
梁楠, 张斐然, 蔡帅, 等. 电荷累加型TDICMOS探测器测试方法研究[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(8): 180504. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180504
引用本文: 梁楠, 张斐然, 蔡帅, 等. 电荷累加型TDICMOS探测器测试方法研究[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(8): 180504. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180504
Liang Nan, Zhang Feiran, Cai Shuai, et al. Research on the test methods of charge accumulating TDICMOS detector[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(8): 180504. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180504
Citation: Liang Nan, Zhang Feiran, Cai Shuai, et al. Research on the test methods of charge accumulating TDICMOS detector[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(8): 180504. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180504


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 梁楠, E-mail: ln19@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TN401

Research on the test methods of charge accumulating TDICMOS detector

  • Fund Project: Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFB0500802)
More Information
  • 随着航天遥感领域对分辨率、高速传输、低功耗方面需求的提高,基于电荷累加的TDICMOS探测器应运而生。该探测器无论在工艺上还是探测器结构上均与TDICCD和传统数字累加的CMOS器件有着本质的不同。因此,许多关于探测器性能参数的测试方法无法适用于电荷累加的TDICMOS。本文基于电荷累加TDICMOS的自身特性,先后提出了关于电荷-DN转换因子、满阱电荷、电荷转移效率、读出噪声等参数的新测试方法,同时搭建TDICMOS测试系统进行实验验证。实验证明了上述测试方法的正确性和工程可实现性,为今后TDICMOS工程应用提供了重要依据。

  • Overview: With the increasing demand for high resolution, high-speed transmission and miniaturization in the field of space remote sensing, the original TDICCD detector has been unable to meet the demand on circuit volume and power consumption. At the same time, with the improvement of CMOS technology, TDICMOS detectors based on charge accumulation came into being in recent years. The detector succeeds in inheriting the charge transfer principle of TDICCD detector in charge transfer mode. Therefore, the TDICMOS detector with low power consumption, high integration and charge accumulation can solve these problems.

    As detector is the core component of video circuit, the performance parameters of TDICMOS detector itself have always been an important part of video circuit. Even by reducing the quality of remote sensing satellite image, it can directly affect image interpretation. Therefore, this paper focuses on the test methods of TDICMOS detector parameters. Because AD circuit, sequential circuit and interface circuit are integrated in the detector, the detector is essentially different from the traditional TDICCD and CMOS detector with digital accumulating, no matter in process or in structure. Therefore, many original methods for testing the performance parameters of the detector cannot be applied to the TDICMOS detector based on charge accumulating.

    Firstly, this paper compares the TDICMOS architecture with TDICCD. Then, this paper concludes that the test methods of charge-DN factor and full-well charges, charge transfer efficiency and readout noise need to be redesigned. After that, the key parameter of charge-DN factor is effectively extracted by fitting curve about the graph based on image DN value and noise square, and then the full-well charges can be obtained. At the same time, this paper analyzes the noise model of TDICMOS. By the method of controlling the integration time and exposure, the linear relationship curve between the integration time and image noise is drawn, and the readout noise can be obtained which is independent of photon incidence and dark charge. Subsequently, a reverse driving sequence is proposed to realize the reverse movement of charges in the isolation line, so that the charge transfer efficiency can be obtained effectively. This paper also builds a TDICMOS test system for testing the three different detector parameters. The experimental results are also given in this paper and prove the correctness of the new test methods and achievable in engineering. The methods described in this paper provide an important basis for the engineering application of TDICMOS test in the future.

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  • 图 1  电荷转移型TDICMOS结构

    Figure 1.  Charge transfer TDICMOS sensor structure

    图 2  TDICMOS测试系统

    Figure 2.  Test system of TDICMOS sensor

    图 3  不同亮度下噪声平方与图像DN值关系曲线

    Figure 3.  Curve about charge and DN in different light

    图 4  TDICCD成像噪声分析

    Figure 4.  Noise analysis with TDICCD

    图 5  TDICMOS成像噪声分析

    Figure 5.  Noise analysis with TDICMOS

    图 6  不同积分时间下噪声与图像DN值关系曲线

    Figure 6.  Curve about noise and DN in different integral time

    图 7  转移效率测试时序

    Figure 7.  Sequence of transfer efficiency test

    表 1  两种TDI探测器比较

    Table 1.  Comparison between TDICCD and TDICMOS

    对比类型 TDICCD TDICMOS 测试方法
    输出方式 模拟信号 数字信号 影响读出噪声、满阱电荷、电荷-电压转换因子的测试
    电荷读出方式 水平方向读出 积分方向读出 影响电荷转移效率
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收稿日期:  2018-09-28
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刊出日期:  2019-08-01


