
童莹, 严郁. 基于超声RF信号的乳腺肿瘤分级检测方法[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(1): 180368. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180368
引用本文: 童莹, 严郁. 基于超声RF信号的乳腺肿瘤分级检测方法[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(1): 180368. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180368
Tong Ying, Yan Yu. The grade classification algorithm of breast tumor based on ultrasound RF signals[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(1): 180368. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180368
Citation: Tong Ying, Yan Yu. The grade classification algorithm of breast tumor based on ultrasound RF signals[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(1): 180368. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.180368


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 严郁(1979-),男,高级工程师,主要从事生物医学信息处理的研究。E-mail:yanyucan@126.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391

The grade classification algorithm of breast tumor based on ultrasound RF signals

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61703201), NSF of Jiangsu Province (BK20170765), and NIT fund for Young Scholar (CKJB201602)
More Information
  • 为解决超声乳腺肿瘤分级检测问题,从超声射频(RF)信号的角度提出了一种有效的乳腺肿瘤分级检测方法。首先,采用Shearlet变换提取乳腺超声RF信号的多尺度、多方向特征;其次,考虑Shearlet特征的高维冗余性,采用多尺度方向二值模式(MDBP)对其进行编码,在不损失特征信息的条件下降低特征维度;最后,依据医生阅片经验以及不同分级乳腺肿瘤的特征差异性,设计出适合乳腺病变分级检测的层级二叉树SVM分类器(CBT-SVM)。在928个乳腺肿瘤患者的超声RF信号上进行验证,大量结果表明,提出方法可以有效实现3级、4A级~4C级、5级乳腺肿瘤的分级检测,准确度、敏感度、特异度、PPV、NPV以及MCC分别达到89.29%、75.62%、94.54%、97%、98.3%和81.01%。

  • Overview: According to the statistics published by the American Cancer Society (ACS) in 2015, it is estimated that breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women' patients accounting for 29% of all cancer cases. Early detection and better diagnosis methods play a significant role in reducing the number of fatalities induced by breast cancer. Current sonography has become one of the common methods for early screening breast cancer which are widely used to evaluate doubtful masses based on breast imaging-reporting and data system (BI-RADS). However, this method is limited by low contrast of B-mode images and high subjectivity of sonographers which may make the diagnosis results inaccurate and inconsistent. To address these limitations, ultrasound-based computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system is proposed to assist sonographers in breast tumor diagnosis for achieving higher accuracy and consistency. Since most of the existing CAD systems only can distinguish benign tumors and malignant tumors, and their processing data are all B-mode images which are obtained by ultrasound radio frequency signals, the existing CAD systems still need further researches and improvements. In view of this, we present a new method for distinguishing the grades of breast tumors based on the original ultrasound radio frequency signals which have richer tumor lesion information compared to B-mode images. First, we utilize the multi-scale geometric characteristic of Shearlet transformation to extract the multi-scale and multi-directional features of ultrasound RF signal. Second, multi-scale directional binary pattern (MDBP) is designed to code the texture information of high-frequency Shearlet features in different directions and different scales, which can not only reduce the dimension of Shearlet features but also preserve the sufficient discriminated information of breast tumors for the subsequent grade detection. At last, we draw on the feature difference between different grades of breast tumors to put forward a cascade binary tree SVM classifier, which not only overcome the problem of unbalance samples but also conform to the diagnosis rule of sonographer. Extensive experiments on 928 breast ultrasound RF signals collected from the hospital demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and its precision, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and MCC are 89.29%, 75.62%, 94.54%, 97%, 98.3% and 81.01%, respectively. A point worth emphasizing that the higher values of PPV and NPV further show that the diagnosis results of the proposed method are close to the biopsy gold standard.

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  • 图 1  Shearlet变换示意图

    Figure 1.  The flow diagram of Shearlet transformation

    图 2  MDBP邻域示意图

    Figure 2.  The sketch map of MDBP neighborhood

    图 3  算法步骤框图

    Figure 3.  The flowchat of the proposed feature extraction method

    图 4  层级二叉树SVM分类器的结构图

    Figure 4.  The structure of cascade binary tree SVM classifier

    图 5  不同分级的乳腺超声RF数据。(a) 3级; (b) 4A级; (c) 4B级; (d) 4C级; (e) 5级

    Figure 5.  The different grades of breast tumors of ultrasound RF signal. (a) 3 grade; (b) 4A grade; (c) 4B grade; (d) 4C grade; (e) 5 grade

