
樊非,徐曦,许乔,等. 大口径强激光光学元件超精密制造技术研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(8):200135. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.200135
引用本文: 樊非,徐曦,许乔,等. 大口径强激光光学元件超精密制造技术研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(8):200135. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.200135
Fan F, Xu X, Xu Q, et al. Progress on ultra precision manufacturing technology of large-aperture high-power laser optics[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(8): 200135. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.200135
Citation: Fan F, Xu X, Xu Q, et al. Progress on ultra precision manufacturing technology of large-aperture high-power laser optics[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(8): 200135. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.200135


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 许乔(1972-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事先进光学制造的研究。E-mail:xuqiao@vip.sina.com
  • 中图分类号: TH74

Progress on ultra precision manufacturing technology of large-aperture high-power laser optics

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2017ZX04022001-101)
More Information
  • 惯性约束聚变高功率固体激光装置研制对大口径光学元件提出了全频段精度控制指标要求,以及高效率、批量化制造需求。本文围绕“超精密、确定性”强激光光学元件全流程制造方法,总结了近几年大口径强激光光学元件超精密制造技术取得的重要进展,重点介绍了单点金刚石超精密切削技术、非球面超精密数控磨削技术、确定性抛光技术等一系列关键技术,以及相关工艺及装备在强激光光学元件批量制造流程线中的应用情况。

  • Overview: The high-power solid-state laser facility for inertial confinement fusion is the largest optical system with the most complex structure. It requires tens of thousands of large-aperture high-power laser optics, including phosphate neodymium glass amplifier, plane mirrors, aspheric focusing lens, diffraction elements, and nonlinear laser crystals. In order to further improve the beam quality and realize the stable operation under high laser flux, these large-aperture optics are required to precisely control the full-spatial frequency error, and realize efficient mass-manufacturing. This review summarizes the recent critical progress in the field of ultra-precise manufacturing of large-aperture optics for high-power laser facility, especially for the technology and equipment of single point diamond fly-cutting, aspheric ultra-precision grinding, and deterministic polishing. In addition, the application status of these key technologies in the mass-manufacturing flow-line is stated specifically. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of comprehensive performance for high-power laser facility, the typical requirements for ultra-precise manufacturing of high-power laser optics are as follows: 1) The development of advanced optical manufacturing technology will march towards the extreme conditions, such as complex aspheric structures, nano-scale shape control, sub-nanometer ultra-smooth surface, etc. 2) The damage-free machining over optical surfaces is in urgent demand, and it is necessary to break through the traditional polishing mechanism and technology, in order to develop novel principles, methods and technologies to realize near non-defect manufacturing. 3) The efficiency of mass manufacturing of optics needs to be improved, and further improvement of the reliability and stability of equipment, as well as the enhancement of flexible and intelligent manufacturing is of great demand. This will help to establish the fast response ability to support the research and development on modern optical system.

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  • 图 1  KDP晶体超精密飞切机床动态特性的测量与评价平台

    Figure 1.  Detection and evaluation platform for dynamic characteristics of KDP crystal single point diamond fly-cutting machine tool

    图 2  400 mm×400 mm KDP晶体超精密加工结果。

    Figure 2.  Results of 400 mm×400 mm KDP crystal after single point diamond fly-cutting.

    图 3  KDP晶体脆-塑转变深度仿真结果。

    Figure 3.  Simulation results of brittle ductile transition depth in cutting KDP crystal.

    图 4  非球面平行磨削加工原理

    Figure 4.  Principle of parallel grinding of aspheric surface

    图 5  非球面超精密制造与传统加工技术比较

    Figure 5.  Comparison of aspheric ultra-precision manufacturing and traditional processing technology

    图 6  圆弧金刚石砂轮对滚研磨修整

    Figure 6.  The dressing principle of arc diamond wheel by roll abrading

    图 7  对滚研磨修整后金刚石砂轮的形状误差和微观形貌。

    Figure 7.  Form errors of diamond wheel after dressing.

    图 8  离轴非球面元件磨削面形误差、亚表面缺陷深度结果。

    Figure 8.  Results of off-axis aspheric optics after grinding.

    图 9  楔形非球面镜气囊抛光实物图与原理图。

    Figure 9.  Bonnet polishing picture and principle for off-axis wedge aspheric lens.

    图 10  面形预测与实验验证。

    Figure 10.  Surface shape prediction and experimental verification.

    图 11  气囊修整实物与数学模型。

    Figure 11.  Bonnet dressing picture and mathematical model.

    图 12  离轴楔形非球面透镜气囊抛光结果。

    Figure 12.  Results of off-axis wedge aspheric lens by bonnet polishing.

    图 13  确定性全口径抛光中元件面形精度控制方法

    Figure 13.  Control principle of workpiece precision in deterministic full-aperture polishing

    图 14  采用不同抛光盘类型的确定性全口径抛光机床。

    Figure 14.  The deterministic full-aperture polishers with different kinds of plate materials.

    图 15  确定性全口径抛光加工典型实验结果。

    Figure 15.  The typical processing results of the deterministic full-aperture polishers.

    图 16  去除速率稳定性控制实验统计。

    Figure 16.  Experimental statistics of removal rate stability control.

    图 17  参数化匀滑修正中高频误差实验结果

    Figure 17.  Parameterized smoothing correction for medium and high frequency errors

    图 18  400 mm×400 mm离轴楔形非球面透镜小工具数控抛光结果。

    Figure 18.  Results of 400 mm×400 mm off-axis wedge aspheric lens by CCOS.

    图 19  理论MRF去除函数。

    Figure 19.  Theoretical MRF polishing spot.

    图 20  元件不同曲率与MRF抛光斑体积去除率分布曲线

    Figure 20.  Optics curvature and MRF polishing spot volume removal rate distribution curve

    图 21  磁流变加工非球面实物图

    Figure 21.  MRF processing aspheric surface

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收稿日期:  2020-04-21
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