single-sided, double-sided simultaneous (DSLSP) and double-sided non-simultaneous(DNLSP) shock under different scan paths

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收稿日期:  2022-07-29
修回日期:  2022-12-08
录用日期:  2022-12-19
刊出日期:  2023-04-25


