
孙锐,章晗,程志康,等. 基于通道注意力与迁移学习的红外图像超分辨率重建算法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(1):200045. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200045
引用本文: 孙锐,章晗,程志康,等. 基于通道注意力与迁移学习的红外图像超分辨率重建算法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(1):200045. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200045
Sun R, Zhang H, Cheng Z K, et al. Super-resolution reconstruction of infrared image based on channel attention and transfer learning[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(1): 200045. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200045
Citation: Sun R, Zhang H, Cheng Z K, et al. Super-resolution reconstruction of infrared image based on channel attention and transfer learning[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(1): 200045. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200045


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 章晗(1995-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事计算机视觉的研究。E-mail:1402198087@qq.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391;TB866

Super-resolution reconstruction of infrared image based on channel attention and transfer learning

  • Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61471154, 61876057) and the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (JZ2018YYPY0287)
More Information
  • 针对现有红外图像分辨率低、质量不高的问题,提出了基于通道注意力与迁移学习的红外图像超分辨率重建方法。该方法设计了一个深度卷积神经网络,融入通道注意力机制来增强网络的学习能力,并且使用残差学习方式来减轻梯度爆炸或消失问题,加速网络的收敛。考虑到高质量的红外图像难以采集、数目不足的情况,将网络的训练分成两步:第一步使用自然图像来预训练网络模型,第二步利用迁移学习的知识,用较少数量的高质量红外图像对预训练的模型参数进行迁移微调,使模型对红外图像的重建效果更优。最后,加入多尺度细节滤波器来提升红外重建图像的视觉效果。在Set5、Set14数据集以及红外图像上的实验表明,融入通道注意力机制和残差学习方法,均能提升超分辨率重建的效果,迁移微调能很好地解决红外样本数量不足的问题,而多尺度细节提升滤波则能提升重建图像的细节,增大信息量。

  • Overview: In recent years, infrared imaging technology has developed rapidly and has been increasingly used in military reconnaissance, security surveillance, and medical imaging. However, in the process of infrared image imaging or transmission, it is affected by many factors such as environment and equipment. The infrared image often has a low resolution, which greatly reduces the amount of information contained in the infrared image and restricts the application value of the infrared image. Therefore, how to obtain high-resolution and high-information infrared images has become an issue that people urgently need to solve. In recent years, the development of deep learning technology has made rapid progress, and super-resolution methods based on deep learning have begun to appear. However, if these convolutional neural networks are directly applied to the infrared image field, there are some problems: SRCNN, FSRCNN, and ESPCN have fewer network convolutional layers and insufficient network depth, and the learning features will be relatively single, ignoring the differences between image features. The mutual relationship makes it difficult to extract the deep-level information of the infrared image, and SRGAN may generate super-resolution images that are not close to the original image in certain details, which is not conducive to the application of infrared images in military, medical and surveillance. Another problem that needs to be overcome is that it is difficult to collect a sufficient number of high-quality infrared images in real life, and a large number of images of different scenes and targets are required as training samples for common deep learning methods. The infrared images used as training data sets to achieve deep learning methods often fail to achieve the desired effect. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a method for super-resolution reconstruction of infrared images based on channel attention and transfer learning. This method first designs a deep convolutional neural network, which integrates the channel attention mechanism to learn the correlation between the channels in the feature space, enhances the learning ability of the network, and uses residual learning to reduce the problem of gradient explosion or disappearance and to speed up network convergence. Then, considering that high-quality infrared images are difficult to collect and insufficient in number, the network training is divided into two steps: the first step uses natural images to pre-train a super-resolution model of natural images, and the second step is to use transfer learning knowledge. Using a small number of high-quality infrared images, the pre-trained model parameters are quickly transferred and fine-tuned to improve the reconstruction effect of the model on the infrared image, thereby obtaining a super-resolution model of the infrared image. Finally, a multi-scale detail boosting (MSDB) module is added to enhance the details and visual effects of the infrared reconstructed image and to increase the amount of information.

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  • 图 1  经典超分辨率重建网络结构图。(a) SRCNN;(b) FSRCNN;(c) ESPCN

    Figure 1.  The structure diagram of classic super-resolution reconstruction network.(a) SRCNN; (b) FSRCNN; (c) ESPCN

    图 2  算法流程图

    Figure 2.  The flow chart of the proposed method

    图 3  SESR网络结构图

    Figure 3.  The sketch map of SESR network

    图 4  SE block示意图

    Figure 4.  The schematic diagram of SE block

    图 5  SE block结构图

    Figure 5.  The sketch map of SE block

    图 6  部分红外图像样本

    Figure 6.  Part of the infrared image samples

    图 7  Butterfly重建结果。(a) 原图;(b) Bicubic;(c) SRCNN;(d) FSRCNN;(e) ESPCN;(f) SESR

    Figure 7.  Reconstruction results of a Butterfly.(a) Original image; (b) Bicubic; (c) SRCNN; (d) FSRCNN; (e) ESPCN; (f) SESR

    图 8  Lenna重建结果。(a) 原图;(b) Bicubic;(c) SRCNN;(d) FSRCNN;(e) ESPCN;(f) SESR

    Figure 8.  Reconstruction results of Lenna. (a) Original image; (b) Bicubic; (c) SRCNN; (d) FSRCNN; (e) ESPCN; (f) SESR

    图 9  不同激活函数下Set5和Set14测试集的PSNR均值随迭代次数增长的趋势图。(a) Set5;(b) Set14

    Figure 9.  Trend of the mean PSNR of Set5 and Set14 datasets with iteration rising under different active functions. (a) Set5; (b) Set14

