
李梁华,王永雄. 高效3D密集残差网络及其在人体行为识别中的应用[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(2):190139. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190139
引用本文: 李梁华,王永雄. 高效3D密集残差网络及其在人体行为识别中的应用[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(2):190139. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190139
Li L H, Wang Y X. Efficient 3D dense residual network and its application in human action recognition[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(2): 190139. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190139
Citation: Li L H, Wang Y X. Efficient 3D dense residual network and its application in human action recognition[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(2): 190139. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190139


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 王永雄(1970-),男,博士,教授,主要从事智能机器人及视觉的研究。E-mail:wyxiong@usst.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

Efficient 3D dense residual network and its application in human action recognition

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61673276, 61603255, 61703277)
More Information
  • 针对3D-CNN能够较好地提取视频中时空特征但对计算量和内存要求很高的问题,本文设计了高效3D卷积块替换原来计算量大的3×3×3卷积层,进而提出了一种融合3D卷积块的密集残差网络(3D-EDRNs)用于人体行为识别。高效3D卷积块由获取视频空间特征的1×3×3卷积层和获取视频时间特征的3×1×1卷积层组合而成。将高效3D卷积块组合在密集残差网络的多个位置中,不但利用了残差块易于优化和密集连接网络特征复用等优点,而且能够缩短训练时间,提高网络的时空特征提取效率和性能。在经典数据集UCF101、HMDB51和动态多视角复杂3D人体行为数据库(DMV action3D)上验证了结合3D卷积块的3D-EDRNs能够显著降低模型复杂度,有效提高网络的分类性能,同时具有计算资源需求少、参数量小和训练时间短等优点。

  • Overview: In view of the problem that 3D-CNN can better extract the spatio-temporal features in video, but it requires a high amount of computation and memory, this paper designs an efficient 3D convolutional block to replace the 3×3×3 convolutional layer with a high amount of computation, and then proposes a 3D-efficient dense residual networks (3D-EDRNs) integrating 3D convolutional blocks for human action recognition. The efficient 3D convolutional block is composed of 1×3×3 convolutional layers for obtaining spatial features of video and 3×1×1 convolutional layers for obtaining temporal features of video. The spatial dimension convolution results are directly used as the input of time dimension convolution, which is helpful to retain the original information with abundant spatio-temporal characteristics. According to the residual network, the information flow can be transmitted from the shallow layer to the deeper layer. The dense network can apply the extended repetition features to the entire network. 3D-EDRNs is designed as a combination of a small dense connection network and a residual structure, which is used to extract the spatial-temporal features of video. The new dense residual structure extends the original dense residual structure from 2D to 3D, and integrates E3DB, which can accelerate the network training and improve the performance of the residual network. Input of the add layer is processed through the structural design of the DRB, which are all feature graphs of inactivated functions, thus, 3D-EDRNs can effectively obtain the information flow between convolutional layers, which is helpful for the network to extract the spatial-temporal features. The concatenate layer can fully integrate the shallow and high level features obtained by the network. 3D-EDRNs extracts the variable and complex spatio-temporal features of video, and the information flow between convolutional layers can also be transmitted to each layer smoothly, thus improving the utilization rate of network parameters and avoiding the problem of parameter expansion of common neural networks. Efficient 3D convolutional blocks are combined in multiple locations of dense residual network, which not only takes advantage of easy optimization of residual blocks and feature reuse of dense connected network, but also can shorten the training time and improve the efficiency and performance of spatial-temporal feature extraction of the network. In the classical data set UCF101, HMDB51 and the dynamic multi-view complicated 3D database of human activity (DMV action3D), it is verified that the 3D-EDRNs combined with 3D convolutional block can significantly reduce the complexity of the model, effectively improve the classification performance of the network, and have the advantages of less computational resource demand, small number of parameters and short training time.