    图 6  有向无环图SVM分类器的结构图

    Figure 6.  The structure of directed acyclic graph SVM classifier

    图 7  有向无环图SVM分类器的ROC曲线及AUC面积

    Figure 7.  The ROC and AUC of DAG-SVM classifier

    图 8  KNN分类器的ROC曲线及AUC面积

    Figure 8.  The ROC and AUC of KNN classifier

    图 9  随机森林分类器的ROC曲线及AUC面积

    Figure 9.  The ROC and AUC of random forest classifier

    图 10  层级二叉树SVM分类器的ROC曲线及AUC面积

    Figure 10.  The ROC and AUC of CBT-SVM classifier

    表 1  BI-RADS-US分级标准及特征描述

    Table 1.  BI-RADS-US standard and characteristic description

    分级 评价 常见判别特征
    0 需要附加的影像评价 -
    1 阴性 -
    2 良性(发现物) 圆形或者椭圆形,边缘光整,无回声,后方回声增强
    3 可能良性(发现物),建议短期间隔继续检查 椭圆或稍不规则,边界清晰,边缘光整,平行皮肤方向,后方回声增强或无变化
    4A 低度疑似恶性 不规则形状,边缘不光整、分叶毛刺、模糊、成角中一到两项模糊,边界不清楚,不确定方向,低回声,后方回声衰减或部分衰减
    4B 中度疑似恶性
    4C 高度疑似恶性
    5 高度提示恶性,需要采取适当措施 不规则形状,边缘不光整、分叶、毛刺、模糊、成角中两项以上,边界模糊,与皮肤不平行,强回声晕征,后方衰减或部分衰减
    6 已行活检, 并有恶性病理诊断 -
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    表 2  不同方向与尺度参数下的识别结果

    Table 2.  Performance comparison of different parameters of Shearlet transformation

    Shearlet参数 Shearlet特征维数 MDBP特征维数 识别率/(%)
    3个尺度4个方向 10692864 470016 79.02
    3个尺度8个方向 21385728 940032 81.25
    4个尺度4个方向 14257152 626688 79.91
    4个尺度8个方向 28514304 1253376 89.29
    5个尺度4个方向 17821440 783360 79.46
    5个尺度8个方向 35642880 1566720 83.93
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    表 3  不同分块尺寸下的识别率

    Table 3.  Performance comparison of different block sizes of MDBP

    分块尺寸/pixels 14×13 28×26 42×39
    识别率/(%) 81.25 89.29 73.66
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    表 4  不同特征提取算法下的识别率

    Table 4.  Recognition rates of different feature extraction algorithms

    算法 特征维数 PCA降维特征维数 识别率/(%)
    传统特征[18] 9 / 43.75
    Nishant特征[20] 173 / 66.07
    Curvelet变换 7128576 743 74.11
    Contourlet变换 28514304 849 73.21
    Gabor变换 28514304 612 71.43
    Log Gabor变换 28514304 634 60.27
    Shearlet变换 28514304 854 78.13
    本文方法 1253376 762 89.29
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    表 5  不同分类器下的识别率和时间

    Table 5.  Recognition rate and classification time of different classifiers

    识别率/(%) 训练时间/s 测试时间/s
    DAG-SVM 58.03 58.93 1.79
    OAO-SVM 58.03 58.93 3.93
    KNN 79.91 1.81 0.44
    RF 79.46 37.69 8.09
    CBT-SVM 89.29 206.89 0.37
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    表 6  四种分类器性能比较

    Table 6.  Performance comparison of four classifiers

    分类器 准确度/(%) 敏感度/(%) 特异性/(%) PPV/(%) NPV/(%) MCC/(%)
    DAG-SVM 58.03 64.71 88.97 72.56 88.03 54.28
    KNN 79.91 63.84 92.69 79.53 88.03 64.31
    RF 79.46 63.07 92.59 77.88 86.73 63.14
    CBT-SVM 89.29 75.62 94.54 97.00 98.30 81.01
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    表 7  有向无环图SVM分类器的混淆矩阵

    Table 7.  The confusion matrix of DAG-SVM classifier

    输入 3级 4A级 4B级 4C级 5级
    3级 66 29 0 0 41
    4A级 0 24 0 0 8
    4B级 0 0 8 0 4
    4C级 12 0 0 6 0
    5级 0 0 0 0 26
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    表 8  KNN分类器的混淆矩阵

    Table 8.  The confusion matrix of KNN classifier

    输入 3级 4A级 4B级 4C级 5级
    3级 130 0 0 0 6
    4A级 4 20 0 0 8
    4B级 2 0 8 0 2
    4C级 6 0 0 8 4
    5级 10 0 0 3 13
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    表 9  随机森林分类器的混淆矩阵

    Table 9.  The confusion matrix of random forest classifier

    输入 3级 4A级 4B级 4C级 5级
    3级 130 0 0 0 6
    4A级 4 20 0 0 8
    4B级 2 0 8 0 2
    4C级 6 0 0 8 4
    5级 10 0 0 4 12
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    表 10  层级二叉树分类器的混淆矩阵

    Table 10.  The confusion matrix of CBT-SVM classifier

    输入 3级 4A级 4B级 4C级 5级
    3级 136 0 0 0 0
    4A级 8 24 0 0 0
    4B级 4 0 8 0 0
    4C级 10 0 0 8 0
    5级 2 0 0 0 24
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收稿日期:  2018-07-11
修回日期:  2018-10-08
刊出日期:  2019-01-25


