
孙玲,冯帅,朱广宇. “光学和光电子学”领域2021年度国家自然科学基金项目申请与资助情况综述[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210380. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210380
引用本文: 孙玲,冯帅,朱广宇. “光学和光电子学”领域2021年度国家自然科学基金项目申请与资助情况综述[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210380. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210380
Sun L, Feng S, Zhu G Y. Proposal application, peer review and funding of optics and optoelectronics in 2021: an overview[J].Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210380. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210380
Citation: Sun L, Feng S, Zhu G Y. Proposal application, peer review and funding of optics and optoelectronics in 2021: an overview[J].Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210380. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210380


    *通讯作者: 孙玲, E-mail: sunling@nsfc.gov.cn; nling@nsfc.gov.cn
  • 中图分类号: N12;O43

Proposal application, peer review and funding of optics and optoelectronics in 2021: an overview

More Information
  • 为国内科技工作者了解2021年度国家自然科学基金“光学和光电子学”领域基础研究队伍、主要研究方向及项目立项资助等情况,对本年度F05申请代码下的面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目、重点项目、优秀青年科学基金项目和国家杰出青年科学基金项目等项目类型进行了统计与分析,给出了自然科学基金各类项目申请中涉及面最广的面上项目和青年科学基金项目申请与资助的依托单位、申请代码分布,介绍了本领域按科学问题属性分类的评审试点和RCC评审机制试点工作,最后展望了领域若干发展动向。

  • Overview: The natural science projects and their funding on the research of optics and optoelectronics, which are under the grant code F05, are governed by the 4th Division of the Department of Information Science and Technology of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSF). Classified by general program, young scientist fund, fund for less developed regions, key program, excellent young scientist fund, and national science fund for distinguished young scholars, the programs under the grant application code F05 have been thoroughly introduced by an overview covering the proposal applications, peer reviewing processes, and funding distribution of optics and opto-electronics in 2021. In order to provide more insights and perspectives for scientific researchers, the corresponding data were analyzed from different aspects for all programs under the grant code F05. Specifically, the general program and young scientist fund that cover the widest scopes among all programs are analyzed in depth regarding the proposal applications, funding rates, supporting organizations, sub-grant code distributions, the trends, and the reasons behind. Moreover, the re-categorization of projects by the properties of the scientific problems and the corresponding changes to the reviewing processes as well as the newly introduced RCC (Responsibility, Credit, and Contribution) reviewing mechanisms as a part of the major reformation measures of the funding criteria are closely discussed. Under the grant code F05, general program, young scientist fund, fund for less developed regions, key program, excellent young scientist fund, and national science fund for distinguished young scholars have received 1512, 1579, 124, 57, 137, and 90 applications, among which, 268, 381, 19, 15, 17, 5 applications have been granted with funds, respectively. The article has also brought up multiple concerns including the needed attentions to the young talented research groups in the fields of infrared and THz physics and technology, non-linear optics, optical and opto-electronic materials; and the needed enhancements on the implementation of the original research explorations and the interdisciplinary researches and investments in the field of optics and opto-electronics under the frame work of the NSF. The article has finally concluded with the general framework set up by the NSF that the research on optics and optoelectronics will be more pronounced in the following direction: the applicable optical technology to help answering the challenge of high resolution, wide dynamic range, and large data storage in optical systems; the integrated optoelectronic device technology to help answering the challenge of high speed, low cost, highly integrated and intelligent optoelectronic devices.

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  • 表 1  2021年度F05代码下的面上、青年和地区科学基金项目申请与资助情况

    Table 1.  Application and funding status of the general programs, young scientist funds, funds for less developed regions under the F05 grant code in 2021

    项目类别 申请项数 受理项数 资助项数 资助率/%
    面上项目 1512 1505 268 17.72
    青年科学基金项目 1579 1575 381 24.13
    地区科学基金项目 124 124 19 15.32
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    表 2  2021年度F05代码下的重点项目立项领域、申请与资助情况

    Table 2.  Research fields, proposal applications, and funding status of key programs under the F05 grant code in 2021

    二级代码 立项领域数 申请数 资助数
    F0501 2 4 0
    F0502 5 16 6
    F0503 3 11 3
    F0504 2 5 0
    F0505 1 3 1
    F0507 1 3 1
    F0508 2 2 0
    F0511 3 11 3
    F0516 1 2 1
    合计 20 57 15
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    表 3  2020~2021年度F05各二级代码下的重点项目立项领域、申请与资助情况

    Table 3.  Research fields, proposal applications, and funding status of key programs under all F05 sub-grant codes from 2020 to 2021

    二级代码 立项领域数 申请项数 资助项数
    F0501 5 14 3
    F0502 6 20 7
    F0503 6 16 6
    F0504 3 7 1
    F0505 1 3 1
    F0506 2 10 4
    F0507 3 8 2
    F0508 3 3 0
    F0509 2 8 3
    F0510 0 0 0
    F0511 5 21 4
    F0512 0 0 0
    F0513 0 1 0
    F0514 1 2 1
    F0515 0 0 0
    F0516 1 2 1
    合计 38 115 33
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    表 4  2017~2021年度F05代码下的重点项目申请与资助情况

    Table 4.  Proposal applications and funding status of key programs under grant code F05 from 2017 to 2021

    年度 申请项数 资助项数 资助率/%
    2017 56 18 32.14
    2018 48 15 31.25
    2019 64 18 28.13
    2020 58 18 31.03
    2021 57 15 26.32
    合计 283 84 29.68
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    表 5  2017~2021年度F05代码下的优秀青年科学基金项目申请与资助情况

    Table 5.  Proposal applications and funding status of excellent young scientist fund under grant code F05 from 2017 to 2021

