
骆金辉,周一览,刘承,等. 一种应用于光纤陀螺寻北的温度漂移补偿方法[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(11):190681. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190681
引用本文: 骆金辉,周一览,刘承,等. 一种应用于光纤陀螺寻北的温度漂移补偿方法[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(11):190681. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190681
Luo J H, Zhou Y L, Liu C, et al. A temperature drift compensation method applied to fiber optic gyroscope north-seeking[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(11): 190681. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190681
Citation: Luo J H, Zhou Y L, Liu C, et al. A temperature drift compensation method applied to fiber optic gyroscope north-seeking[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(11): 190681. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190681


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 骆金辉, E-mail: 21730064@zju.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: V241.5

A temperature drift compensation method applied to fiber optic gyroscope north-seeking

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61203190)
More Information
  • 光纤陀螺寻北启动误差是启动过程温度剧烈变化导致的光纤陀螺零偏漂移产生的误差,表现为冷启动时寻北误差较稳定段时明显增大,事实上延长了有效寻北时间。通过对光纤陀螺温度漂移影响因素的分析,利用经验模态分解、ARMA建模与Kalman滤波建立多参量线性模型,实现了一种应用于光纤陀螺寻北的温度漂移补偿方法,实验结果表明,该方法可以将寻北启动误差降低近80%,使得冷启动时寻北精度与稳定段相当并缩短了有效寻北时间。

  • Overview: The north-seeking orientation technology has wide range of applications in many fields. In the military domain, missiles, rockets, artillery, etc. cannot be launched without direction datum. Aerospace, tanks, ships, etc. cannot work without direction datum. In the civilian domain, mineral exploration, mining, geotechnical engineering, and civil engineering construction also require direction datum. Therefore, the research on north-seeking orientation technology is of great significance for realizing national defense modernization and promoting national economic development.

    Fiber optical gyroscope (FOG) is an all-solid-state gyroscope based on Sagnac effect. It has the advantages of high impact resistance, high sensitivity, long life, low power consumption, and reliable integration. It is especially suitable for north-seeking orientation system. However, since the main components of FOG are sensitive to temperature, when the temperature changes, non-reciprocal phase errors will occur in the output signal of FOG, resulting in instability of the zero drift of FOG, and ultimately affecting FOG's accuracy under different temperature conditions. Therefore, the change of temperature during the startup of FOG leads to the phenomenon that the output data of FOG has a large temperature drift after power-on, and then gradually becomes stable. This startup characteristic causes FOG north-seeking startup drift, and north-seeking startup error during the cold start, which is manifested by a significant increase in the north-seeking error during the cold start and actually prolongs the effective north-seeking time.

    The method for suppressing the temperature drift of the FOG generally adopts methods of improving the structure and components of the fiber gyro, improving the fiber winding technology, and controlling the temperature of FOG. But suppressing the temperature drift from the mechanism, especially for the medium and low precision FOG with small volume is very difficult. However, the temperature drift modeling compensation is a relatively simple and quick solution, and can basically meet the work requirements. Through the analysis of the factors affecting the temperature drift of FOG, the multi-parameter linear model was established by empirical mode decomposition (EMD), autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) modeling, and Kalman filtering to realize a temperature drift compensation method applied to FOG north-seeking. The experimental results show that the method can reduce the north-seeking startup error by nearly 80%, so that the startup north-seeking precision is equivalent to the stable phase and the effective north-seeking time is shortened.

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  • 图 1  光纤陀螺温度漂移模型建立流程图

    Figure 1.  Flow chart of fiber optic gyro temperature drift compensation model

    图 2  光纤陀螺静态实验结果

    Figure 2.  Fiber optic gyro static experiment results

    图 3  光纤陀螺温度补偿效果

    Figure 3.  Fiber optic gyro temperature compensation effect

    表 1  组断实验结果

    Table 1.  Result of experiments with powering off between each set

    寻北精度 原始数据 补偿后数据
    含首次实验/(°) 0.590 0.323
    去首次实验/(°) 0.362 0.302
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    表 2  次断实验结果

    Table 2.  Result of experiments with powering off between each experiment

    原始数据 补偿后数据
    寻北精度/(°) 1.35 0.288
    下载: 导出CSV
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收稿日期:  2019-11-10
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