
范丽莎,刘帆,吴国龙,等. 激光辅助化学气相沉积研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(2): 210333. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210333
引用本文: 范丽莎,刘帆,吴国龙,等. 激光辅助化学气相沉积研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(2): 210333. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210333
Fan L S, Liu F, Wu G L, et al. Research progress of laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(2): 210333. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210333
Citation: Fan L S, Liu F, Wu G L, et al. Research progress of laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(2): 210333. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210333


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 姚建华,laser@zjut.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TB383.2;TM26

Research progress of laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition

  • Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51975533) and 111 Project from Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation (D16004)
More Information
  • 激光化学气相沉积技术(LCVD)相较于传统化学气相沉积技术具有低沉积温度、高膜层纯度、高沉积效率等特点,在各类功能薄膜材料制备上有着巨大的应用前景。围绕激光化学气相沉积技术,本文详细阐述了激光热解离、激光光解离与激光共振激发解离作用机制,同时介绍了各类LCVD的常用设备,着重总结了LCVD在金属材料、碳基材料、氧化物材料以及半导体材料等各类材料制备应用上的最新研究进展,特别介绍了LCVD制备过程中常用的检测与分析方法,最后讨论了激光化学气相沉积技术目前所面临的挑战与机遇,并展望了该技术的发展前景。

  • Overview: Laser chemical vapor deposition (LCVD) is a promising method for selective deposition of solid materials via localized chemical vapor reaction driven by a laser beam. It has several advantages over traditional CVD processes including decreased deposition temperature, increased deposition rate, higher crystallization quality, superior spatial resolution, site-selective deposition characteristics and the ability to produce a wide range of complex 3D micro- and nanostructures. In this review, LCVD is divided into three types based on the interaction mechanisms of laser and gaseous precursor, i.e., pyrolytic LCVD, photolytic LCVD and vibrational excitation LCVD. In pyrolytic LCVD processes, a focused laser beam triggered by a continues CO2 laser or Nd:YAG laser is used to locally heat the surface of the substrate and material deposition occurs when the temperature near the irradiated area reaches the decomposition threshold of the gaseous precursor. This approach is often used to deposit small regions of 2D films with complex and fine patterns. Photolytic LCVD processes use photons from focused laser beams (typically generated by short-wavelength ultraviolet laser light source, such as excimer laser and high frequency output of Nd:YAG laser) to reactant gases, resulting in precise deposition of solid material in either 2D films or 3D structures. Photolytic LCVD processes rely on the photochemical action of the laser beam and the chemical reactants. The precursor gas molecules are directly dissociated by the high-energy photons and subsequently form a solid deposit on the surface of the substrate through recombination/re-decomposition. Photolytic LCVD typically utilizes pulsed lasers as their high peak power levels more effectively to drive the chemical reactions. This method is suitable for large-area film formation. Vibrational excitation LCVD often uses laser sources with adjustable wavelengths, such as infrared CO2 lasers and OPO lasers. By precisely modulating the laser wavelength, the laser energy is directionally coupled to selected gas molecules to induce efficient dissociation of key reaction molecules, resulting in deposition of solid material in a low ambient temperature. Vibrational excitation LCVD typically offers a higher deposition rate and a better film quality compared to the photolysis of the precursors with a UV laser. In this article, we first introduce the deposition principles and commonly used equipment of the three LCVD processes, and then a comprehensive survey of recent material deposition applications using this three LCVD approaches is presented. Finally, the challenges and opportunities in the application of LCVD for material preparation are summarized, and the development prospects of this technology are prospected.

