
徐丹阳, 杜春年. 基于面阵CCD的高灵敏度微型光谱仪的设计与实现[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(11): 180152. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180152
引用本文: 徐丹阳, 杜春年. 基于面阵CCD的高灵敏度微型光谱仪的设计与实现[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(11): 180152. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180152
Xu Danyang, Du Chunnian. Design and implementation of high sensitivity micro spectrometer based on area array CCD[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(11): 180152. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180152
Citation: Xu Danyang, Du Chunnian. Design and implementation of high sensitivity micro spectrometer based on area array CCD[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(11): 180152. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180152


  • 基金项目:
  • 中图分类号: TH741

Design and implementation of high sensitivity micro spectrometer based on area array CCD

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11604295) and the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation (LQ17C100002)
More Information
  • 面阵CCD具有灵敏度高、动态范围大的优点,适用于荧光测量、DNA测序、拉曼光谱分析和低光度检测,因此,研制基于面阵CCD的高灵敏度微型光纤光谱仪具有重要的实际价值。光学系统采用了优化后的交叉非对称型Czerny-Turner结构,并获得了1 nm的光学分辨率。结合DC-DC和LDO的设计方法,通过USB供电实现了6路电压输出的复杂电源系统设计; 通过Verilog HDL完成了CCD驱动时序设计; 采用Altera公司的EPM7064芯片实现了驱动信号输出。CCD输出的视频信号经双相关采样的高速16位AD芯片AD9826转换后存储在独立的静态RAM中,使得数据的采集和读取分离。所设计与实现的微型高灵敏度光纤光谱仪的灵敏度是通常基于线阵CCD的微型光谱仪的11倍左右,动态范围20000:1,信噪比达到500:1,很大程度地提高了微型光纤光谱仪的性能。

  • Overview: Spectrometer is animportant instrument for spectral detection. It is used to measure thecomposition and structure of a substance. It has the advantages of fastmeasuring speed, high accuracy and nondestructive measurement. Traditionalspectroscopic instruments, with their huge volume and high price, almost limitsuch instruments to the laboratory. In recent years, on the one hand, theurgent needs of biomedicine, science and technology agriculture and otherapplications require analytical instruments to develop in the direction ofminiaturization and intelligence. On the other hand, it is possible to make thespectrometer miniature, thanks to the development of microelectromechanical systems(MEMS) and the mass production of optical fiber devices, as well as theappearance of micro optoelectronic detection devices.

    Comparedto the linear array CCD, the area array CCD is more sensitive to the spectralresponse, which is very suitable for the applications of high quantumefficiency, such as pesticide residue detection, DNA detection, fluorescencedetection and Raman spectrum detection. Therefore, the development of highlysensitive micro fiber spectrometer can broaden the applications ofspectrometers, which is of great practical significance. At present, the technologyof micro spectrometer is mostly used at home and abroad. The first method is touse MEMS technology, two element optics and integrated optics. The secondmethod is to use the miniaturization of components and systems, which is themainstream method at present. The American Brimrose company and Jet Propulsionlaboratory developed a micro crystal NIR spectrometer based on acousto-optictunable filter (AOTF) with a new type of filter technology, with a resolutionof 0.0125 nm. Relevant research institutes in China include research institutessuch as Zhejiang University, Chongqing University and Changchun Institute ofOptical Precision Machinery and Physics, CAS.

    Theoptical resolution of 1 nm is obtained by using an optimized cross-asymmetricCzerny-Turner optical system structure. By combining the design methods ofDC-DC and LDO, the complex power system with 6 voltage outputs is realized throughUSB power supply. The CCD drive timing design is achieved by Verilog HDLlanguage and the signals are output through Altera's EPM7064 chip. After theCCD output video signal is converted by high-speed 16 bit AD chip AD9826, digitalsignals are stored in a separate static RAM, allowing data acquisition andreading to be separated. The sensitivity of the designed micro-high sensitivityspectrometer is 11 times of that of spectrometer based on linear array CCD. Furthermore,it has a dynamic range of 20000: 1 and a signal-to-noise ratio of 500: 1. Thiswork greatly improves the microfiber spectrometer performance.

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  • 图 1  微型光谱仪系统结构图

    Figure 1.  Structure of micro spectrometer system

    图 2  交叉切尔尼-特纳光学系统图

    Figure 2.  Diagram of crossed Czerny-Turner optical system

    图 3  Zemax模拟优化光路图

    Figure 3.  Simulated and optimized optical path using Zemax

    图 4  点列图。(a) 200 nm;(b) 550 nm;(c) 800 nm;(d) 900 nm

    Figure 4.  The spot diagrams. (a) 200 nm; (b) 550 nm; (c) 800 nm; (d) 900 nm

    图 5  HG-1汞-氩校准光源实测光谱图

    Figure 5.  Measured spectrogram of HG-1 mercury argon calibrated light source

    图 6  电源系统方案

    Figure 6.  Scheme of power system

    图 7  时序产生原理图

    Figure 7.  Timing generation schematic

    图 8  双相关采样原理图

    Figure 8.  Principle of correlated double sampler (CDS)

    图 9  时序仿真图

    Figure 9.  Diagram of CPLD timing simulation

    图 10  STM32控制流程图

    Figure 10.  Flow chart STM32 control

    图 11  卤钨灯光谱测试图

    Figure 11.  The spectrum of halogen lamp

    图 12  信噪比测试结果曲线。(a) USB2000+;(b)高灵敏度光谱仪

    Figure 12.  Curve of the signal to noise ratio test. (a) USB2000+; (b) High sensitivity micro spectrometer

    图 13  动态范围测试结果曲线。(a) USB2000+;(b)高灵敏度光谱仪

    Figure 13.  Curve of the dynamic range test. (a) USB2000+; (b) High sensitivity micro spectrometer

    表 1  系统电压分布表

    Table 1.  Table of system voltage distribution

    Parameter Reference range/V Design value/V Electrical equipment
    Leakage voltage of CCD output transistor 23~25 24 CCD
    CCD reset leakage voltage 11~13 12 CCD
    CCD output gate voltage 4~6 6 CCD
    CCD vertical drive time series high level 4~8 6 CCD
    CCD vertical drive timing low level -9~-7 -8 CCD
    CCD vertical drive time series high level 4~8 6 CCD
    CCD vertical drive timing low level -6~-4 -5 CCD
    Digital partial voltage 3.1~3.5 3.3 CPLD, STM32, et al
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    表 2  参数对比表

    Table 2.  Parameter comparison table

    Parameter USB2000+ Independent design
    Measurement wavelength/nm 350~1050 200~900
    Minimum integral time/ms 1 0.5
    SNR 250:1 500:1
    A/D conversion/bit 16 16
    CCD model ILX511B S11510
    CCD response range/nm 200~1100 200~1100
    Dynamic range 1300:1 20000:1
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