Abstract:Aiming at the problems of the existing vehicle object detection algorithm based on convolutional neural network that cannot effectively adapt to the changes of object scale, self-deformation and complex background, a new vehicle detection algorithm based on multi-scale context convolution features is proposed. The algorithm firstly used feature pyramid network to obtain feature maps at multiple scales, and candidate target regions are located by region proposal network in feature maps at each scale, and then introduced the context information of the candidate object regions, fused the context information with the multi-scale object features. Finally the multi-task learning is used to predict the position and type of vehicle object. Experimental results show that compared with many detection algorithms, the proposed algorithm has stronger robustness and accuracy.
Overview: Aiming at the problems of the existing vehicle object detection algorithm based on convolutional neural network that cannot effectively adapt to the changes of object scale, self-deformation and complex background, a new vehicle detection algorithm based on multi-scale context convolution features is proposed. In real scenes, the scale of the object is often changeable, and it is difficult to distinguish all objects based on single scale image features. In order to obtain multi-scale feature representation of images, hierarchical features are extracted by convolutional neural network, and then FPN (feature pyramid network) is established. FPN is composed of convolutional layers. The feature maps of different scales are outputted from different convolutional layers. The information of FPN is propagated in three directions: bottom-up, top-down and transverse. In the bottom-up and top-down paths, the feature map of the former contains less semantic information, but it is more accurate for object location, while the latter has more semantic information. However, after several downsampling, most spatial information of the object is lost. Through transverse connection, feature complementarity and multi-scale fusion can be realized. The object candidate regions are generated by RPN network, and the corresponding object regions are located in each level of feature pyramid. Then, the object multi-scale features are extracted. Since the object usually does not exist independently, the background has more or less influence on the object. The structural relationship between the object and the background produces context information. Context information is introduced into the algorithm and fused into the multi-scale feature representation of the object to further enhance the discriminant ability of the object features. The contextual features are extracted around the candidate targets in the multi-scale feature map, and then, like the object features, are pooled by ROI and sent to the full-connectivity layer, respectively. The two sets of fixed-length feature vectors are connected to obtain the multi-scale features fused with the contextual information. The whole convolutional neural network can be trained end-to-end. In order to realize vehicle detection and type recognition simultaneously, multi-task loss function is defined to learn network parameters. In order to verify the validity of the proposed algorithm, the performance of several current mainstream algorithms is compared, including YOLOV2, YOLOV3, SSD, R-FCN. Through training and testing on PASCAL VOC data set and self-made engineering vehicle data set, it is shown that the proposed algorithm is superior to the existing object detection algorithm in precision and recall rate, and has good robustness to the influence factors of vehicle scale, shape change and complex background.
表 1 不同算法在VOC数据集下的检测性能
Table 1. Detection performance of different algorithms under VOC data sets
Algorithm Bus Car mAP/% MacroF1/% AP/% F1/% AP/% F1/% YOLOV2 79.8 83.3 76.5 84.2 78.1 83.8 YOLOV3 87.6 86.9 87.7 87.2 87.6 87.0 SSD 79.4 86.4 76.1 84.8 77.7 85.6 R-FCN 85.9 86.8 86.1 87.0 86.0 86.9 Ours 87.4 87.0 89.4 87.6 88.4 87.3 表 2 不同算法在SC数据集上的检测性能
Table 2. Detection performance of different algorithms on SC data sets
Algorithm Crane Digger mAP/% MacroF1/% AP/% F1/% AP/% F1/% YOLOV2 89.3 91.1 91.2 92.3 90.2 91.7 YOLOV3 91.1 92.4 91.8 93.2 91.4 92.8 SSD 82.7 84.6 86.6 85.6 84.7 85.1 R-FCN 88.0 84.8 89.7 87.3 88.8 86.0 Ours 91.0 92.6 92.7 93.4 91.9 93 -
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