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  • 图 1  分子二元碰撞过程中不同能量转移过程的弛豫通道[79]

    Figure 1.  Different relaxation channels for energy transfer during binary collisions of molecules[79]

    图 2  热解LCVD常用实验装置示意图

    Figure 2.  Commonly used experimental setup for pyrolysis LCVD

    图 3  (a) 2.44 W沉积的W膜孕育、成核和聚结三阶段图;(b) 沉积时间对W膜沉积厚度的影响;(c) 激光功率对W薄膜表面形貌的影响[81]

    Figure 3.  (a) Plot of three regimes for incubation, nucleation and coalescence of W deposited at 2.44 W; (b) Thickness of W films deposited on glass substrates plotted as a function of deposition time; (c) Surface morphology of deposited W films deposited at different laser power[81]

    图 4  在钨表面上生长的(a)低成核和(b)高成核金刚石SEM图像[96]

    Figure 4.  SEM images of diamond grown on tungsten surface of (a) poorly and (b) heavily nucleated[96]

    图 5  (a) 在不同激光功率、沉积压力和沉积温度下制备的β-SiC薄膜XRD图;(b) 激光功率和沉积压力对 β-SiC 薄膜择优取向的影响[97]

    Figure 5.  (a) XRD patterns of the β-SiC films prepared at different laser power, deposition pressure and deposition temperature; (b) Effects of laser power and deposition pressure on preferred crystalline orientations of β-SiC films[97]

    图 6  使用传统CVD于1173 K制备的HfO2薄膜(a)表面和(b)横截面扫描电镜图像,使用热解LCVD于1203 K和1383 K制备的HfO2薄膜(c), (e)表面和(d), (f)横截面扫描电镜图像,(c), (e) 沉积温度对(g)常规CVD和(h)热解CVD制备的HfO2薄膜沉积速率、微晶尺寸、以及形态演化的影响[71]

    Figure 6.  (a) Surface and (b) cross-sectional SEM images of HfO2 films prepared using conventional CVD at 1173 K, (c), (e) surface and the corresponding (d), (f) cross-sectional SEM images of (c), (d) HfO2 films prepared at 1203 K and (e), (f) HfO2 films prepared at 1383 K by pyrolysis CVD, effect of deposition temperature on deposition rate, crystallite size, and morphological evolution in HfO2 films prepared using (g) conventional CVD and (h) pyrolysis CVD[71]

    图 7  激光功率150 W,沉积温度分别在760 K (a, b)、957 K (c, d)和1104 K (e, f)时在石英玻璃上制备的SrTiO3薄膜表面和横截面SEM图像;(g) 沉积温度对SrTiO3薄膜厚度、晶粒尺寸、晶粒形状和择优取向的影响[128]

    Figure 7.  Surface and cross‐sectional SEM images of the SrTiO3 films prepared at 760 K (a, b) , 957 K (c, d) and 1104 K (e, f) with a laser power of 150 W, respectively; (g) Influences of the deposition temperature on thickness, grains size, grains shape, and preferred orientation of the SrTiO3 films[128]

    图 8  在1523 K和400 Pa下沉积的具有类纳米森林结构的3C-SiC/石墨烯复合薄膜的(a),(b)TEM形貌(c)原子构型,具有稳定框架和连续电子路径的3C-SiC/石墨烯复合薄膜的(d)示意图与(e)循环性能测试图[136]

    Figure 8.  (a), (b) TEM observations and (c) atomic configuration of the nanoforest-like 3C-SiC/graphene composite films deposited at 1523 K and 400 Pa, (d) schematic illustration and (e) cycling performance of 3C-SiC/graphene nanoforest composite films with stable framework and continuous electron pathways[136]

    图 9  光解LCVD常用实验装置以及光解机制示意图

    Figure 9.  Commonly used experimental setup and principle of photolysis LCVD

    图 10  不同激光功率下沉积的W图案SEM 照片和相应的 3D 图像。

    Figure 10.  SEM photographs and corresponding 3D images of the deposited tungsten patterns for various laser power.

    图 11  (a) 不同激光能量密度下金刚石薄膜表面和横截面形貌;(b) 燃烧活性物质在紫外光激发下的解离过程图[61]

    Figure 11.  (a) Surface and cross-sectional SEM images of diamond films prepared at different laser energy densities;      (b) The reaction process diagram of active species in the combustion flame under the ultraviolet light irradiation[61]

    图 12  在衬底预热温度423 K时不同激光功率制备的TiNx薄膜表面和横截面图。

    Figure 12.  Surface image surface and cross-sectional SEM images of TiNx films prepared at Tpre = 423 K with varied laser power.

