
陆康亮,薛俊,陶重犇. 融合空间掩膜预测与点云投影的多目标跟踪[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(9): 220024. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220024
引用本文: 陆康亮,薛俊,陶重犇. 融合空间掩膜预测与点云投影的多目标跟踪[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(9): 220024. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220024
Lu K L, Xue J, Tao C B. Multi target tracking based on spatial mask prediction and point cloud projection[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(9): 220024. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220024
Citation: Lu K L, Xue J, Tao C B. Multi target tracking based on spatial mask prediction and point cloud projection[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(9): 220024. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220024


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(61801323,61972454);中国博士后科学基金(2021M691848);苏州市科技项目(SS2019029, SYG202142)
    *通讯作者: 陶重犇,chongbentao@usts.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

Multi target tracking based on spatial mask prediction and point cloud projection

  • Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61801323, 61972454), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2021M691848), and Science and Technology Projects Fund of Suzhou (SS2019029, SYG202142)
More Information
  • 针对自动驾驶目标跟踪领域中,目标遮挡引起特征点损失,从而导致丢失跟踪目标的问题,本文提出了一种融合空间掩膜预测与点云投影的多目标跟踪算法,以减少遮挡产生的不利影响。首先,通过实例分割掩膜提取模型处理时序图像数据,获得基掩膜数据。其次,将获取掩膜数据输入跟踪器,通过预测模型获取后续序列图像掩膜输出,并利用验证器进行对比分析,以获得准确的目标跟踪输出。最后,将获取的二维目标跟踪数据投影到对应的点云图像中,获得最终的三维目标跟踪点云图像。本文在多个数据集上进行仿真实验,实验结果表明本文算法的跟踪效果优于其他同类算法。此外,在实际道路上进行测试,对于车辆的检测精度达到81.63%,验证了本文算法也可以满足实际路况下目标跟踪的实时性需求。

  • Overview: In the field of computer vision, target tracking plays a key role in automatic driving. In the field of automatic driving target tracking, there is the problem of feature point loss caused by the target occlusion, which will lead to the loss of tracking target. In this paper, a multi-target tracking algorithm combining spatial mask prediction and point cloud projection is proposed to reduce the adverse effects of the occlusion.

    In this paper, the first mask input is added in front of the timing tracker to improve the accuracy of the initial target position. Secondly, the tracker dominated by a convolutional neural network is used for tracking, and the individual instance segmentation of each frame is optimized to increase the speed of the tracker, resulting in an improvement of the real-time effect. Finally, a verification layer is set to verify and compare the extracted sample mask output with the corresponding image output of the tracker, so as to reduce the tracking loss caused by the careless detection. After a two-dimensional video processing, the mask data is obtained, matched with the point cloud in the three-dimensional radar by the method of point cloud projection, and is projected into the three-dimensional point cloud to obtain the three-dimensional target tracking. The algorithm has three main contributions. Firstly, this paper takes the convolutional neural network target detection module as the basic module, does not directly use the example segmentation module for tracking, and extracts the mask of the first frame image. The mask information of the subsequent frame number can be extracted through the comparison and verification of the extraction of the prediction mask and the verification frame mask, which not only ensures the correct mask prediction, but also reduces the waste of a lot of computing power for extracting and tracking the mask information of each frame of the image. Secondly, this paper adds a gradient loss function of the prediction module to increase the control of the accuracy of the prediction mask and improve the correction ability of the algorithm for the prediction errors. Finally, this paper does not need to further process the point cloud image, but compares and matches the two-dimensional camera data with the three-dimensional point cloud radar data, and projects the two-dimensional tracked target mask data onto the corresponding point cloud image, so as to reduce the computational power of the algorithm and improve the real-time performance of the algorithm.

    This paper is verified on the Apollo data set. The continuous road live screenshots are extracted from the data set to obtain the required set of time-series pictures, and the targets in the images are detected and tracked. Finally, the experiments show that the algorithm in this paper has an obvious effect on solving the occlusion problem. This paper has also been tested on the actual road, and the effect of medium and long-distance vehicle detection is good. The experiment shows that the algorithm can meet the real-time detection requirements under the actual road conditions.

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  • 图 1  算法框架图

    Figure 1.  Algorithm frame diagram

    图 2  掩膜预测模块

    Figure 2.  Mask prediction module

    图 3  预测帧模块

    Figure 3.  Prediction module

    图 4  点云投影

    Figure 4.  Point cloud projection

    图 5  标定板效果

    Figure 5.  Calibration board effect

    图 6  掩膜投影到点云中

    Figure 6.  Mask projection

    图 7  向模型中输入序列RGB和掩膜数据。(a)原始序列RGB数据;(b)对应序列掩膜数据

    Figure 7.  Input sequence RGB and mask data into the model. (a) Original sequence RGB data; (b) Corresponding sequence mask data

    图 8  损失函数曲线。(a) 四种定义损失;(b) 总算法损失

    Figure 8.  Loss function curve. (a) Four definitions of loss; (b) Total algorithm loss

    图 9  PR曲线对比

    Figure 9.  PR curve comparison

    图 10  三种算法对于不同距离、遮挡度、光度以及模糊度的精确度

    Figure 10.  The accuracy of the three algorithms for different distance, occlusion, luminosity and ambiguity

    图 11  多种目标跟踪算法在MOT上的性能

    Figure 11.  Performance of multiple target tracking algorithms on MOT

    图 12  阿波罗数据集测试效果

    Figure 12.  Effect of Apollo dataset test

    图 13  KITTI数据集测试效果

    Figure 13.  Effect of KITTI dataset test

    图 14  BDD100K数据集测试效果

    Figure 14.  Effect of BDD100K dataset test

    图 15  点云投影效果

    Figure 15.  Effect of point cloud projection

    图 16  实验平台

    Figure 16.  Experimental platform

    图 17  实际道路测试效果

    Figure 17.  Effect of actual road experiment

    表 1  本文与其他算法对比

    Table 1.  This algorithm is compared with other algorithms

    Mask R-CNN [19]R-50-FPN1234.656.536.615.336.349.738.08.6
    Mask R-CNNR-101-FPN1236.258.638.516.438.452.040.18.1
    Mask R-CNNR-101-FPN3638.160.940.718.440.253.442.68.7
    YOLACT-700 [21]R-101-FPN4831.250.632.812.133.347.1-23.6
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    表 2  性能指标

    Table 2.  Performance index

      KITTI mots dataset-cars Mask R-CNN74.985.885.1
    MaskTrackR-CNN [25]75.586.186.5
    Track R-CNN [26]76.286.887.2
      KITTI mots dataset-pedestrainsMask R-CNN44.663.874.1
    MaskTrack R-CNN45.964.677.9
    Track R-CNN46.865.175.7
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收稿日期:  2022-03-22
修回日期:  2022-06-06
录用日期:  2022-06-15
刊出日期:  2022-09-25


