Proposal application and funding in optics and optoelectronics disciplines managed by national natural science foundation of China in 2024
Abstract:In 2024, under the background of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) reform of the project application rules and scientific research funding management mechanism during the centralized acceptance period, the discipline of F05 "Optics and Optoelectronics" carried out funding strategy reform and practical work. Firstly, this work focuses on the application and funding situation of general projects, youth science fund projects, regional science fund projects, key projects, outstanding youth science fund projects and outstanding young scholar science fund projects, and systematically analyzes the application scale, funding ratio and change trend. Then, the distribution of project applications and funding support units is comprehensively sorted out. And the current frontier research hotspots and potential growth points of optics and optoelectronics are analyzed in combination with the classification of secondary codes. Finally, the comparative effect of the "responsible, credibility, and contribution" (RCC) evaluation mechanism on the fairness, justice and efficiency of the discipline funding system is revealed. The purpose of this work is to provide a detailed reference framework for experts and scholars who apply for NSFC funding in the next year and stimulate innovation.
Key words:
- national natural science foundation /
- optoelectronics /
- optics
图 5 F05学科光学和光电子学领域二级代码研究主题热词词云。(a)信息处理与显示;(b)激光与光源;(c)光电子器件与技术;(d)材料与物理;(e)成像与传感;(f)前沿与交叉学科
Figure 5. Hotspot word clouds of research topics in the sub-disciplines of F05 Optics and Optoelectronics. (a) Information processing and display; (b) Lasers and light sources; (c) Optoelectronic devices and technologies; (d) Materials and physics; (e) Imaging and sensing; (f) Frontier and interdisciplinary research
表 1 2024年F05学科16个二级代码下的自由类项目申请与资助情况
Table 1. Application and funding situation of free projects under 16 secondary codes of F05 discipline in 2024
二级代码 面上项目 青年项目 地区项目 申请项目 资助项目 申请项目 资助项目 申请项目 资助项目 F0501 268 31 213 43 21 2 F0502 345 42 250 53 28 5 F0503 238 29 167 34 11 1 F0504 140 15 98 17 6 0 F0505 88 12 41 7 4 1 F0506 246 30 224 46 10 2 F0507 192 21 172 34 15 0 F0508 156 16 131 26 3 1 F0509 211 25 136 25 19 2 F0510 70 9 71 14 4 2 F0511 233 30 150 34 14 3 F0512 32 4 19 4 6 1 F0513 140 18 109 25 11 0 F0514 54 7 55 13 3 1 F0515 45 5 26 7 2 0 F0516 57 4 40 4 3 0 -
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