    图 10  Baby重建结果。(a) 原图; (b) SESR(no attention); (c) SESR

    Figure 10.  Reconstruction results of a Baby. (a) Original image; (b) SESR(no attention); (c) SESR

    图 11  Comic重建结果。(a) 原图;(b) SESR(no attention);(c) SESR

    Figure 11.  Reconstruction results of a Comic.(a) Original image; (b) SESR(no attention); (c) SESR

    图 12  不同微调深度下5幅红外图像PSNR均值随迭代次数增长的趋势图

    Figure 12.  Trend of the mean PSNR of 5 infrared images with iteration rising under different fine-tuning depth

    图 13  Car1重建结果。(a) 原图;(b) Bicubic;(c) SRCNN;(d) FSRCNN;(e) SESR_I;(f) SESR;(g) SESR_T

    Figure 13.  Reconstruction results of Car1.(a) Original image; (b) Bicubic; (c) SRCNN; (d) FSRCNN; (e) SESR_I; (f) SESR; (g) SESR_T

    图 14  Car2重建结果。(a) 原图;(b) Bicubic;(c) SRCNN;(d) FSRCNN;(e) SESR_I;(f) SESR;(g) SESR_T

    Figure 14.  Reconstruction results of Car2. (a) Original image; (b) Bicubic; (c) SRCNN; (d) FSRCNN; (e) SESR_I; (f) SESR; (g) SESR_T

    图 15  Car1重建结果。(a) 原图;(b) SESR_T;(c) SESR_T+MSDB

    Figure 15.  Reconstruction results of Car1. (a) Original image; (b) SESR_T; (c) SESR_T+MSDB

    图 16  People2重建结果。(a) 原图;(b) SESR_T;(c) SESR_T+MSDB

    Figure 16.  Reconstruction results of People2.(a) Original image; (b) SESR_T; (c) SESR_T+MSDB

    表 1  各卷积层参数设置

    Table 1.  The parameter setting of each convolution layer

    Name Number Size
    Conv1 64 9×9
    Conv2 32 1×1
    Conv3 1 5×5
    Conv4~Conv9 64 3×3
    Conv10 1 3×3
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    表 2  5种方法在2个数据集上的重建结果(PSNR/SSIM)

    Table 2.  Reconstruction results of 5 methods on 2 datasets (PSNR/SSIM)

    Data set Scale Bicubic SRCNN FSRCNN ESPCN SESR
    Set5 2 33.66/0.9299 36.66/0.9542 37.00/0.9558 37.06/0.9559 37.39/0.9586
    3 30.39/0.8682 32.75/0.9090 33.16/0.9104 33.13/0.9135 33.38/0.9142
    4 28.42/0.8104 30.48/0.8628 30.71/0.8657 30.90/0.8673 31.03/0.8735
    Set14 2 30.24/0.8688 32.42/0.9063 32.63/0.9088 32.75/0.9098 32.94/0.9116
    3 27.55/0.7742 29.28/0.8209 29.42/0.8242 29.49/0.8271 29.66/0.8298
    4 26.00/0.7027 27.49/0.7503 27.59/0.7535 27.73/0.7637 27.85/0.7721
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    表 3  2种方式在2个数据集上的重建结果

    Table 3.  Reconstruction results of 2 methods on 2 datasets

    Data set Scale SESR(no attention) SESR
    Set5 2 37.31/0.9576 37.39/0.9586
    3 33.27/0.9136 33.38/0.9142
    4 31.02/0.8707 31.03/0.8735
    Set14 2 32.88/0.9108 32.94/0.9116
    3 29.59/0.8283 29.66/0.8298
    4 27.86/0.7720 27.85/0.7721
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    表 4  6种方法在5幅红外图像上的测试结果(PSNR/SSIM)

    Table 4.  Reconstruction results of 6 methods on 5 infrared images(PSNR/SSIM)

    Methods Car1 Car2 People1 People2 Road Average
    Bicubic 39.21/0.9480 37.22/0.9362 42.48/0.9558 41.02/0.9407 40.67/0.9364 40.12/0.9434
    SRCNN 40.69/0.9545 38.54/0.9456 43.11/0.9587 41.61/0.9453 41.21/0.9413 41.05/0.9491
    FSRCNN 41.23/0.9565 39.20/0.9497 43.27/0.9591 41.82/0.9469 41.36/0.9422 41.38/0.9509
    SESR_I 41.17/0.9561 39.13/0.9489 43.23/0.9589 41.80/0.9463 41.33/0.9419 41.33/0.9504
    SESR 41.43/0.9576 39.44/0.9521 43.30/0.9595 41.94/0.9484 41.34/0.9425 41.49/0.9520
    SESR_T 41.75/0.9584 39.58/0.9524 43.38/0.9598 42.01/0.9486 41.48/0.9431 41.64/0.9525
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    表 5  5幅红外图像上3种评价指标的重建结果

    Table 5.  Reconstruction results of 3 assessment indicator on 5 infrared images

    Methods Assessment indicator Car1 Car2 People1 People2 Road Average
    SESR_T PSNR 41.75 39.58 43.38 42.01 41.48 41.64
    SSIM 0.9584 0.9524 0.9598 0.9486 0.9431 0.9525
    NIQE 5.0882 4.6436 5.4748 4.8767 5.2902 5.0747
    SESR_T+MSDB PSNR 40.12 38.46 42.68 41.38 40.73 40.67
    SSIM 0.9554 0.9537 0.9578 0.9463 0.9466 0.9520
    NIQE 4.4907 4.3997 4.8909 4.6168 4.9432 4.6683
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