
唐彪, 金炜, 李纲, 等. 结合稀疏表示和子空间投影的云图检索[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(10): 180627. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180627
引用本文: 唐彪, 金炜, 李纲, 等. 结合稀疏表示和子空间投影的云图检索[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(10): 180627. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180627
Tang Biao, Jin Wei, Li Gang, et al. The cloud retrieval of combining sparse representation with subspace projection[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(10): 180627. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180627
Citation: Tang Biao, Jin Wei, Li Gang, et al. The cloud retrieval of combining sparse representation with subspace projection[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(10): 180627. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180627


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 金炜(1969-),男,博士,教授,主要从事稀疏表示和深度学习在模式识别上的应用研究。E-mail:xyjw1969@126.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

The cloud retrieval of combining sparse representation with subspace projection

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61471212) and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China (LY16F010001)
More Information
  • 卫星云图能从多角度展示各类云系特征及其演变过程,实现基于内容的云图检索在天气实况监测、气候研究等方面具有重要意义。为了优化云图的组合特征,增强其组合特征的泛化能力,本文提出一种结合稀疏表示和子空间投影的特征优化方法。首先分别提取云图的颜色、纹理以及形状三种特征,并对其组合特征进行转换分块;然后对每一块的特征进行稀疏表示,根据不同原子的方差来分组特征,得到显著特征和非显著特征;最后由分组特征的能量来计算得到子空间投影矩阵,将初始的组合特征在投影矩阵上进行投影,得到优化后的云图特征。实验结果表明,本文优化云图特征的方法在查准率、查全率上均优于常用的降维方法和云图检索技术,对组合特征具有较强的优化能力,在实时检索过程中时间复杂度低,是一种全新的检索方法。

  • Overview: The satellite cloud image can show the characteristics of the cloud system and its evolution process from multiple angles. The research of cloud image retrieval is of great significance for weather monitoring and climate research. In the design and implementation of cloud image retrieval system, feature extraction is the key link. Since different types of cloud image features have their own advantages when portraying cloud images, combining different types of features will help improve the performance of cloud image retrieval system. However, since the combined cloud image features tend to be too high in dimension, the time cost is often high in the similarity measurement phase, and there is redundancy between the feature vectors. In view of the above problems, this paper combines sparse representation and subspace projection technology to propose a dimension reduction method for cloud image combination features. Firstly, the content information of the cloud image is drawn from different angles, that is, the three features of the cloud image color, texture and shape are extracted. After that, the three features are normalized and cascaded into a combined feature vector, and then the combined feature vector is matrixed. The form is arranged, and the matrix is subsequently subjected to block processing. Then, each block is sparsely represented, the variance of each feature block sparse representation coefficient is calculated, and the feature blocks are grouped according to the variance obtained by different blocks and grouped by grouping. It is then possible to separate the initial combined features into salient features and non-significant features. At this point, a subspace will be searched, in which the significant part is preserved, and the non-significant part will be suppressed. A projection matrix can be obtained by learning training to achieve the combined feature dimension reduction. In the retrieval stage, the initial cloud image combination feature vector is projected on the projection matrix, and the dimensionality reduction cloud image feature can be obtained, so that the cloud image retrieval can be realized quickly and accurately. The experimental results show that the cloud image retrieval system achieved by this method is superior to the traditional dimensionality reduction method in the accuracy and recall rate of the cloud image retrieval system, and the time complexity of the retrieval process is low. This indicates that the proposed method has strong dimensionality reduction ability for cloud image combination features, and provides a new idea for cloud image feature dimension reduction and efficient cloud image retrieval system.

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  • 图 1  圆形LBP算子示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of circular LBP operator

    图 2  云图分块ULBP统计直方图特征

    Figure 2.  Cloud image divided block ULBP statistical histogram features

    图 3  分割、开闭运算后的效果。(a)原图;(b)开运算后效果;(c)闭运算后效果

    Figure 3.  The effect after segmentation, open and close operation. (a) Original; (b) The effect of open operation; (c) The effect of close operation

    图 4  稀疏编码及子空间学习

    Figure 4.  Sparse coding and subspace learning

    图 5  稀疏表示和特征分组流程

    Figure 5.  Sparse representation and feature grouping processes

    图 6  本文使用FY-2D部分云图样本

    Figure 6.  FY-2D cloud image samples are used in this paper

    图 7  相似云图样本实例

    Figure 7.  Sample examples of similar cloud image

    图 8  一次检索实验结果

    Figure 8.  A retrieval of experimental results

    图 9  不同返回数目下的查准率(a)和查全率(b)变化曲线图

    Figure 9.  Curves of precision (a) and recall (b) under different number of returns