    年度 申请项数 资助项数 资助率/%
    2017 114 10 8.77
    2018 146 11 7.53
    2019 151 16 10.60
    2020 156 15 9.62
    2021 137 14 10.22
    合计 704 66 9.38
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    表 6  2020~2021年度F05各二级代码下的优秀青年科学基金项目申请与资助情况

    Table 6.  Proposal applications and funding status of excellent young scientist fund under all F05 sub-grant codes from 2020 to 2021

    二级代码 申请项数 资助项数 资助率/%
    F0501 19 1 5.26
    F0502 39 1 2.56
    F0503 30 7 23.33
    F0504 19 2 10.53
    F0505 5 1 20.00
    F0506 36 5 13.89
    F0507 14 2 14.29
    F0508 10 1 10.00
    F0509 34 1 2.94
    F0510 12 0 0.00
    F0511 25 5 20.00
    F0512 5 1 20.00
    F0513 25 0 0.00
    F0514 5 1 20.00
    F0515 13 1 7.69
    F0516 2 0 0.00
    合计 293 29 9.90
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    表 7  2017~2021年度F05代码下的国家杰出青年科学基金项目申请与资助情况

    Table 7.  Proposal applications and funding status of national science fund for distinguished young scholars under grant code F05 from 2017 to 2021

    年度 申请项数 资助项数 资助率/%
    2017 68 5 7.35
    2018 91 5 5.49
    2019 100 8 8.00
    2020 105 7 6.67
    2021 90 5 5.56
    合计 454 30 6.61
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    表 8  2017~2021年度F05申请代码下的面上和青年科学基金项目依托单位申请与资助情况

    Table 8.  Proposal applications and funding status of the supporting institutions of general programs and young scientist funds under the grant code F05 from 2017 to 2021

    年度 面上项目 青年科学基金项目
    申请单位 获资助单位 资助占比/% 申请单位 获资助单位 资助占比/%
    2017 282 113 40.07 340 140 41.18
    2018 307 107 34.85 375 137 36.53
    2019 336 107 31.85 407 132 32.43
    2020 322 102 31.68 410 145 35.37
    2021 349 106 30.37 435 160 36.78
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    表 9  2021年度F05申请代码下的面上项目和青年科学基金项目申请数排名前五的依托单位

    Table 9.  Top 5 supporting institutions with most proposal applications of general programs and young scientist funds under the grant code F05 in 2021

    面上项目 青年科学基金项目
    排序 单位名称 申请数 占比/% 排序 单位名称 申请数 占比/%
    1 深圳大学 40 2.65 1 深圳大学 52 3.29
    2 华中科技大学 34 2.25 2 中国科学院长春光学精密机械
    33 2.09
    3 中国科学院长春光学精密机械
    31 2.05 3 长春理工大学 29 1.84
    4 天津大学 28 1.85 3 中国科学院光电技术研究所 29 1.84
    5 北京理工大学 27 1.79 5 浙江大学 26 1.65
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    表 10  2021年度F05申请代码下的面上项目和青年科学基金项目资助数排名前五的依托单位

    Table 10.  Top 5 supporting institutions with most funded applications of general programs and young scientist funds under the grant code F05 in 2021

    面上项目 青年科学基金项目
    排序 单位名称 资助数 资助率/% 排序 单位名称 资助数 资助率/%
    1 华中科技大学 11 32.35 1 深圳大学 15 28.85
    2 深圳大学 10 25.00 2 北京理工大学 14 60.87
    3 浙江大学 9 50.00 3 浙江大学 10 38.46
    4 暨南大学 7 33.33 4 华中科技大学 8 47.06
    4 清华大学 7 43.75 4 中山大学 8 34.78
    4 上海交通大学 7 41.18
    4 天津大学 7 25.00
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    表 11  2021年度F05各二级代码下面上项目和青年科学基金项目申请与资助情况

    Table 11.  Proposal applications and funding status of general programs and young scientist funds under all sub-grant code F05 in 2021

    代码 面上项目 青年科学基金项目
    申请数 资助数 资助率/% 申请数 资助数 资助率/%
    F0501 159 20 12.58 169 32 18.93
    F0502 211 41 19.43 229 56 24.45
    F0503 121 26 21.49 136 37 27.21
    F0504 90 15 16.67 80 20 25.00
    F0505 52 8 15.38 42 44 26.19
    F0506 141 23 16.31 173 38 21.97
    F0507 105 20 19.05 112 24 21.43
    F0508 102 18 17.65 104 25 24.04
    F0509 141 27 19.15 103 27 26.21
    F0510 44 7 15.91 53 10 18.87
    F0511 141 23 16.31 154 30 19.48
    F0512 18 5 27.78 20 7 35.00
    F0513 73 16 21.92 101 34 33.66
    F0514 29 6 20.69 34 11 32.35
    F0515 31 9 29.03 35 11 31.43
    F0516 54 4 7.41 34 8 23.53
    合计 1512 268 17.72 1579 381 24.13
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    表 12  2021年度F05申请代码下面上、青年和重点项目科学问题属性分布

    Table 12.  The distribution of properties of scientific problems of general programs and young scientist funds under the grant code F05 in 2021

    属性 面上项目 青年科学基金项目 重点项目
    申请数 资助数 资助率/% 申请数 资助数 资助率/% 申请数 资助数 资助率/%
    A 71 8 11.27 55 10 18.18 0 0 -
    B 675 139 20.59 709 200 28.21 22 8 36.36
    C 671 112 16.69 718 153 21.31 33 7 21.21
    D 95 9 9.47 97 18 18.56 2 0 0.00
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收稿日期:  2021-11-16
修回日期:  2021-12-06
刊出日期:  2021-12-30