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  • 图 1  C3D网络架构

    Figure 1.  C3D network architecture

    图 2  残差网络和密集连接。(a)残差块;(b)密集块;(c)密集连接残差块

    Figure 2.  Residual network and dense connection. (a) Residual block; (b) Dense block; (c) Dense connection residual block

    图 3  标准3×3×3卷积(a)和E3DB (b)

    Figure 3.  Standard 3×3×3 convolution (a) and E3DB (b)

    图 4  3D-EDRNs结构图

    Figure 4.  3D-EDRNs structure diagram

    图 5  DRB结构图

    Figure 5.  DRB structure diagram

    图 6  3D-EDRNs在HMDB51的迭代准确率(a)和损失值(b)变化图(底层特征融入E3DB)

    Figure 6.  3D-EDRNs iteration accuracy (a) and loss value (b) variation diagram in HMDB51(lower features are integrated into E3DB)

    图 7  3D-EDRNs在HMDB51的迭代准确率(a)和损失值(b)变化图(底层特征和密集块融入E3DB)

    Figure 7.  3D-EDRNs iteration accuracy (a) and loss value (b) variation diagram in HMDB51 (lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)

    图 8  3D-EDRNs在HMDB51的迭代准确率(a)和损失值(b)变化图(高层特征、底层特征和密集块均融入E3DB)

    Figure 8.  3D-EDRNs iteration accuracy (a) and loss value (b) variation diagram in HMDB51 (upper features, lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)

    图 9  3D-EDRNs迭代准确率(a)和损失值(b)变化图(高层特征、底层特征和密集块均融入E3DB)

    Figure 9.  Variation diagram of 3D-EDRNs iteration accuracy (a) and loss value (b)(upper features, lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)

    图 10  3D-EDRNs迭代准确率(a)和损失值(b)变化图(底层特征和密集块融入E3DB)

    Figure 10.  Variation diagram of 3D-EDRNs iteration accuracy (a) and loss value (b) (lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)

    图 11  3D-EDRNs迭代准确率(a)和损失值(b)变化图(底层特征融入E3DB)

    Figure 11.  Variation diagram of 3D-EDRNs iteration accuracy (a) and loss value (b) (lower features are integrated into E3DB)

    表 1  不同C3D模型基于DMV action3D数据库的实验结果

    Table 1.  Experimental results of different C3D models based on DMV action3D database

    Method Positive view
    recognition accuracy/%
    Side view
    recognition accuracy/%
    Dynamic view
    recognition accuracy/%
    Model size/M
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    表 2  3D-EDRNs基于HMDB51数据库的实验结果

    Table 2.  Experimental results of 3D-EDRNs based on HMDB51 database

    Method Accuracy/% Model size/M
    3D-EDRNs(before joining E3DB)+linear SVM 70.35 4.25
    3D-EDRNs(lower features are integrated into E3DB)+linear SVM 73.26 4.6
    3D-EDRNs(lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)+linear SVM 73.86 4.01
    3D-EDRNs(upper features, lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)+linear SVM 76.29 3.97
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    表 3  3D-EDRNs基于UCF101数据库的实验结果

    Table 3.  Experimental results of 3D-EDRNs based on UCF101 database

    Method Accuracy/% Model size/M
    3D-EDRNs(before joining E3DB)+linear SVM 88.3 3.84
    3D-EDRNs(lower features are integrated into E3DB)+linear SVM 93.53 3.26
    3D-EDRNs(lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)+linear SVM 94.06 2.66
    3D-EDRNs (upper features, lower features and dense blocks are integrated into E3DB)+linear SVM 97.09 3.43
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    表 4  基于不同视频特征提取方法的实验结果(UCF101数据库)

    Table 4.  Experimental results based on different video feature extraction methods (UCF101 database)

    Method Accuracy/% Model size/M Elapsed time/(ms/clip)
    C3D+linear SVM 82.3 78.4 22.8
    LTC+linear SVM 84.8 16.1 13.8
    P3D ResNet+linear SVM 88.6 98 14.3
    3D-EDRNs+linear SVM 97.09 3.43 11
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