
王阳,马秀荣,钱森,等. 超快速MCP-PMT的时间特性测试方法研究[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(2):190635. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190635
引用本文: 王阳,马秀荣,钱森,等. 超快速MCP-PMT的时间特性测试方法研究[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(2):190635. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190635
Wang Y, Ma X R, Qian S, et al. The study of test method of time characteristic for ultra-fast-MCP-PMT[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(2): 190635. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190635
Citation: Wang Y, Ma X R, Qian S, et al. The study of test method of time characteristic for ultra-fast-MCP-PMT[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(2): 190635. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190635


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 钱森(1981-),男,博士,特聘青年研究员,主要从事光电器件以及核电子学与核探测器的研究。E-mail:qians@ihep.ac.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN152

The study of test method of time characteristic for ultra-fast-MCP-PMT

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11675205, 11675196) and Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation Promotion Association and State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (SKLPDE-ZZ-201902, SKLPDE-ZZ-201907)
More Information
  • 超快速时间特性的光电倍增管的时间特性研究,对进一步研制国产超快时间响应的微通道板光电倍增管(FPMT)具有重要的指导作用。本文基于高能物理通用的VME测试方案,设计装置采用皮秒激光器的单光子脉冲工作模式,最终实现系统误差为25 ps的FPMT高精度时间测试系统。通过优化FPMT阳极信号读出方式、优化分压器结构及分压比例,对多款FPMT的时间特性进行测试研究。并提出在非单光子工作模式下表征FPMT时间分辨特性的本征时间下限值,用以对比分析各种不同工作状态的FPMT的时间分辨好坏。在对多款FPMT读出方式完成优化结构设计和对比测试后,研究结果表明,目前实验室来自不同生产单位的样管中,最佳的本征时间分辨下限值为30 ps。

  • Overview: The micro channel plate (MCP) is a specially crafted microporous plate with millions of independent channels, each with secondary electron emission capability, which can be used as a standalone electronic multiplier amplifier. Due to the distance that electrons fly in the channel is much shorter than the traditional dynode, so the time performance is superior to the traditional dynode.

    The microchannel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) can be divided into two types: a small-area near-focus type (FPMT) and a large-area electrostatic focus type (LPMT). The small size FPMT of proximity focusing construct has many advantages such as fast time response, strong anti-interference ability, small volume and light weight. It is especially suitable for the detection of fast and very weak signals, and the time characteristic TTS can be on the order of tens of picoseconds.

    A picosecond laser within single photon pulse operation mode is used as the test light source. The data acquisition system based on the Versa Module Eurocard (VME) Bus protocol, which widely used in high energy physics experiment. The single photon signal of the FPMT can be generate to be a NIM signal to the VME-TDC channel through the discriminator. The synchronous output signal of the picosecond laser also supplied ad the gate signal of the TDC. Then the data collected by the TDC will be transmitted to the computer and processed by the LabVIEW program. In the experiment, the time characteristics of a variety of FPMT prototypes were tested under different light intensities, different structured high-voltage dividers and different high-voltage distribution ratios.

    The results show that the structures of high-voltage divider and the high-voltage distribution ratios have a great influence on the time resolution of the same FPMT. By optimizing the FPMT's voltage divider structure and selecting the appropriate high voltage distribution ratio, its time characteristics can be effectively improved.

    The intrinsic time lower limit value of the FPMT in the non-single-photon working mode, is proposed to compare and analyze the time resolution of different FPMTs in different working states. After completing various optimized readout anode structural design for the FPMTs, it can be find that the best FPMT prototype in our Lab has the best intrinsic time resolution lower limit of 30 ps.

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  • 图 1  波形分析原理图

    Figure 1.  Waveform analysis schematic diagram

    图 2  皮秒激光器及光强调节方法。(a)皮秒激光器;(b)光强调节示意图

    Figure 2.  Picosecond laser and method of optical intensity modulation.

    图 3  VME-TDC测试流程图

    Figure 3.  VME-TDC test flow chart

    图 4  时间测试系统误差

    Figure 4.  Time test system error

    图 5  不同采样方式的测试结果。(a) VME-TDC采集TTS测试图;(b)高速采样示波器采集TTS测试图

    Figure 5.  Test results of different sampling methods.

    图 6  不同分压比例的TTS@SPE测试差异。(a)分压比为2:6:4;(b)分压比为1:9:1

    Figure 6.  TTS@SPE tests with different high voltage distribution ratio were different.

    图 7  分压器电路原理图

    Figure 7.  Voltage divider circuit schematic

    图 8  不同类型的BASE及其测得的电荷谱。

    Figure 8.  Different types of BASE and their measured charge spectrum. (a) Voltage divider 1; (b) Voltage divider 2; (c) Voltage divider 3; (d) Charge spectrum measured by voltage divider 1~3

    图 9  多款FPMT的TTS随信号幅度的变化趋势

    Figure 9.  The tendency of multi-style FPMT's TTS with signal amplitude

    表 1  不同结构BASE对同一只FPMT测得的时间性能

    Table 1.  Time performance measured by different structures BASE on the same FPMT

    FPMT Rise time/ns Fall time/ns 3PE-TTS/ps 1PE-P/V
    BASE1 1.68 5.85 248 5.82
    BASE2 1.81 2.58 217 7.5
    BASE3 1.87 3.67 172 7.5
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收稿日期:  2019-10-15
修回日期:  2020-01-02
刊出日期:  2020-02-01