    图 10  不同返回数目下的查准率(a)和查全率(b)曲线图

    Figure 10.  Curves of precision (a) and recall (b) under different number of returns

    表 1  文中相关的参数设置

    Table 1.  Related parameter settings in paper

    Parameter l m t s n z k d v v'
    Size 1200 1600 40 40 4 16 100 128 800 500
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    表 2  文中相关的矩阵维数

    Table 2.  Related matrix dimensions in paper

    Dimension of matrix P1 P2 P W Y Ya=Yb Hi H
    Size 1600×800 800×500 1600×500 500×1200 1600×1200 1600×1200 16×100 16×433200
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    表 3  六种降维方法的查准率对比

    Table 3.  Comparison of precision of six dimensionality reduction methods

    Number of cloud image return Proposed PCA SPCA LDA Laplacian AutoEncoder
    5 1.000 1.000 0.967 1.000 0.475 0.467
    10 0.987 0.983 0.838 0.987 0.288 0.425
    15 0.964 0.953 0.717 0.961 0.225 0.372
    20 0.931 0.927 0.619 0.938 0.179 0.354
    25 0.897 0.888 0.545 0.885 0.153 0.348
    30 0.843 0.838 0.499 0.838 0.131 0.328
    35 0.794 0.787 0.443 0.777 0.117 0.315
    40 0.754 0.734 0.401 0.717 0.113 0.303
    45 0.716 0.688 0.369 0.648 0.107 0.294
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    表 4  六种降维方法的查全率对比

    Table 4.  Comparison of recall of six dimensionality reduction methods

    Number of cloud image return Proposed PCA SPCA LDA Laplacian AutoEncoder
    5 0.100 0.100 0.097 0.100 0.048 0.047
    10 0.198 0.197 0.168 0.198 0.058 0.085
    15 0.289 0.286 0.215 0.288 0.068 0.112
    20 0.373 0.371 0.248 0.375 0.072 0.142
    25 0.448 0.444 0.273 0.443 0.077 0.174
    30 0.506 0.503 0.299 0.503 0.078 0.197
    35 0.556 0.551 0.310 0.544 0.082 0.221
    40 0.603 0.588 0.321 0.573 0.090 0.243
    45 0.644 0.619 0.332 0.583 0.097 0.265
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    表 5  7种检索方法的特征维度大小

    Table 5.  Feature dimension size of seven retrieval methods

    Retrieval methods Propose Methods 1 Methods 2 Methods 3 Methods 4 Methods 5 Methods 6
    Size of feature 500 256 1475 8 1012036 1738 4096
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    表 6  7种检索方法的查准率对比

    Table 6.  Comparisons of the precision of the seven retrieval methods

    Number of cloud image return Propose Methods 1 Methods 2 Methods 3 Methods 4 Methods 5 Methods 6
    5 1.000 0.958 1.000 0.408 1.000 1.000 1.000
    10 0.987 0.896 0.996 0.337 1.000 0.983 0.992
    15 0.964 0.817 0.964 0.294 0.981 0.953 0.944
    20 0.931 0.750 0.931 0.265 0.944 0.927 0.890
    25 0.897 0.685 0.883 0.242 0.917 0.888 0.827
    30 0.843 0.636 0.824 0.222 0.890 0.843 0.775
    35 0.794 0.586 0.775 0.213 0.864 0.794 0.731
    40 0.754 0.546 0.733 0.203 0.833 0.754 0.693
    45 0.716 0.510 0.689 0.193 0.803 0.716 0.660
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    表 7  七种检索方法的查全率对比

    Table 7.  Comparisons of the recall of the seven retrieval methods

    Number of cloud image return Propose Methods 1 Methods 2 Methods 3 Methods 4 Methods 5 Methods 6
    5 0.100 0.096 0.100 0.041 0.100 0.100 0.100
    10 0.198 0.179 0.199 0.068 0.200 0.197 0.198
    15 0.289 0.245 0.289 0.088 0.294 0.286 0.283
    20 0.373 0.300 0.373 0.106 0.378 0.371 0.356
    25 0.448 0.343 0.442 0.121 0.458 0.444 0.413
    30 0.506 0.382 0.494 0.133 0.534 0.506 0.465
    35 0.556 0.410 0.542 0.149 0.605 0.556 0.512
    40 0.603 0.437 0.587 0.163 0.667 0.603 0.554
    45 0.644 0.459 0.620 0.173 0.723 0.644 0.594
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收稿日期:  2018-11-30
修回日期:  2019-03-21
刊出日期:  2019-10-18


