
孟凡俊,尹东. 基于神经网络的车辆识别代号识别方法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(1):200094. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200094
引用本文: 孟凡俊,尹东. 基于神经网络的车辆识别代号识别方法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(1):200094. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200094
Meng F J, Yin D. Vehicle identification number recognition based on neural network[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(1): 200094. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200094
Citation: Meng F J, Yin D. Vehicle identification number recognition based on neural network[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(1): 200094. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200094


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 尹东(1965-),男,副教授,主要从事图像处理的研究。E-mail:yindong@ustc.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391.41

Vehicle identification number recognition based on neural network

  • Fund Project: Key Research and Development Projects of Anhui Province (804a09020049)
More Information
  • 在车辆识别和车辆年检时,正确识别车架上金属刻印的车辆识别代号(VIN)是非常重要的环节。针对VIN序列,本文提出了一种基于神经网络的旋转VIN图片识别方法,它由VIN检测和VIN识别两部分组成。首先,在EAST算法基础上利用轻量级神经网络提取特征,并结合文本分割实现快速、准确的VIN检测;其次,将VIN识别任务作为一个序列分类问题,提出了一种新的识别VIN方法,即通过位置相关的序列分类器,预测出最终的车辆识别代号。为了验证本文的识别方法,引入了一个VIN数据集,其中包含用于检测的原始旋转VIN图像和用于识别的水平VIN图像。实验结果表明,本文方法能有效地识别车架VIN图片,同时达到了实时性。

  • Overview: It is far essential to properly recognize the vehicle identification number (VIN) engraved on the car frame for car surveillance and vehicle identification. Vehicle identification number is unique globally, which is assigned by car manufacturers to a car for identifying it. The vehicle identification number is usually engraved on the metallic car frame which is uneasy to tamper with, so it is of great significance for vehicle annual surveillance and vehicle identification. Although many important achievements have been made in text recognition, especially the wide application of OCR in document recognition in images, the complex background, arbitrary angle and fuzzy font of the engraved text in the images have made it difficult to identify the vehicle identification number automatically. In vehicle identification and annual car inspection, a large number of VIN pictures need to be manually reviewed every day, which is very inefficient. With the application of deep learning, we can make use of deep learning to accelerate this process, improve the efficiency of auditing greatly, and realize automated auditing. We introduce an algorithm for recognizing vehicle identification number in images based on neural network, which incorporates two components: VIN detection and VIN recognition. Firstly, in the VIN detection part, the lightweight Network is used as feature extraction network in order to accelerate the inference speed and reduce the network cost. Combined with FCN and FPN, the network is able to adapt to any size of input images and focus on the distribution difference between foreground text pixels and background pixels. In order to improve the performance on rotational VIN, the images are rotated at any angle lossless in the training stage to augment datasets. Secondly, in the VIN recognition stage, we take VIN recognition task as a sequence classification problem, using VGGNet as the feature extraction network, and the final vehicle identification number sequence is predicted through the position-related sequential classifier without character segmentation to simplify the recognition processing. Also, the text direction in images may be reversed in dataset, and in order to solve the situation, picture is rotated at 180 degrees randomly in network training. Finally, we introduce a VIN dataset, which contains raw rotational VIN images and horizontal VIN images for validating our algorithm, and all of our experiments are conducted on the dataset. Experimental results show that the algorithm we proposed can detect and recognize the VIN text in images efficiently in real time.

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  • 图 1  复杂背景以及任意角度方向的车辆识别代号图片

    Figure 1.  Samples of vehicle VIN images in complex background and with arbitrary orientation

    图 2  基于神经网络的VIN识别框架

    Figure 2.  The overall architecture of our proposed VIN recognition algorithm

    图 3  VIN检测网络基本框架

    Figure 3.  Illustration of the VIN detection architecture

    图 4  VIN检测网络中的后处理以及输出

    Figure 4.  Post-processing and output of VIN detection network

    图 5  VIN识别算法网络。(a) 网络整体框架;(b) VGGNet内部结构

    Figure 5.  Illustration of VIN recognition network. (a) Overall framework; (b) VGGNet network

    图 6  任意方向旋转图片和文本框标签

    Figure 6.  Rotating VIN images and labels at any angle to augment dataset

    图 7  VIN训练数据集

    Figure 7.  Samples of VIN dataset

    图 8  实际复杂环境下VIN图片识别效果

    Figure 8.  Samples of detection and recognition results of our algorithm on complicated VIN images

    图 9  实际复杂环境下检测和识别效果不好的图片

    Figure 9.  Samples of failed detection and recognition on complicated VIN images

    表 1  在VIN数据集上不同方法的检测效果

    Table 1.  Detection performance comparison of different algorithms on VIN dataset

    Methods FPS(frame/s) Precision/% Recall/%
    PSENet[28] 1 86.4 92.2
    EAST 20 94.3 95.7
    FOTS[29] 24 89.9 93.6
    OURS 33 98.5 98.5
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    表 2  在VIN数据集上不同方法的识别效果

    Table 2.  Recognition performance comparison of two algorithms on VIN dataset

    Methods FPS(frame/s) F/% A/%
    Tesseract(320×32)[30] 6 4.47 11.96
    CRNN(320×32) 40 43.61 83.44
    ASTER(320×32)[31] 33 44.25 85.19
    OURS(320×32) 122 61.47 93.28
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    表 3  在不同尺寸输入图片大小上的识别效果

    Table 3.  Recognition performance comparison of different input size

    Input size FPS(frame/s) F/% A/%
    200×20+aug 134 47.53 89.66
    200×20 134 41.21 85.73
    320×32+aug 122 61.47 93.28
    320×32 122 55.15 91.90
    400×40+aug 94 66.29 95.12
    400×40 94 58.70 91.42
    500×50+aug 88 64.73 95.71
    500×50 88 58.11 92.37
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