
魏然, 臧金亮, 刘颖, 等. 应用于高密度存储的偏光全息技术研究进展[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(3): 180598. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180598
引用本文: 魏然, 臧金亮, 刘颖, 等. 应用于高密度存储的偏光全息技术研究进展[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(3): 180598. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180598
Wei Ran, Zang Jinliang, Liu Ying, et al. Review on polarization holography for high density storage[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(3): 180598. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180598
Citation: Wei Ran, Zang Jinliang, Liu Ying, et al. Review on polarization holography for high density storage[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(3): 180598. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180598


  • 基金项目:
    通讯作者: 臧金亮(1987-),男,博士,博士后,主要从事偏光全息理论及应用的研究。E-mail:jlzang@bit.edu.cn 谭小地(1962-),男,博士,教授,主要研究光学全息、光子晶体、液晶及三维立体显示技术等。E-mail:xtan@fjnu.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: O436.3;TP333

Review on polarization holography for high density storage

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (61475079, 61675020) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M620635)
More Information
  • 偏光全息术通过记录两束偏振光干涉形成的偏振光栅,可以把偏振光信息存储在偏振敏感材料当中。偏光全息把传统全息术中长期被忽视的光波偏振信息加以利用,在加大了存储容量的同时,也具有了许多独特的性质。本文简要介绍了偏光全息的发展历程,描述了基于张量的偏光全息理论及其一些推论,然后对偏光全息在数据存储领域的应用作了介绍,并做出展望。

  • Overview: Optical data storage is suitable and economical for a data center and an archive storage system with the advantages of long lifetime for storing digital data. However, traditional optical data storage methods including CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs face technical obstacles in obtaining further large-capacity optical data storage. Holographic optical data storage is a potential technology in the next generation of optical storage due to its high capacity for data storage and its high speed of data transmission.

    In this paper, the concept of polarization holography is firstly introduced. In contrast to conventional holography which record the intensity gratings formed by two waves with same polarization, polarization holography records polarization gratings fabricated by waves with mutually orthogonal polarization. The polarization holographic gratings can diffract laser wave and shift the polarization state of diffraction wave at the same time. With the unique capacity of recording and retrieving intensity, phase and polarization state simultaneously, the polarization holographic gratings are expected to be applied in high density optical storage. Then, theory of polarization holography is briefly investigated and some unique properties based on newly developed vector theory are discussed. Compared with conventional holography, the reconstruction of polarization holography is more complicated. The Jones matrix has been applied to polarization holography for a long time. However, the calculation of the Jones matrix is commonly limited in paraxial approximation, as the solution of it would become quite complex without the limitation. In 2011, Kuroda et al. proposed a new tensor theory that provides a simple solution of polarization holography under non-paraxial approximation. In this theory, the hologram was divided into intensity and polarization parts and expressed as a tensor product of the interference electric field. Therefore, the crossing angle can be arbitrary with any polarized waves. Henceforth, several theoretical and experimental research studies have been proposed based on this new tensor theory.

    At last, the further applications of polarization holography in high density data storage are briefly overviewed. Sever methods of polarization multiplexed holographic recording have been proposed with polarization holography. In dual-channel holographic recording with orthogonal linear polarization holography, two polarization encoded holograms were recorded in a dual-channel recording system with negligible inter-channel crosstalk. And the two polarization multiplexed holograms could then be sequentially or simultaneously realized by shifting the polarization state of reference wave. Further, vector hologram in which the vector beams are recorded and reconstructed has been realized by polarization holography.

    In conclusion, polarization holography is an attractive technique for its unique capacity of recording intensity, phase, and polarization of a wave simultaneously. With the help of polarization holography, holographic data storage can further improve its storage density by fully using of multi-parameter of light wave including intensity, phase and polarization states.

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  • 图 1  不同角度下偏振光干涉光场分布。

    Figure 1.  Polarized interference light field distribution at different angles.

    图 2  偏光全息的干涉记录过程

    Figure 2.  Recording process of polarization holography

    图 3  偏光全息的衍射再现过程

    Figure 3.  Diffraction process of polarization holography

    图 4  基于正交线偏振全息的双通道全息记录[50]

    Figure 4.  Dual-channel holographic recording with orthogonal linear polarization holography[50]

    图 5  偏光全息产生矢量光束实验结果。

    Figure 5.  Experimental results of vector beam generated by polarization holography.

    图 6  偏光全息实现偏振编码存储的原理示意图[55]

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of polarized code storage for polarization holography[55]

    表 1  线偏振偏光全息规律

    Table 1.  Polarization state of linear polarized holographic

    记录过程 再现过程
    信号光 参考光 参考光 衍射光
    s p s B·cosθ·p
    p Bs
    p s s Bp
    p B·cosθ·s
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    表 2  圆偏振偏光全息规律

    Table 2.  Polarization state of circular polarized holographic

    记录过程 再现过程
    信号光 参考光 参考光 衍射光(A+B=0)
    l r r [B-0.5(A-B)cosθ]l
    l 0
    r l r 0
    l [B-0.5(A-B)cosθ]r
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收稿日期:  2018-11-20
修回日期:  2019-01-25
刊出日期:  2019-03-01


