
郭治成, 党建武, 王阳萍, 等. 基于多特征融合的背景建模方法[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180206. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180206
引用本文: 郭治成, 党建武, 王阳萍, 等. 基于多特征融合的背景建模方法[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180206. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180206
Guo Zhicheng, Dang Jianwu, Wang Yangping, et al. Background modeling method based on multi-feature fusion[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180206. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180206
Citation: Guo Zhicheng, Dang Jianwu, Wang Yangping, et al. Background modeling method based on multi-feature fusion[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180206. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180206


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学基金项目(61661026, 61162016, 61650207);甘肃省教育厅计划项目(2017D-08);甘肃省科技厅计划项目(1610RJZA039, 144WCGA162);兰州交通大学青年基金项目(2016005)
    *通讯作者: 党建武(1963-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事机器视觉、人工智能和图像处理的研究。E-mail:dangjw@mail.lzjtu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391

Background modeling method based on multi-feature fusion

  • Fund Project: Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (61661026, 61162016), the Provincial Education Department of Gansu Province, China (2017D-08), the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province, China (1610RJZA039, 144WCGA162), and the Young Scholars Science Foundation of Lanzhou Jiaotong University (2016005)
More Information
  • 为了构建鲁棒的背景模型和提高前景目标检测的准确性, 综合考虑视频图像在同一位置上像素点的时间相关性和邻域像素的空间相关性, 本文提出一种基于多特征融合的背景建模方法, 用单帧图像中像素的邻域相关性快速建立初始背景模型, 利用视频图像序列像素值、频数、更新时间和自适应敏感度更新背景模型, 有效改善了ghost现象, 减少运动目标的孔洞和假前景。通过多组数据测试, 表明本算法提高了对动态背景、复杂背景的适应性和鲁棒性。

  • Overview: Background modeling of moving targets is one of the research focal points and difficulties in machine vision and intelligent video processing. Its goal is to extract the change regions from the video sequence and effectively detect the moving targets for follow-up research such as object tracking, target classification, and application understanding such as behavior analysis and behavior understanding plays an important role. The commonly used detection methods include frame difference method, optical flow method, and background difference method. The background difference method has the advantages of small overhead, high speed, high accuracy, and accurate target extraction. It has become the most common method for detecting moving targets. The detection performance of the background difference method mainly depends on a robust background model. The background model establishment and update algorithm directly affects the detection effect of the final target. In order to build a robust background model and improve the accuracy of foreground detection, the temporal correlation of pixels in the same location of the video image and the spatial correlation of pixels in the neighborhood are considered comprehensively. This paper proposed a background modeling method based on multi-feature fusion. The rapid establishment of the initial background model with the first frame of the video sequence reduces the complexity of modeling sampling. The background model is updated using the video image sequence pixel values, frequency, update time, and adaptive sensitivity, wherein the adaptive sensitivity uses the feedback information of the pixel level background to adaptively acquire sensitivity for regions of different complexity to adapt to different complexity backgrounds. The high complexity background area has a high sensitivity, avoids the generation of erroneous front sights, and has a low complexity background area with less sensitivity and reduces misidentification of background points. The algorithm effectively improves the ghost phenomenon through multiple features, reducing the holes in the moving object in the foreground and the false foreground caused by pixel drift. In order to verify the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed algorithm, four background modeling algorithms, CodeBook, MOG, PBAS and ViBe, were selected for comparison experiments. Experiments selected Bootstrap, TimeOfDay, and WavingTrees in the Microsoft Wallflower paper dataset, highway, canoe, fountain02 in the CDNet2014 dataset, and were divided into three types of scene test algorithms: indoor, outdoor, and complex backgrounds. The test results show that this algorithm improves the adaptability and robustness of dynamic background and complex background.

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  • 图 1  图像邻域相关性。(a)视频第一帧;(b)区域A 5×5邻域像素值;(c)区域B 5×5邻域像素值

    Figure 1.  Image domain correlation. (a) First frame; (b) Area A 5×5 pixels; (c) Area B 5×5 pixels

    图 2  像素值动态变化。(a)连续100帧图像序列;(b)区域A和区域B复杂度

    Figure 2.  The dynamically changed pixels. (a) 100 frame image sequence; (b) The complexity of regional A and B

    图 3  五种算法结果对比

    Figure 3.  The results comparison processed byfive algorithms

    表 1  五种算法处理速度对比

    Table 1.  The speed comparison processed by five algorithms

    Method WavingTrees Bootstrap Hightway Fountain02
    Codebook 0.6 0.03 0.66 0.03 1.28 0.07 1.45 0.09
    MOG 2.30 0.29 2.29 0.27 8.45 1.21 9.12 1.65
    ViBe 0.11 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.48 0.13 0.56 0.21
    PBAS 0.09 0.37 0.10 0.35 0.33 0.56 0.48 0.63
    Proposed 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.22 0.23 0.29 0.33
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    表 2  普通场景准确性验证

    Table 2.  The verification of accuracy under ordinary scene

    Method Bootstrap TimeOfDay WavingTrees Highway
    Codebook 0.37 0.63 11 0.37 1 4.3 0.77 0.73 16 0.7 0.89 4.8
    MOG 0.29 0.63 12 0.49 0.31 11 0.7 0.69 19 0.75 0.96 3.5
    PBAS 0.39 0.57 12 0.4 0.98 4.1 1 0.68 15 0.92 0.92 2.1
    ViBe 0.4 0.53 13 0.32 1 4.7 0.65 0.69 20 0.71 0.94 4.3
    Proposed 0.58 0.57 11 0.42 1 3.9 0.96 0.88 5.3 0.81 0.98 2.6
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    表 3  复杂场景准确性验证

    Table 3.  The verification of accuracy under complex scene

    Method Canoe Fountain02
    Codebook 0.53 0.34 16 0.93 0.58 1.6
    MOG 0.3 0.5 11 0.61 0.71 1.3
    PBAS 0.95 0.41 15 0.58 0.59 1.7
    ViBe 0.71 0.66 6.9 0.61 0.68 1.4
    Proposed 0.83 0.73 5.1 0.81 0.76 0.94
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收稿日期:  2018-04-19
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