
曹伟航,李状,石成堃,等. 掺Pr3+固体激光器研究进展概述[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(4): 210364. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210364
引用本文: 曹伟航,李状,石成堃,等. 掺Pr3+固体激光器研究进展概述[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(4): 210364. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210364
Cao W H, Li Z, Shi C K, et al. Overview of research and development of Pr3+ doped solid-state lasers[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(4): 210364. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210364
Citation: Cao W H, Li Z, Shi C K, et al. Overview of research and development of Pr3+ doped solid-state lasers[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(4): 210364. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210364


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  • 作者简介:
    *通讯作者: 蔡志平,zpcai@xmu.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN248.1

Overview of research and development of Pr3+ doped solid-state lasers

  • Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61975168)
More Information
  • 可见光激光器在激光彩色显示、激光医疗、量子信息、光通讯等领域有着十分重要的作用。三价镨离子(Pr3+)因在可见光波段存在丰富的激光能级跃迁而备受人们关注。特别是近年来,激光二极管(LD)、光泵浦半导体激光器(OPSL)等商业化泵浦源的出现,更是使得掺Pr3+固体激光器的研究得到了长足的发展。本文按照掺Pr3+固体激光器连续、脉冲和单纵模三种输出类型,介绍了每种输出类型在特定波段处的典型工作,以时间为主线对掺Pr3+固体激光器的研究历程与现状进行了概述,以及对未来掺Pr3+固体激光器的研究做了展望。

  • Overview: Visible lasers are used extensively in laser color display, laser medical treatment, quantum information, optical communication, and other applications. Trivalent Pr-ion (Pr3+) has attracted much attention due to its rich transitions in the visible band. As early as the 1960s, praseodymium-doped (Pr3+) crystals were investigated as gain mediums for laser production. Compared with the way of obtaining visible laser by optical nonlinear processes such as frequency doubling and mixing, the way of directly down converting the laser energy level by using Pr3+ doped crystal to obtain visible laser avoids the use of the nonlinear optical crystal, which makes the laser have high conversion efficiency, compact structure, good quality of laser beam, and no requirement of strict temperature control. Especially in recent years, the emergence of commercial pump sources such as laser diode (LD) and optically pumped semiconductor laser (OPSL) has made great progress in the research of Pr3+ doped solid-state lasers. In this paper, Pr3+ solid-state lasers are divided into three types: continuous-wave output type, pulse output type and single longitudinal mode output type. Among them, the continuous-wave laser is typical in green, orange and red laser bands. The laser output power can exceed the watt level. The maximum output power at 522 nm green laser is more than 4 W, and the maximum power at 607 nm orange laser is 4.88 W. The maximum power at 639 nm red laser is up to 8.14 W. For pulse laser, the laser output with a pulse width of tens to hundreds of nanoseconds can be obtained in Q-switching, and the pulse width in mode-locking is narrower. The mode-locked pulse widths of 8 ps, 400 fs and 1.1 ps are obtained at red 639 nm, orange 613 nm and 604 nm respectively. The mode-locked pulse widths of other visible optical bands have been reported to range from more than ten picoseconds to hundreds of picoseconds. In the aspect of single longitudinal mode, the research work of realizing single-frequency laser output by using Pr3+ doped crystal mainly focuses on 360 nm UV, 604 nm, 607 nm orange laser and 639 nm, 640 nm red laser. At the same time, taking time as the mainline, this paper summarizes the research history and current status of Pr3+ doped solid-state lasers, and looks forward to the future of Pr3+ doped solid-state lasers.

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  • 图 1  Pr3+能级结构图[11]

    Figure 1.  Energy level structure of Pr3+ [11]

    图 2  腔内倍频实验示意图[28]

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of intracavity frequency doubling experiment setup[28].

    图 3  实验装置示意图[50]

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of experimental setup[50].

    图 4  几种典型Pr:YLF连续型可见光激光的研究现状。

    Figure 4.  Research status of several typical Pr:YLF continuous-wave visible lasers.

    图 5  二极管泵浦Pr:YLF在670 nm处附近波长可切换的实验示意图[57]

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of the experiment of diode-pumped Pr:YLF with switchable wavelength near 670 nm[57]

    图 6  以Bi2Se3为SA的二极管泵浦调Q Pr:YLF可见光激光器的实验装置示意图[73]

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of diode-pumped Q-switched Pr:YLF visible laser using Bi2Se3 as SA[73].

    图 7  Pr:YLF双脉冲激光器实验装置原理图[79]

    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of Pr:YLF double pulse laser experiment setup[79]

    图 8  锁模Pr3+:LiYF4激光器的腔型[88]

    Figure 8.  Cavity configuration of the mode-locked Pr3+:LiYF4 laser[88]

    图 9  采用非线性镜像法的Pr:YAlO3锁模激光系统版图[92]

    Figure 9.  Layout of the Pr:YAlO3 mode-locked laser system using the nonlinear mirror method[92]

    图 10  InGaN蓝激光二极管泵浦的SESAM被动锁模Pr:YLF激光器原理图[94]

    Figure 10.  Schematic of the passively mode-locked Pr:YLF laser with a SESAM and pumped by InGaN blue LDs[94]

    图 11  掺Pr3+晶体可见光锁模综述[97]

    Figure 11.  Summary of Pr3+ doped crystal mode-locking in the visible range[97]

    图 12  二极管泵浦的604 nm和607 nm正交偏振SLM-Pr:YLF激光器实验装置[102]

    Figure 12.  Diode pumped 604 nm and 607 nm quadratically polarized SLM-Pr:YLF laser experimental setup[102]

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