    图 13  LCVD制备Si3N4薄膜。

    Figure 13.  Si3N4 film prepared by LVCD.

    图 14  激光共振激发LCVD常用实验装置

    Figure 14.  Commonly used experimental setup for laser resonant excitation LCVD

    图 15  激光共振激发对CVD制备碳纳米洋葱的影响。

    Figure 15.  The influence of laser resonant excitation on CVD of carbon nano-onions.

    图 16  LCVD制备的掺硼金刚石以及其电极的血糖传感器性能表征。

    Figure 16.  BDD prepared using resonant excitation LCVD method and their electrochemical performance in glucose tests.

    图 17  (a), (b) 激光辅助金有机化学气相沉积GaN薄膜的横截面微观结构图;不同生长温度下,(c) LMOCVD以及 (d) 常规MOCVD制备GaN薄膜的XRD谱图[54]

    Figure 17.  (a, b) Cross-sectional SEM images of GaN films and (c, d) XRD patterns of GaN grown at different temperature in LMOCVD and conventional MOCVD process, respectively[54]

    图 18  (a) CO2激光辅助燃烧化学气相沉积实验装置与不同激光激励下NH3/C2H2/O2火焰的(b)发射光谱和(c)质谱分析所得到的火焰中离化基团的相对摩尔分数[181];(d) C2H4/C2H2/O2火焰的光学图像[184]

    Figure 18.  (a) Experimental setup for the CO2 laser-assisted CCVD and (b) optical emission spectra and (c) mole fractions of the species of NH3/C2H2/O2 flames under different laser excitations measured using mass spectrometer[181]; (d) Optical images of C2H4/C2H2/O2 flames[184]

    表 1  各类化学气相沉积技术对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of various CVD techniques

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    表 2  常见LCVD光源

    Table 2.  Commonly used laser sources for LCVD

    红外92190.1[27, 53, 54]
    ArF紫外1936.4[48, 59]
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    表 3  最近热解LCVD薄膜制备研究工作

    Table 3.  Recent reports of thin film deposition using pyrolysis LCVD

    2021[28]SmBa2Cu3O7-δLaAlO3波长808 nm半导体连续激光器7808.76
    2020[71]HfO2AlN波长976 nm半导体连续激光器600~130067
    2020[72]BCNSiO2波长1064 nm Nd:YAG连续激光器110018.4
    2020[74]SrTiO3MgAl2O4波长1064 nm Nd:YAG连续激光器90020
    2020[75]Y-doped BaZrO3AlN波长1064 nm Nd:YAG连续激光器645.1~656.32.67
    2020[76]β-Yb2Si2O7, X1/X2-Yb2SiO5AlN波长808 nm半导体连续激光器750~1100114~423、353~943
    2019[77]LaPO4Al2O3波长1064 nm Nd:YAG连续激光器802~84758.6
    2019[78]SiBCNGraphite波长1064 nm Nd:YAG连续激光器1210~14101620
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    表 4  最近光解LCVD制备薄膜的工作总结

    Table 4.  Reports of thin film deposition using photolysis LCVD recently

    2020[141]金刚石Si波长532 nm超高斯分布连续激光器700~9000.38
    2019[47]WTFT-LCD波长351 nm脉宽45 ns Nd:YAG脉冲激光器> 450-
    2018[59]金刚石WC波长193 nm脉宽15 ns ArF、波长248 nm脉宽20 ns KrF准分子激光器217711、10.3
    2018[142]β-SiCβ-SiC波长808 nm InGaAlAs半导体激光器1067~125750
    2018[143]Si3N4Si/PET波长193 nm ArF
    2017[144]NiU波长248 nm KrF
    2011[145]Cr2O3Al2O3波长248 nm脉宽30 ns KrF准分子激光器室温360
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