
潘卫军, 段英捷, 张强, 等. 基于AlexNet卷积神经网络的激光雷达飞机尾涡识别研究[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(7): 190082. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.190082
引用本文: 潘卫军, 段英捷, 张强, 等. 基于AlexNet卷积神经网络的激光雷达飞机尾涡识别研究[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(7): 190082. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.190082
Pan Weijun, Duan Yingjie, Zhang Qiang, et al. Research on aircraft wake vortex recognition using AlexNet[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(7): 190082. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.190082
Citation: Pan Weijun, Duan Yingjie, Zhang Qiang, et al. Research on aircraft wake vortex recognition using AlexNet[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(7): 190082. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.190082


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 张强(1986-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事雷达技术与应用的研究。E-mail:271198043@qq.com
  • 中图分类号: TB872

Research on aircraft wake vortex recognition using AlexNet

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1733203), Civil Aviation Authority Safety Capacity Building Project (TM2018-9-1/3), Sichuan Science and Technology Program (2018JY0394), and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program of CAFUC (S201910624014)
More Information
  • 为解决飞机尾涡威胁后机飞行安全问题,保障空中交通安全,提高机场和空域容量,提出了一种基于AlexNet卷积神经网络模型的算法,实现飞机尾涡的准确识别。结合多普勒激光雷达探测原理和Hallck-Burnham尾涡速度经典模型,构建了AlexNet神经网络模型提取大气风场中的尾涡速度云图的图像特征,识别飞机尾涡。研究表明,该模型能够准确识别目标空域中的飞机尾涡,网络模型收敛后对尾涡识别的准确率高达91.30%,并具有低虚警率,能有效地实现对飞机尾涡的识别和预警,达到尾涡监测的目的。

  • Overview: Wake vortices develop as a consequence of the lift an aircraft produced to fly. For a wing generating lift, the pressure on the wing lower surface is higher than the pressure on the wing upper face. Therefore, air flows around the wing tip from the lower surface to the upper surface resulting in a strong vortex, the so-called "wing tip vortex". An airplane affected by a wake vortex experience may cause rolling moment even air crash. Given that, how to recognize wake vortex and monitor it to improve the capacity of airdrome and airspace, has become a key issue in civil aviation industry. The traditional method of detecting wake vortex generally adopts Doppler LiDAR, which is considered one of the most effective approach. In this paper, the LiDAR made use of the range-height-indication mode to obtain the radial velocity of the wake vortex, and the tangential velocity was calculated by the Hallock-Burnham vortex model, and then converted the velocity data to the speed maps of the vortex through processing. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, convolution neural networks has turned out to be a powerful tool to deal with image analysis. For this reason, this paper applied AlexNet neural network model combined with the detection principle of Doppler LiDAR to extract the image features of the wake vortex velocity images in the atmosphere and identified the aircraft wake vortex by training a large amount of vortex maps. Aiming at perfecting the data sets, this experiment collected the flight departure data within 40 days of an airport in China. The airport took off about 500 flights a day, including A340, A380 and ARJ21 and so on. The AlexNet was trained and tested on the designed data sets, which involved 4000 training sets and 1000 validation sets and the training epochs were set as 10000. The qualitative experiment results show that after the network model converges, the accuracy rate reaches to 91.30%, which can effectively realize the identification work, monitoring of the aircraft wake vortex, as well as early warning. This research demonstrates the high accuracy and low probability of false alarm of the AlexNet neural network in detecting wake vortex and is capable to provide decision-making information for air traffic control work.

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  • 图 1  激光雷达在国内某机场实地探测图

    Figure 1.  LiDAR experiment at an airport in China

    图 2  2018年9月5日国内某机场飞机尾涡速度场云图

    Figure 2.  September 5, 2018, at an airport in China, the vortex velocity image of an aircraft

    图 3  AlexNet神经网络算法结构

    Figure 3.  AlexNet algorithm structure

    图 4  基于AlexNet模型的飞机尾涡识别流程

    Figure 4.  Wake vortex identification process based on AlexNet model

    图 5  部分实验结果AlexNet对飞机尾涡的识别情况

    Figure 5.  Part of experimental results identification of the wake vortex by AlexNet

    图 6  准确率随迭代次数变化曲线

    Figure 6.  Accuracy rate with training epochs

    图 7  损失函数输出值随迭代次数变化曲线

    Figure 7.  Output value of loss function with training epochs

    表 1  AlexNet参数设置

    Table 1.  AlexNet parameter settings

    Name Type Filter size Stride Padding Output size
    Input data Color image 224×224×3
    Conv1 7×7 4 0 55×55×96
    Pool1 Max pooling 3×3 2 0 27×27×96
    Conv2 5×5 1 2 27×27×256
    Pool2 Max pooling 3×3 2 0 13×13×256
    Conv3 3×3 1 1 13×13×384
    Conv4 3×3 1 1 13×13×384
    Conv5 3×3 1 1 13×13×384
    Pool5 Max pooling 3×3 2 0 6×6×256
    Fc6 4049
    Fc7 4049
    Fc8 1000
    Softmax with loss
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    表 2  1.5 μm脉冲相干多普勒激光雷达的系统参量

    Table 2.  System parameters of 1.5 μm pulse coherent Doppler LiDAR

    Name Value
    Observation mode RHI
    Detection range/m 45~915
    Detection accuracy/m 30
    Scan angel range/(°) 10~60
    Scan step length/(°) 1
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收稿日期:  2019-03-01
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